Weka CSI Plugin

This page describes the Weka CSI Plugin prerequisites, capabilities, deployment, and usage.


The Container Storage Interface (CSI) is a standard for exposing arbitrary block and file storage systems to containerized workloads on Container Orchestration Systems (COs) like Kubernetes.

The Weka CSI Plugin provides the creation and configuration of persistent storage external to Kubernetes. CSI replaces plugins developed earlier in the Kubernetes evolution. It replaces the hostPath method to expose WekaFS mounts as Kubernetes volumes.


  • CSI protocol: 1.0-1.2

  • Kubernetes: 1.18 - 1.2

  • WekaFS: 3.8 and up

  • AppArmor and SELinux are not supported yet

Note: Quota enforcement on persistent volumes requires WekaFS version 3.13 and up


  • Privileged mode must be allowed on the Kubernetes cluster

  • The following Kubernetes feature gates must be enabled: DevicePlugins, CSINodeInfo, CSIDriverRegistry, ExpandCSIVolumes (if not changed, they should be enabled by default)

  • A Weka cluster is installed and accessible from the Kubernetes worker nodes

  • The Weka client is installed on the Kubernetes worker nodes

  • Filesystems are pre-configured on the Weka system


Supported capabilities

  • Static and dynamic volumes provisioning

  • Mounting a volume as a WekaFS filesystem directory

  • All volume access modes are supported: ReadWriteMany, ReadWriteOnce, and ReadOnlyMany

  • Volume expansion

  • Quota enforcement on persistent volumes

Note: Quota enforcement on persistent volumes requires WekaFS version 3.13 and up. For additional information about enforcing quota on existing persistent volumes, refer to the Upgrading Legacy Persistent Volumes for Capacity Enforcement section

Unsupported capabilities

  • Snapshots


The Weka CSI Plugin deployment can be performed with a Helm chart from the official Weka ArtifactHub repository.


On your workstation (assuming connectivity to Kubernetes cluster), add the csi-wekafs repository:

helm repo add csi-wekafs https://weka.github.io/csi-wekafs

Install the plugin by issuing the following command:

helm install csi-wekafs csi-wekafs/csi-wekafsplugin --namespace csi-wekafs --create-namespace

On successful installation the following output will be shown:

Release "csi-wekafs" has been installed. Happy Helming!
NAME: csi-wekafs
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Nov  2 15:39:01 2021
NAMESPACE: csi-wekafs
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing csi-wekafsplugin.

Your release is named csi-wekafs.

To learn more about the release, try:

  $ helm status csi-wekafs
  $ helm get all csi-wekafs

Official Weka CSI Plugin documentation can be found here: https://docs.weka.io/appendix/weka-csi-plugin


Clean Up a Direct Deployment of CSI Driver

Note: Upgrading a plugin deployed directly (via deploy.sh script) is not supported. This section describes the procedure to clean up the existing CSI plugin components. After cleanup, proceed to the Installation section.

If the previous version was installed using Helm, you can safely skip this section.

Download the csi-wekafs git repository

git clone https://github.com/weka/csi-wekafs.git --branch v0.6.6 --single-branch

Assuming connectivity to Kubernetes cluster is valid, run the following script to remove the CSI driver components:


Upgrade an Existing Helm Release

Note: If you plan to upgrade existing Weka CSI plugin deployment and enable directory quota enforcement for already existing volumes, please refer to the Binding Legacy Volumes to API section.

If not yet configured, add the Helm repository as defined in the Installation section.

Execute the following command:

helm upgrade --install csi-wekafs --namespace csi-wekafs csi-wekafs/csi-wekafsplugin

A successful upgrade will produce the following output:

Release "csi-wekafs" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: csi-wekafs
LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Nov  2 15:39:01 2021
NAMESPACE: csi-wekafs
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing csi-wekafsplugin.

Your release is named csi-wekafs.

To learn more about the release, try:

  $ helm status csi-wekafs
  $ helm get all csi-wekafs

Official Weka CSI Plugin documentation can be found here: https://docs.weka.io/appendix/weka-csi-plugin

CSI Plugin and WekaFS Cluster Software Upgrade

The CSI Plugin fetches the WekaFS cluster capabilities during the first login to the API endpoint and caches it throughout the login refresh token validity period, to improve the efficiency and performance of the plugin.

However, the WekaFS cluster upgrade might come unnoticed if performed during this time window, continuing to provision new volumes in legacy mode.

In order to expedite the update of the Weka cluster capabilities, it is recommended to delete all the CSI Plugin pods, to invalidate the cache. The pods will then be restarted.

kubectl delete pod -n csi-wekafs -lapp=csi-wekafs-controller
kubectl delete pod -n csi-wekafs -lapp=csi-wekafs-node

Storage Class Configuration

The Weka CSI Plugin supports both dynamic (persistent volume claim) and static (persistent volume) volume provisioning. For provisioning either type of a persistent volume, a Storage Class must exist in Kubernetes deployment that matches the Weka cluster configuration.

