Manage protocols debug level using the GUI

The Protocols Debug Level section displays the debug level for the S3 and NFS protocols only (the SMB debug level is not shown). You can change the debug level only for the configured protocols.

Using the GUI, you can:

Once the server is restarted, the log verbosity level reverts to its default.

Update S3 debug level

If the S3 protocol is configured, you can change the debug level for all servers or specified servers.

The available debug levels are:

  • 0 - CRITICAL

  • 1 - ERROR

  • 2 - WARNING

  • 3 - INFO

  • 4 - DEBUG

  • 5 - TRACE


  1. From the menu, select Configure > Cluster Settings.

  2. From the left pane, select Support.

  3. On the Protocols Debug Level section, select Change S3 debug level.

  4. On the Update S3 Debug Level dialog, set the following properties:

    • Level: Select the debug level.

    • All servers: If you want to apply the update on all the servers, switch to On. If you want to apply the update on specific servers, switch to Off and select the required servers.

Update NFS debug level

If the NFS protocol is configured, you can change the debug level for all servers or specified servers.

The available debug levels are:

  • 1 - EVENT

  • 2 - INFO

  • 3 - DEBUG

  • 4 - MID DEBUG

  • 5 - FULL DEBUG


  1. From the menu, select Configure > Cluster Settings.

  2. From the left pane, select Support.

  3. On the Protocols Debug Level section, select Change NFS debug level.

  4. On the Update NFS Debug Level dialog, set the following properties:

    • Level: Select the debug level.

    • All servers: If you want to apply the update on all the servers, switch to On. If you want to apply the update on specific servers, switch to Off and select the required servers.

Update SMB debug level

If the SMB protocol is configured, you can change the debug level for all servers or specified servers.

The available debug levels are:

  • 0 - NO DEBUG

  • 5 - MID DEBUG

  • 10 - FULL DEBUG


  1. From the menu, select Configure > Cluster Settings.

  2. From the left pane, select Support.

  3. On the Protocols Debug Level section, select Change SMB debug level.

  4. On the Update SMB Debug Level dialog, set the following properties:

    • Level: Select the debug level.

    • All servers: If you want to apply the update on all the servers, switch to On. If you want to apply the update on specific servers, switch to Off and select the required servers.