WEKA REST API and equivalent CLI commands

Explore the tasks you can program using the WEKA REST API, equivalent CLI commands, and the related information to learn the theory.

To maximize your success with the REST API, it's essential to familiarize yourself with the comprehensive documentation. This valuable resource provides in-depth insights into the subject matter. Moreover, each REST API method corresponds to a CLI command. Additionally, many parameters accessible through the CLI are equally accessible when using the REST API. Run the CLI command help for details. This ensures a smooth and consistent experience across both interfaces.

Active Directory

Related information: User management


Update Active Directory: Change the cluster's configuration to use a different Active Directory server or modify its settings.

weka user ldap setup-ad


Related information: Alerts


View all alerts: Get a complete list of active alerts, including silenced ones.

weka alerts

List possible alerts: See all types of alerts the cluster can generate.

weka alerts types

List alert types with actions: View different alert types and their recommended troubleshooting steps.

weka alerts describe

Mute alerts by type: Silence specific types of alerts.

weka alerts mute <alert-type> <duration>

Unmute alerts by type: Reactivate specific types of alerts.

weka alerts unmute <alert-type>


Related information: WEKA Home - The WEKA support cloud


View cloud WEKA Home configuration: See the existing settings for the cloud WEKA Home service.

weka cloud status

View cloud WEKA Home proxy URL: Get the existing URL to access cloud services.

weka cloud proxy

Set cloud WEKA Home proxy URL: Change the URL used to access cloud services.

weka cloud proxy --set <proxy_url>

View cloud WEKA Home upload rate: See the existing data upload speed to the cloud service.

weka cloud upload-rate

Set cloud WEKA Home upload rate: Define the preferred data upload speed to the cloud service.

weka cloud upload-rate set --bytes-per-second <bps>

View cloud WEKA Home URL: Get the URL for accessing the cloud WEKA Home service.

weka cloud status

Enable cloud WEKA Home: Start using the cloud WEKA Home service.

weka cloud enable --cloud-url <cloud> --cloud-stats <on/off>

Disable cloud WEKA Home: Stop using the cloud WEKA Home service.

weka cloud disable


Related information: WEKA cluster installation on bare metal servers


Create a cluster: Start a new cluster with chosen configurations.

weka cluster create <host-hostnames>

Update cluster configuration: Modify settings for an existing cluster.

weka cluster update

View cluster status: Check the overall health and performance of the cluster.

weka status --json


Related information: Expand and shrink cluster resources


List containers: See all containers running in the cluster.

weka cluster container

Add a container: Introduce a new container to the cluster (apply afterward to activate).

weka cluster container add <hostname>

View container details: Get information about a specific container (resources, state).

weka cluster container <container-ids>

Update container configuration: Change settings for a container (cores, memory).

weka cluster container <container-ids> <subcommand>

Remove a container: Stop and delete a container from the cluster.

weka cluster container remove <container-ids>

Apply configuration updates: Implement changes to all containers.

weka cluster container apply

Apply configuration updates: Implement changes to specific containers.

weka cluster container apply <container-ids>

Clear container failure: Reset the error record for a container.

weka cluster container clear-failure<container-ids>

Monitor container resources: Track resource usage (CPU, memory) for containers.

weka cluster container resources <container-ids>

Start all containers: Bring all inactive containers online and running.

weka cluster container activate

Start a specific container: Activate an individual container by name or identifier.

weka cluster container activate <container-ids>

Stop all containers: Gracefully shut down all running containers.

weka cluster container deactivate

Stop a specific container: Deactivate an individual container by name or identifier.

weka cluster container deactivate <container-ids>

View network details for all containers: See the network configuration and connectivity information for each container within the cluster.

weka cluster container net

View network details for a specific container: See the network configuration and connectivity information for a single container specified by its name or identifier.

weka cluster container net <container-ids>

Assign dedicated network: Give a container its network device (apply afterward to activate).

weka cluster container net add <container-ids>

Remove dedicated network: Take away a container's dedicated network device (apply afterward to activate).