In the Legacy communication model, the Weka CSI Plugin does not communicate with the Weka cluster via API and solely relies on in-band communication via the data plane. This configuration does not provide extended configuration abilities.

In the API-Based communication model, the Weka CSI Plugin communicates with the Weka cluster using REST API, leveraging this integration to provide extended abilities, such as strict enforcement of volume capacity usage via integration with WekaFS directory quota functionality.

Note: Only the API-Based communication model will be maintained and enhanced with new capabilities. If you are running the legacy CSI plugin, it is advisable to replace it with the API-Based one.

Legacy Communication Model

This model assumes no API connectivity to the Weka cluster. As a result, the functionality provided by the Weka CSI plugin is limited.

Note: This section refers to the configuration of the CSI plugin prior to version v0.7.0

Although this configuration is supported in version 0.7.0 and up, the user is encouraged to upgrade any existing deployment of the Weka CSI plugin to the API-based model

It is first required to define a storage class to use the Weka CSI Plugin.

Storage Class Example

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: storageclass-wekafs-dir
provisioner: csi.weka.io
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true
  volumeType: dir/v1
  filesystemName: podsFilesystem

Storage Class Parameters

Apply the StorageClass and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the storageclass .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f storageclass-wekafs-dir.yaml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/storageclass-wekafs-dir created

# check the storageclass resource has been created
$ kubectl get sc
storageclass-wekafs-dir        csi.weka.io         Delete          Immediate           true                   75s

It is possible to define multiple storage classes with different filesystems.

API-Based Communication Model

In the API-based model, the API endpoint addresses and authentication credentials must be provided to the Weka CSI plugin in order to establish a REST API connection with the Weka cluster and perform configuration tasks on it.

The information is stored securely in Kubernetes secret, which is, in turn, referred to by the Storage Class.

Note: This section refers to the configuration of CSI plugin version v0.7.0 and up.

Note: Directory quota integration requires WekaFS software version v3.13.0 and up.

Note: Authenticated mounts for filesystems set with auth-required=true, and filesystems in the non-root organization, require WekaFS software version v3.14.0 and up.

Note: It is recommended to deploy the CSI plugin in API-Based communication model even if the Weka cluster is below version v3.13.0

Volumes provisioned using the API-Based model on older Weka clusters, do not support capacity enforcement, and are still considered "Legacy". However, they can be easily upgraded to capacity enforcement capabilities after the Weka cluster upgrade.

Secret Data Example

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: csi-wekafs-api-secret
  namespace: csi-wekafs
type: Opaque
  username: Y3Np
  password: TXlBd2Vzb21lUGFzc3dvcmQ=
  organization: Um9vdA==
  endpoints: MTcyLjMxLjE1LjExMzoxNDAwMCwxNzIuMzEuMTIuOTE6MTQwMDA=
  scheme: aHR0cA==

Secret Data Parameters

Note: Make sure that all data is base64-encoded when creating a secret.

Apply the Secret and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the secret .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f csi-wekafs-api-secret.yaml

# Check the secret was successfully created
$ kubectl get secret csi-wekafs-api-secret -n csi-wekafs
NAME                    TYPE     DATA   AGE
csi-wekafs-api-secret   Opaque   5      7m

Note: To provision CSI volumes on filesystem residing in non-root organizations, or filesystems set with auth-required=true, CSI plugin of version 0.7.4 or higher is required, as well as Weka software of version 3.14 or higher

Storage Class Example

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: storageclass-wekafs-dir-api
provisioner: csi.weka.io
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true
  volumeType: dir/v1
  filesystemName: default
  capacityEnforcement: HARD
  # optional parameters setting UID, GID and permissions on volume
  # UID of the volume owner, default 0 (root)
  #ownerUid: "1000"
  # GID of the volume owner, default 0 (root)
  #ownerGid: "1000"
  # permissions in Unix octal format, default "0750"
  #permissions: "0775"
  # name of the secret that stores API credentials for a cluster
  # change the name of secret to match secret of a particular cluster (if you have several Weka clusters)
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-name: &secretName csi-wekafs-api-secret
  # change the name of the namespace in which the cluster API credentials
  csi.storage.k8s.io/provisioner-secret-namespace: &secretNamespace csi-wekafs
  # do not change anything below this line, or set to same parameters as above
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-publish-secret-name: *secretName
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-publish-secret-namespace: *secretNamespace
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-name: *secretName
  csi.storage.k8s.io/controller-expand-secret-namespace: *secretNamespace
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-name: *secretName
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-stage-secret-namespace: *secretNamespace
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-publish-secret-name: *secretName
  csi.storage.k8s.io/node-publish-secret-namespace: *secretNamespace

Storage Class Parameters

Apply the StorageClass and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the storageclass .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f storageclass-wekafs-dir.yaml
storageclass.storage.k8s.io/storageclass-wekafs-dir created

# check the storageclass resource has been created successfully 
$ kubectl get sc
storageclass-wekafs-dir        csi.weka.io         Delete          Immediate           true                   75s
  • It is possible to define multiple storage classes with different filesystems.

