Manage the TLS certificate using the CLI

This page describes how to deploy and replace the TLS certificate using the CLI.

Set the TLS certificate

Command: weka security tls set

Use the following command line to use TLS when accessing UI. If TLS is already set, this command updates the key and certificate.

weka security tls set [--private-key private-key] [--certificate certificate]




Path to TLS private unencrypted key pem file.


Path to TLS certificate pem file.


This command is similar to the WEKA's OpenSSL command to generate the self-signed certificate: openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days <days> -nodes

Replace the TLS certificate

To replace the TLS certificate with a new one, use the CLI command: weka security tls set.

Once you issue a TLS certificate, it is used for connecting to the cluster (for the time it is issued), while the revocation is handled by the CA and propagating its revocation lists into the various clients.

Unset the TLS certificate

You can unset your TLS certificates using the CLI command: weka security tls unset.

Download the TLS certificate

To download the TLS certificate, use the CLI command: weka security tls download.

View the TLS certificate status

To view the cluster TLS status and certificate, use the CLI command: weka security tls status.

Last updated