weka cluster container net remove <container-ids>

View container hardware: See hardware details (IP addresses) for containers.

weka cluster container info-hw

Default network

Related information: 6. Configure default data networking (optional)


Check default network setup: Review the predefined network properties for container deployments.

weka cluster default-net

Define new network defaults: Define the IP address range, gateway address, and subnet mask to be used for future container network assignments.

weka cluster default-net set

Modify existing network defaults: Change the parameters like IP range, gateway, or subnet mask used for future container network assignments.

weka cluster default-net update

Clear custom network defaults: Remove any modifications to the standard network settings and return to the initial baseline.

weka cluster default-net reset


Related information: Expand and shrink cluster resources


View a list of all SSD drives in the cluster: Get information about all available SSD drives within the cluster, including size, UUID, status, and more. drive

weka cluster drive

Add a new SSD drive to a container: Attach an additional SSD drive to a specific container within the cluster to expand its available resources.

weka cluster drive add <container-id> <device-paths>

View a specific SSD drive in the cluster: Get detailed information about a particular SSD drive in the cluster.

weka cluster drive <uuids>

Remove an SSD drive from the cluster: Detach an SSD drive from the cluster, making it unavailable for further use.

weka cluster drive remove <uuids>

Activate SSD drives in the cluster: Bring one or more SSD drives online and make them available for use in the cluster.

weka cluster drive activate <uuids>

Deactivate SSD drives in the cluster: Temporarily take one or more SSD drives offline, preventing their use in the cluster while preserving the stored data.

weka cluster drive deactivate <uuids>


Related information: Events

Filter and explore events: Find specific events in the cluster by applying filters based on criteria like severity, category, and time range.

weka events

Get event details: View a detailed description of a specific event type, including its meaning and potential causes.

weka events list-types

Analyze event trends: See how events occur over time by aggregating them within a specific time interval.

weka events --start-time <start> --end-time <end> --show-internal

Trace events by server: Focus on events generated by a specific server in the cluster for deeper troubleshooting.

weka events list-local

Create custom events: Trigger and record your custom events with additional user-defined parameters for enhanced monitoring and logging.

weka events trigger-event

Failure domains

Related information: SSD capacity management


View all failure domains: Get a list of all available failure domains within the cluster.

weka cluster failure-domain

View details of a specific failure domain: See information about a single failure domain, including its resources and capacity.

weka cluster container <container-ids>


Related information:


List all filesystems: Get a complete list of all defined filesystems in the cluster.

weka fs

Create a new filesystem: Configure and establish a new filesystem within the cluster.

weka fs create

View details of a specific filesystem: Obtain specific information about a specified filesystem, like its size, quota, and usage.

weka fs --name <name>

Modify a filesystem: Change the settings or properties of an existing filesystem.

weka fs update <name>

Delete a filesystem: Remove a chosen filesystem and its data from the cluster.

weka fs delete <name>

Attach an object store bucket: Link an object store bucket to a filesystem, allowing data access from both locations.

weka fs tier s3 attach <fs-name>

Detach an object store bucket: Disconnect an object store bucket from a filesystem, separating their data access.

weka fs tier s3 detach <fs-name> <obs-name>

Restore a filesystem from a snapshot: Create a new filesystem based on a saved snapshot stored in an object store bucket.

weka fs download

View thin-provisioning status: Check the existing allocated thin-provisioning space reserved for your organization within the cluster.

weka fs reserve status

Reserve guaranteed SSD for your organization: Set the thin-provisioning space for your organization's filesystems.

weka fs reserve set <ssd-capacity>

Release dedicated SSD space for your organization: Remove the existing reserved thin-provisioning space allocated for your organization's filesystems.

weka fs reserve unset --org <org>

Get metadata for a specific file or directory: See detailed information about a specific file or directory using its unique identifier "inode context".

weka debug fs resolve-inode


Related information: Quota management


View quotas: See a list of the existing quota settings for all directories within the filesystem.

weka fs quota list <fs-name>

View default quotas: Check the default quota configuration applied to new directories.

