List of alerts and corrective actions
Check WEKA system alerts and take necessary actions based on severity and nature.
Default admin password in use
Change the admin user password to ensure only authorized users can access the cluster.
The local agent does not run
Restart the local agent on the specified server using the command ‘service weka-agent start’.
Approaching connected clients limit
Ensure all backend containers are up or expand the cluster with more backend containers or servers.
Stateless Client auto-remove timeout too low
Remount the host with a higher auto-remove timeout value.
NUMA balancing is enabled on a backend server
Disable the automatic NUMA balancing by running the command line 'echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/numa_balancing' on the backend server.
Backends mismatch cluster version
Upgrade all the backends to match the cluster's version.
JRPC method is blocked
Unblock the JRPC method by running the command 'blocked_jrpc_methods_remove' or 'blocked_jrpc_methods_clear' manhole.
Network high availability interface compromised
Ensure a proper operation of the network configuration, cables, and NICs.
Buckets are nearing exhaustion of their maximum capacity
Consider migration to a cluster with more buckets.
Too many compute processes are down
Ensure the compute processes on the containers {hosts} are up and running and connected. If the issue is not resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
Compute resource failure
Check the connectivity and status of the drives of the leader container. and ensure the compute processes are running and connected. If the issue is not resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
CPU frequent starvation detected at the last minute
Check the logs of the relevant containers for potential hardware or core allocation problems.
CPU starvation detected at the last minute
Check the logs of the relevant containers for potential hardware problems.
High congestion level
See the System congestion topic in the documentation for more information.
Clients mismatch cluster version
Upgrade the clients to the same version as the cluster by running 'weka local upgrade' locally.
Clock skew on server
Ensure the NTP is configured correctly on the containers and that their clocks are synchronized.
Weka Home disconnected
Check that the server has Internet connectivity and is connected to the Weka Home. See the Weka Home - The Weka support cloud topic in the documentation.
Statistics upload failed
See the event details in the System Events.
Cluster initialization error
Search for the underlying problem causing the error and act accordingly to start IO operations. To clear this alert, run 'weka cluster stop-io'.
Cluster is upgrading
If the upgrade doesn't finish successfully, contact the Customer Success Team.
Core Overlapping
Contact the Customer Success Team.
Data integrity problem found
Contact the Customer Success Team.
Partial data protection
Check which process, container, or drive is down and act accordingly.
A dedicated server requires the installation of a hardware watchdog driver.
Ensure a hardware watchdog driver is available at /dev/watchdog. For details, search the Knowledge Base in the Weka support portal.
Drive critical warnings
Deactivate the drive using the command 'weka cluster drive deactivate' and replace it.
Drive down
Contact the Customer Success Team to check if the drive requires a replacement.
Drive exceeds its life expectancy
Replace the specified drive before it fails.
Drive internal spares run too low
Replace the specified drive before it fails.
Drive nearing exhaustion of internal resource
Contact the Customer Success Team.
A drive has too many errors
Deactivate the drive using the command 'weka cluster drive deactivate', and probably replace it.
Faults are enabled
Contact the Customer Success Team.
Insufficient SSD capacity for metadata on the filesystem
To address this issue, consider expanding the filesystem size or removing data and directories. If you have previously configured max-files settings, contact the Customer Success Team for assistance.
Filesystems thin provisioning low space
Consider adding SSD capacity to this organization containing these filesystems.
Filesystems thin provisioning capacity reserve reached
You can create a filesystem or expand the filesystem capacity using the reserved capacity.
Cache sync is hanging
Consider using weka debug fs drop-dirty-cache
to drop the cache and enable other clients to access the file (unsynchronized writes will be lost).
Some IOs stop responding
Ensure the compute processes are up and running and connected. If a backend object store is configured, ensure it is connected and responsive. If the issue is not resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
SSD capacity overflow
Free up space on the SSDs or add more SSDs to the cluster. To add SSDs, see the Exapnd specific resources of a container topic in the documentation.
High level of unreclaimed space in an object store
Some files have a long waiting queue for IOs
Contact the Customer Success Team to help with resolution.
A container cannot send jumbo frames
Check the container network settings and the switch to which the container is connected, and ensure to enable jumbo frames. This setting improves performance.
