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Note: Use ASCII format when configuring name fields (e.g., domain, shares, etc.)
To configure an SMB cluster, first access the SMB Service view.
To configure the SMB cluster, click the Configure button. The following Configure Cluster window will be displayed:
Enter the name and domain, choose between 3 to 8 hosts, and enter the IPs (make sure to provide IPs equal to or 3 times greater than the number of hosts selected). Then click the Configure button.
Note: in order to add an IP range, it is possible to usea.b.c.x-y
Note: In AWS installations, it is not possible to enter a list of SMB service addresses. The SMB service must be accessed using the primary addresses of the cluster nodes.
The following SMB Cluster Configuration window will be displayed:
Note: The status of the hosts will change from not ready to ready.
To join the SMB cluster to an Active Directory, click the Join button when all hosts have been prepared and are ready. The following window will be displayed:
Enter the provided username and password in order to access the Active Directory. The Server input field is optional. The default for the Computers Org.Unit field is the Computers directory, but it is possible to define any other directory in Active Directory to be connected, such as SMB servers or Corporate computers.
Note: Weka does not save the user password. A computer account is created on behalf of the user for the SMB cluster.
Note: The AD server must be the DNS server for the Weka storage nodes in order for them to join the AD domain
On successful completion, the join status next to the domain will change to "joined" as shown below:
In order to join another Active Directory to the current SMB cluster configuration, click the Leave button. To confirm this action, it is necessary to enter the username and password used to connect to the Active Directory.
To delete a configured SMB cluster, click the Reset button in the Configure SMB Cluster window. The following window will be displayed:
Confirm the deletion by clicking the Reset button.
To access SMB shares, click the SMB Shares tab in the SMB Service Overview screen. A list of all SMB shares will be displayed:
Note: It is possible to filter this list using any column in the table.
To add a new SMB share, click Create Share at the top right-hand corner of the table. The following Create Share window will be displayed:
Enter the new share name and description, select a filesystem, and enter the path (valid and relative internal path within the filesystem which will be exposed). Also, determine the new default file/directory permissions created through the share. Then click the Create button. The new share will receive the writecache
mount mode.
To remove an SMB share, click anywhere on the row to be removed and then click the Delete button.
The SMB Share Deletion window will be displayed:
Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion of the share. The deleted share will no longer appear in the SMB Shares list.
This page details SMB management - setting up an SMB cluster over Weka filesystems and managing the cluster itself - using the GUI.