weka fs quota list-default

View/list the parameters of a specific directory quota

weka fs quota list <fs-name> --path <path>

Set/update a directory quota (empty only): Specify disk space limits for an individual directory (requires a directory with no existing files).

weka fs quota set <path>

Update directory quota parameters: Modify specific settings (like grace period) for an existing directory quota.

weka fs quota set <path> --soft <soft> --hard <hard> --grace <grace> --owner <owner>

Remove a directory quota (empty only): Disable the quota restrictions for a directory (requires a directory with no existing files).

weka fs quota unset <path>

Set/update default quota: Establish or change the default quota applied to all newly created directories.

weka fs quota set-default <path>

Unset a default directory quota: Disable the pre-defined quota restrictions automatically applied to new directories within the filesystem.

weka fs quota unset-default <path>

Filesystem group

Related information: Manage filesystem groups


View filesystem groups: See a list of all existing filesystem groups.

weka fs group

Create/add a filesystem group: Establish a new group to share and manage access control for certain filesystems.

weka fs group create

View filesystem group details: Get specific information about a particular filesystem group.


Update a filesystem group: Modify the properties of an existing filesystem group.

weka fs group update <name>

Delete a filesystem group: Remove a filesystem group and its associated permissions.

weka fs group delete <name>



Check REST API status: Verify the existing functionality and availability of the REST API used for programmatic system access.


Check GUI status: Confirm the proper operation and responsiveness of the graphical user interface.


Interface Group

Related information: Manage the NFS protocol


View interface groups: See a list of all interface groups configured in the system.

weka nfs interface-group

Create/add an interface group: Set up a new interface group to manage network configuration for specific P addresses and ports.

weka nfs interface-group add

View interface group details: See specific information about a particular interface group.

weka nfs interface-group --name <name>

Delete an interface group: Remove an interface group and its associated network definitions.

weka nfs interface-group delete <name>

Update an interface group: Modify the settings of an existing interface group.

weka nfs interface-group update <name>

Add an IP range to an interface group: Define a specific range of IP addresses within the existing interface group for network access.

weka nfs interface-group ip-range add <name> <ips>

Add a port to an interface group: Assign a specific port number to the interface group, making it accessible through that port.

weka nfs interface-group port add <name> <server-id> <port>

Remove an IP range from an interface group: Delete a previously defined IP range from the interface group, disabling its access.

weka nfs interface-group port delete <name> <port>

Remove a port from an interface group: Unassign a specific port from the interface group, making it no longer accessible through that port.

weka nfs interface-group ip-range delete <name> <ips>

View floating IPs: See a list of all allocated floating IPs and their existing assignments.

weka nfs interface-group assignment

Add port for all interface groups: Assign a port to be accessible by the specified interface group.

weka nfs interface-group port add <name> <server-id> <port>


Related information: Security management


View KMS configuration: See the existing Key Management Service (KMS) settings for encrypting filesystems.

weka security kms

Set configuration (new KMS): Establish a new KMS configuration with details like type, address, and key identifier.

weka security kms set <type> <address> <key-identifier>

Delete configuration (unused only): Remove the KMS configuration if no encrypted filesystems rely on it.

weka security kms unset

View existing KMS type: Find out whether HashiCorp Vault or KMIP is used for KMS.

weka security kms

Re-encrypt filesystems: Update the encryption keys for existing filesystems using the new KMS master key.

weka security kms rewrap


Related information: User management


View LDAP configuration: Get detailed information about the configured settings for connecting to your LDAP server. This includes information like the server address, port, base DN, and authentication method.

weka user ldap

Update LDAP configuration: Modify the existing settings used for connecting to your LDAP server. This may involve changing the server details, authentication credentials, or other relevant parameters.

weka user ldap setup

Disable LDAP: Deactivate the integration with your LDAP server for user authentication.

weka user ldap disable


Related information: License overview


View license details: Get information about the configured cluster license, including resource usage and validity.

weka cluster license

Set license: Install a new cluster license for continued operation.