KMS Error
Review the KMS configuration and connectivity.
Leader prepared for upgrade
The leader state automatically returns to normal after the upgrade. If this alert persists, contact the Customer Success Team.
Legacy manual overrides are active
Contact the Customer Success Team.
License error
Ensure the cluster uses the correct license, the license has not expired, and the allocated space does not exceed the license limits.
Low disk space
See the event details in the System Events.
Manual overrides are active
Contact the Customer Success Team.
Manual overrides are forced
Contact the Customer Success Team.
A drive failure domain does not match the failure domain of its attached container
Do one of the following:
Connect the mismatched drive to a container with a matching failure domain.
Re-provision the drive to erase its failure domain.
Negative unprovisioned capacity
Resize one or more filesystems to reclaim capacity. For more information, contact the Customer Success Team.
Network interface link status down
Check the connectivity to the specified network interface. Verify that nothing blocks it.
No cgroups configured warnings
Take measures to enable cgroups if possible.
No license assigned
Obtain and install a license from
A process cannot rejoin the cluster
To enable the process to rejoin the cluster, allow it by running the command ‘weka debug blocklist disable’.
Process disconnected
Check network connectivity to ensure the processes can communicate with the cluster.
A process with an unstable network detected
Ensure proper network connectivity in the cluster. If the problem is not resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
RDMA support for process is inactive
The process running on the server has RDMA support, but RDMA is inactive, which might affect performance. Ensure that at least one RDMA-capable device exists.
A process cannot Connect to an object store
Check the connectivity with the object store and ensure the process communicates with it.
Reduced data protection
Check the connectivity and server status. Replace failed drives and expand the cluster with new failure domains.
Insufficient cluster-wide RAM for proper Filesystem's Operation
Increase RAM cluster-wide to meet Filesystems(RAID) requirements for RAM or remove drives contributing to SSD capacity
Some provisioned capacity is unavailable due to failed drives
Check for down drives.
Partial connectivity tracking is disabled
To turn on the Grim Reaper, please Contact the Weka Support Team.
A partially connected process detected
Ensure proper network connectivity in the cluster. If the problem is not resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
Reached connected clients limit
Add more backend containers or servers to the cluster, check whether the backends are down, or disconnect some clients.
Server low RAM
Ensure all the compute processes are up. Add more servers to the cluster or add RAM to the backend servers.
Directory quota hard limit exceeded
Run 'weka fs quota list' to get the list of directories exceeding their hard quota limits. Clear some space for these directories or increase their hard quota limit.
Directory quota soft limit exceeded
Run 'weka fs quota list' to get the list of directories exceeding their soft quota limits. Clear some space for these directories or increase their soft quota limit.
RAID capacity exhaustion
If the situation does not resolve within minutes, contact the Customer Success Team.
Resource changes are not applied
Apply the resource changes by running the command 'weka cluster container apply '.
S3 ETCD migration
Contact the Customer Success Team to migrate this cluster configuration storage from ETCD to the new built-in Weka solution.
Used SSD capacity mismatches the expected range
Monitor the compute processes' stability and contact the Customer Success Team.
Available capacity cannot be fully utilized
For improved SSD capacity usage, contact the Customer Success Team for assistance.
TLS certificate is not user-defined
Replace the auto-generated self-signed certificate with a user-defined certificate by running the command 'weka security tls set'.
TLS certificate expired
Replace the existing certificate by running the command 'weka security tls set'.
TLS certificate is about to expire
Replace the existing certificate by running the command 'weka security tls set'.
Tiered filesystems' SSD capacity overfilling
To address this issue, consider expanding the filesystem size or removing data and directories. Identify and resolve connectivity problems with the configured Object Store and increase the upload bandwidth if required.
Trace dumper is down
Contact the Customer Success Team to restart the trace dumper.'
Traces are turned off
To turn the cluster traces, run the command 'weka debug traces start'. For more information, see the Traces management topic in the documentation.
The freeze traces feature is active
If the problem persists after the case is resolved, contact the Customer Success Team.
A backend container is configured in UDP mode
If this is a misconfiguration, add network devices to the specified backend container using the command ‘weka cluster container net add’.
A drive is set to unwritable
If the drive remains unwritable after maintenance, contact the Customer Success Team.
Last updated