$ kubectl apply -f csi-app-on-dir.yaml
pod/my-csi-app created
Kubernetes allocates a persistent volume and attach it to the pod, it uses a directory within the WEKA filesystem as defined in the storage class mentioned in the persistent volume claim. The pod is in Running status, and the temp.txt file is updated with occasional date information.
$ kubectl get pod my-csi-app
my-csi-app 1/1 Running 0 85s
# if we go to a wekafs mount of this filesystem we can see a directory has been created
$ ls -l /mnt/weka/podsFilesystem/csi-volumes
drwxr-x--- 1 root root 0 Jul 19 12:18 pvc-d00ba0fe-04a0-4916-8fea-ddbbc8f43380-a1659c8a7ded3c3c05d6facffd69cbf79b95604c
# inside that directory, the temp.txt file from the running pod can be found
$ cat /mnt/weka/podsFilesystem/csi-volumes/pvc-d00ba0fe-04a0-4916-8fea-ddbbc8f43380-a1659c8a7ded3c3c05d6facffd69cbf79b95604c/temp.txt
Sun Jul 19 12:50:25 IDT 2020
Sun Jul 19 12:50:35 IDT 2020
Sun Jul 19 12:50:45 IDT 2020