weka cluster license set <license>

Remove license: Deactivate the existing license and return the cluster to unlicensed mode.

weka cluster license reset

Lockout policy

Related information: Account lockout threshold policy management


View policy: See the configured settings for the lockout policy, including attempt limits and duration.

weka security lockout-config show

Update policy: Modify the parameters of the lockout policy to adjust login security.

weka security lockout-config set

Reset lockout: Clear the failed login attempts counter and unlock any currently locked accounts.

weka security lockout-config reset


Related information: Obtain authentication tokens


Log in to the cluster: Authenticate and grant access to the cluster using valid credentials. Securely save user credentials in the user's home directory upon successful login.

weka user login

Retrieve access token: Obtain a new access token using an existing refresh token. The system creates an authentication token file and saves it in ~/.weka/auth-token.json. The token file contains both the access token and the refresh token.

weka user login

Mounts Defaults

Related information:


View cluster-wide mount options: See the configured mount options applied to all filesystems across the cluster.

weka cluster mount-defaults show

Set cluster-wide mount options: Configure default options for mounting filesystems across the cluster.

weka cluster mount-defaults set

Reset cluster-wide mount options: Revert default mount options to initial settings for all filesystems in the cluster.

weka cluster mount-defaults reset


Related information: Manage the NFS protocol


View NFS permissions: See a list of the existing access controls for client groups accessing filesystems through NFS.

weka nfs permission

Grant NFS permissions: Assign permissions for a specific client group to access a designated NFS-mounted filesystem.

weka nfs permission add <fs_name> <client-group-name>

View NFS permissions of a specific filesystem: See existing access controls for client groups accessing a specific filesystem through NFS.

weka nfs permission --filesystem <fs_name>

Modify NFS permissions: Update existing access controls for client groups using an NFS-mounted filesystem.

weka nfs permission update <fs_name> <client-group-name>

Revoke access: Remove permissions for client groups to access a designated NFS-mounted filesystem.

weka nfs permission delete <fs_name> <client-group-name>

View NFS client groups: See a list of all defined client groups for managing NFS access control.

weka nfs client-group

Create/add NFS client group: Establish a new group to manage access controls for NFS mounts.

weka nfs client-group add <group-name>

View a specific NFS client group: See a specific NFS client group for managing NFS access control.

weka nfs client-group --name <client-group-name>

Delete an NFS client group: Remove an existing NFS client group.

weka nfs client-group delete <client-group-name>

Add a DNS rule: Assign a DNS rule to an NFS client group for access control.

weka nfs rules add dns <client-group-name> <dns-rule>

Remove a DNS rule: Delete a DNS rule associated with an NFS client group.

weka nfs rules delete dns <client-group-name> <dns-rule>

Configure cluster-wide NFS settings: Manage global parameters for NFS operations, including the mountd service port, configuration filesystem for NFSv4, and supported NFS versions.

weka nfs global-config set

View cluster-wide NFS configuration: Get the global parameters for NFS operations, including the mountd service port, configuration filesystem for NFSv4, and supported NFS versions.

weka nfs global-config show

View logging verbosity: Check the existing logging level for container processes involved in the NFS cluster.

weka nfs debug-level show

Set logging verbosity: Adjust the logging level for container processes involved in the NFS cluster.

weka nfs debug-level set <debug-level>

Object store

Related information: Manage object stores


Update object store connection: Update details for an existing object store connection.

weka fs tier obs update <obs-name>

Object store bucket

Related information: Manage object stores


View S3 configurations: See a list of connection and status details for all S3 object store buckets.

weka fs tier s3

Create an S3 connection: Establish a new S3 object store bucket connection.

weka fs tier s3 add <obs-name>

View an S3 connection: See a list of connection and status details for a specific S3 object store bucket.

weka fs tier s3 --obs-name <obs-name> --name <bucket-name>

Delete an S3 connection: Remove an existing S3 object store connection.

weka fs tier s3 delete <obs-name>

Update an S3 connection: Modify an existing S3 object store bucket connection.

weka fs tier s3 update <bucket-name>

View snapshots: List and view details about uploaded snapshots within an object store.

weka fs tier s3 snapshot list <bucket-name>


Related information: Organizations management


Check for multiple organizations: Verify if multiple organizations exist within the cluster.

weka org

View organizations: See a list of all organizations defined in the cluster.

weka org

Add organization: Create a new organization within the cluster.

weka org create

View organization details: See information about an existing organization.

weka org <org name or ID>

Delete organization: Remove an organization from the cluster.

weka org delete <org name or ID>

Update organization name: Change the name of an existing organization.

weka org rename <org name or ID> <new-org-name>

Set organization quotas: Define SSD and total storage quotas for an organization.

weka org set-quota <org name or ID>


Related information: WEKA containers architecture overview


View all processes' details: See information about all running processes within the cluster.

weka cluster processes

View process details: See information about a specific process based on its ID.

weka cluster processes <process-ids>


Related information: Manage the S3 protocol


View S3 cluster information: See details about the S3 cluster managed by WEKA.

weka s3 cluster

Create an S3 cluster: Establish a new S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster create

Update an S3 cluster: Modify the configuration of an existing S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster update

Delete an S3 cluster: Remove an S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster destroy

View buckets: See a list of all buckets within an S3 cluster.

weka s3 bucket list

Create an S3 bucket: Establish a new bucket within an S3 cluster.

weka s3 bucket create

View S3 user policies: See a list of S3 user policies.

weka s3 bucket policy

Delete an S3 bucket: Delete a specified S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket delete <bucket-name>

View S3 IAM policies: See a list of S3 IAM policies.

weka s3 policy list

Add an S3 IAM policy: Create a new S3 IAM policy.

weka s3 policy add

View S3 IAM policy details: See details about a specific S3 IAM policy.

weka s3 policy show <policy-name>

Remove an S3 IAM policy: Delete an S3 IAM policy.

weka s3 policy remove <policy-name>

Attach an S3 IAM policy to a user: Assign an S3 IAM policy to a user.

weka s3 policy attach <policy> <user>‌

Detach an S3 IAM policy from a user: Remove an S3 IAM policy from a user.

weka s3 policy detach <user>‌‌

View service accounts: See a list of S3 service accounts.

weka s3 service-account list

Create an S3 service account: Establish a new S3 service account.

weka s3 service-account add <policy-file>

View service account details: See details about a specific S3 service account.

weka s3 service-account show <access-key>

Delete an S3 service account: Remove an S3 service account.

weka s3 service-account remove <access-key>

Create an S3 STS token: Create an S3 STS token with an assumed role.

weka s3 sts assume-role

Add lifecycle rule: Create a new lifecycle rule for an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule add <bucket-name>

Reset lifecycle rules: Reset all lifecycle rules for an S3 bucket to their default settings.

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule reset <bucket-name>

View lifecycle rules: See a list of all lifecycle rules for an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule list <bucket-name>

Delete lifecycle rule: Remove a lifecycle rule from an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule remove <bucket-name> <rule-name>

View S3 bucket policy: See the policy attached to an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket policy get <bucket-name>

Set S3 bucket policy: Assign a policy to an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket policy set <bucket-name> <bucket-policy>

View S3 bucket policy (JSON): See the bucket policy in JSON format.

weka s3 bucket policy get-json <bucket-name>

Set S3 bucket policy (JSON): Set the bucket policy using a JSON file.

weka s3 bucket policy set-custom <bucket-name> <policy-file>

Set S3 bucket quota: Define a storage quota for an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket quota set <bucket-name> <hard-quota>

Unset S3 bucket quota: Remove a storage quota from an S3 bucket.

weka s3 bucket quota unset <bucket-name>

View container readiness: Check the readiness status of containers within the S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster status

Add container to S3 cluster: Add a container to the S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster containers add <container-ids>

Remove containers: Remove containers from the S3 cluster.

weka s3 cluster containers remove <container-ids>

View logging verbosity: See the logging level for container processes within the S3 cluster.

weka s3 log-level get

Set logging verbosity: Adjust the logging level for container processes within the S3 cluster.

weka s3 log-level set <log-level>

Enable S3 audit webhook: Activate the S3 audit webhook.

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook enable

Disable S3 audit webhook: Deactivate the S3 audit webhook.

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook disable

View S3 audit webhook configuration: See details about the S3 audit webhook configuration.

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook show


Related information: Manage the SMB protocol


View SMB cluster configuration: See details about the existing SMB cluster configuration.

weka smb cluster

Create SMB cluster: Establish a new SMB cluster managed by WEKA.

weka smb cluster create <netbios-name> <domain> <config-fs-name>

Update SMB cluster configuration: Modify the existing configuration of an SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster update

Remove SMB cluster configuration: Disable SMB access to data without affecting the data itself.

weka smb cluster destroy

View trusted domains (SMB): See a list of trusted domains recognized by the SMB cluster (not yet supported on SMB-W).

weka smb cluster trusted-domains

Add trusted domain (SMB): Add a new trusted domain to the SMB cluster (not yet supported on SMB-W).

weka smb cluster trusted-domains add

View SMB mount options: See a list of mount options used by the existing SMB cluster.


View SMB shares: See a list of all shares available within the SMB cluster.

weka smb share

Add SMB share: Create a new share within the SMB cluster.

weka smb share add <share-name> <fs-name>

Join Active Directory: Integrate the SMB cluster with an Active Directory domain.

weka smb domain join <username> <password>

Leave Active Directory: Disconnect the SMB cluster from the Active Directory domain.

weka smb domain leave <username>

Set SMB container logging verbosity: Adjust the logging level for container processes in the SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster debug <level>

Update SMB share: Modify the configuration of an existing SMB share.

weka smb share update <share-id>

Delete SMB share: Remove an SMB share from the cluster.

weka smb share remove <share-id>

Remove trusted domain (SMB): Remove a trusted domain from the SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster trusted-domains remove

Add SMB share users: Add users associated with a specific SMB share.

weka smb share lists add <share-id> <user-list-type> --users <users>

Remove SMB share users: Remove users associated with a specific SMB share.

weka smb share lists reset <share-id> <user-list-type>

Remove specific SMB share users: Remove specific users associated with a specific SMB share.

weka smb share lists remove <share-id> <user-list-type> --users <users>

View SMB container status: Check the status of containers participating in the SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster status

Add SMB cluster containers: Add containers to the SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster containers add --containers-id <containers-id>

Remove SMB cluster containers: Remove containers from the SMB cluster.

weka smb cluster containers remove --containers-id <containers-id>


Related information: Security management


View token expiry: See the default expiry time for tokens.


View login banner: See the existing login banner displayed on the sign-in page.

weka security login-banner show

Set login banner: Create or modify the login banner containing a security statement or legal message.

weka security login-banner set <login-banner>

Show login banner: Show the login banner on the sign-in page.

weka security login-banner enable

Hide login banner: Hide the login banner from the sign-in page.

weka security login-banner disable

Add or update custom CA certificate: Upload a custom CA certificate to be used for authentication. If a certificate is already present, this command replaces it.

weka security ca-cert set

Delete custom CA certificate: Remove the currently configured custom CA certificate from the cluster.

weka security ca-cert unset

View cluster CA certificate: See the status and details of the cluster's CA certificate.

weka security ca-cert status


Related information: Expand and shrink cluster resources


View cluster servers: See a list of all servers within the cluster.

weka cluster servers list

View server details: See specific information about an individual server based on its UID.

weka cluster servers show


Related information:


View snapshots: See a list of all snapshots currently available.

weka fs snapshot

Create snapshot: Establish a new snapshot of a filesystem.

weka fs snapshot create <file-system> <snapshot-name>

View snapshot details: See specific information about an existing snapshot.

weka fs snapshot --name <snapshot-name>

Update snapshot: Modify the configuration of an existing snapshot.

weka fs snapshot update <file-system> <snapshot-name>

Delete snapshot: Remove a snapshot from the system.

weka fs snapshot delete <file-system> <snapshot-name>

Copy snapshot: Copy a snapshot from the same filesystem to a different location.

weka fs snapshot copy <file-system> <source-name> <destination-name>

Upload snapshot to object store: Transfer a snapshot to an object storage.

weka fs snapshot upload <file-system> <snapshot-name>

Download snapshot: Download a snapshot from an object storage system.

weka fs snapshot download

Restore filesystem from snapshot: Restore a filesystem using a previously created snapshot.

weka fs snapshot download <file-system> <snapshot-locator>


Related information: Statistics


View stats: See a list of various statistics related to the cluster's performance and resource usage.

weka stats

View stats description: Get detailed explanations of the available statistics.

weka stats list-types

View real-time stats: Monitor live statistics for the cluster.

weka stats realtime

View stats retention and disk usage: See how long statistics are retained and estimate disk space used for storage.

weka stats retention status

Set stats retention: Define the duration for which statistics are stored.

weka stats retention set --days <num-of-days>

System IO

Related information: Perform post-configuration procedures


Start cluster IO services: Enable the cluster-wide IO services.

weka cluster start-io

Stop cluster IO services: Disable the cluster-wide IO services.

weka cluster stop-io


Related information: Background tasks


View background tasks: See a list of all currently running background tasks within the cluster.

weka cluster task‌

Resume a background task: Re-initiate a paused background task, allowing execution to continue.

weka cluster task resume <task-id>

Pause a background task: Temporarily halt the execution of a running background task. The task can be resumed later.

weka cluster task pause <task-id>

Abort a background task: Terminate a running background task, permanently stopping its execution. Any unfinished work associated with the task will be discarded.

weka cluster task abort <task-id>

View background task limits: See the existing limitations on the number of background tasks running concurrently within the system. This information helps you understand the capacity for handling background processes.

weka cluster task limits

Set background task limits: Adjust the maximum number of background tasks allowed to run simultaneously. This allows you to control the system's resource allocation and potential performance impact from concurrent tasks.

weka cluster task limits set


Related information: TLS certificate management


View cluster TLS status: Check the status and details of the cluster's TLS certificate.

weka security tls status

Configure Nginx with TLS: Enable TLS for the UI and set or update the private key and certificate.

weka security tls set

Configure Nginx without TLS: Disable TLS for the UI.

weka security tls unset

Download TLS certificate: Download the cluster's TLS certificate.

weka security tls download


Related information: Traces management


View traces configuration: See the current configuration settings for trace collection.

weka debug traces status

Start trace collection: Initiate the collection of trace data.

weka debug traces start

Stop trace collection: Stop the collection of trace data.

weka debug traces stop

View trace freeze period: See the duration for which trace data is preserved for investigation.

weka debug traces freeze show

Set trace freeze period: Set the duration for which trace data is preserved for investigation.

weka debug traces freeze set

Clear frozen traces: Remove all existing frozen traces and reset the freeze period to zero.

weka debug traces freeze reset

Set trace verbosity level: Modify the level of detail captured in trace logs. Low captures essential information for basic troubleshooting. High captures extensive details for in-depth analysis.

weka debug traces level set


Related information: User management


View local users: See a list of all local users on the system.

weka user

Create a local user: Add a new local user account.

weka user add <username> <role> <password>

Update a local user: Modify the details of an existing local user.

weka user update <username>

Delete a local user: Remove a local user account from the system.

weka user delete <username>

Set a local user password: Assign a password to a local user.

weka user passwd

Update a local user password: For any user, change your own password or the password of another user if you have the necessary permissions. For admins, change the password of any user within the organization.

weka user passwd <username>

View the logged-in user: Get information about the currently logged-in user.

weka user whoami

Invalidate user sessions: Immediately terminate all active login sessions associated with a specific internal user. This action prevents further access to the system using those tokens.

weka user revoke-tokens

Related information

REST API Reference Guide

Last updated