  • The same secret may be reused for multiple storage classes, as long as credentials are valid to access the filesystem

  • Several secrets may be used, e.g., for different organizations on the same Weka cluster, or for different Weka clusters spanning across the same Kubernetes cluster

Note: Multiple weka cluster connections from the same Kubernetes node are not supported in the current release of Weka software.

However, different Kubernetes nodes within the same cluster (e.g., in different regions or availability zones) can be connected to different Weka clusters. In such a case, provided that the Weka CSI plugin can access the Weka cluster REST API, a single CSI plugin instance can orchestrate persistent volume provisioning on multiple clusters.

Provision Usage

Dynamic Provisioning

Using a similar storage class to the above, it is possible to define a persistent volume claim (PVC) for the pods.

Persistent Volume Claim Example

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-wekafs-dir
    - ReadWriteMany
  storageClassName: storageclass-wekafs-dir
  volumeMode: Filesystem
      storage: 1Gi

Persistent Volume Claim Parameters

Apply the PersistentVolumeClaim and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the pvc .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f pvc-wekafs-dir.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-wekafs-dir created

# check the pvc resource has been created
$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                  STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                   AGE
pvc-wekafs-dir        Bound    pvc-d00ba0fe-04a0-4916-8fea-ddbbc8f43380   1Gi        RWX            storageclass-wekafs-dir        2m10s

Note: The directory will be created inside the filesystem under csi-volumes directory, starting with the volume name.

Static Provisioning

The Kubernetes admin can prepare some persistent volumes in advance to be used by pods, they should be an existing directory, and can contain pre-populated data to be used by the PODs.

It can be a directory previously provisioned by the CSI or a pre-existing directory in WekaFS. To expose an existing directory in WekaFS via CSI, define a persistent volume, and link a persistent volume claim to this persistent volume.

Persistent Volume Example

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: pv-wekafs-dir-static
  storageClassName: storageclass-wekafs-dir
    - ReadWriteMany
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  volumeMode: Filesystem
    storage: 1Gi
    driver: csi.weka.io
    # volumeHandle must be formatted as following:
    # The path must exist, otherwise publish request will fail
    volumeHandle: dir/v1/podsFilesystem/my-dir

Persistent Volume Parameters

Apply the PersistentVolume and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the pv .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f pv-wekafs-dir-static.yaml
persistentvolume/pv-wekafs-dir-static created

# check the pv resource has been created
$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      CLAIM                         STORAGECLASS                   REASON   AGE
pv-wekafs-dir-static                       1Gi        RWX            Retain           Available                                 storageclass-wekafs-dir                 3m33s

Now, bind a PVC to this specific PV, use the volumeName parameter under the PVC spec and provide it with the specific PV name.

Persistent Volume Claim for Static Provisioning Example

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: pvc-wekafs-dir-static
    - ReadWriteMany
  storageClassName: storageclass-wekafs-dir
  volumeName: pv-wekafs-dir-static
  volumeMode: Filesystem
      storage: 1Gi

Persistent Volume Claim for Static Provisioning Example

Apply the PersistentVolumeClaim and check it has been created successfully:

# apply the pvc .yaml file
$ kubectl apply -f pvc-wekafs-dir-static.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/pvc-wekafs-dir-static created

# check the pvc resource has been created
$ kubectl get pvc
NAME                    STATUS   VOLUME                CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                   AGE
pvc-wekafs-dir-static   Bound    pv-wekafs-dir-static  1Gi        RWX            storageclass-wekafs-dir        3m41s

The PV will change the status to Bound and state the relevant claim it is bounded to:

# check the pv resource has been created
$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS      CLAIM                           STORAGECLASS                   REASON   AGE
pv-wekafs-dir-static                       1Gi        RWX            Retain           Bound       default/pvc-wekafs-dir-static   storageclass-wekafs-dir                 6m30s

Launching an Application using Weka as the POD's Storage

Now that we have a storage class and a PVC in place, we can configure the Kubernetes pods to provision volumes via the Weka system.

We'll take an example application that echos the current timestamp every 10 seconds, and provide it with the previously created pvc-wekafs-dir PVC.

Note that multiple pods can share a volume produced by the same PVC as long as the accessModes parameter is set to ReadWriteMany.

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: my-csi-app
    - name: my-frontend
      image: busybox
      - mountPath: "/data"
        name: my-csi-volume
      command: ["/bin/sh"]
      args: ["-c", "while true; do echo `date` >> /data/temp.txt; sleep 10;done"]
    - name: my-csi-volume
        claimName: pvc-wekafs-dir # defined in pvc-wekafs-dir.yaml

Now we will apply that pod:

$ kubectl apply -f csi-app-on-dir.yaml
pod/my-csi-app created

Kubernetes will allocate a persistent volume and attach it to the pod, it will use a directory within the WekaFS filesystem as defined in the storage class mentioned in the persistent volume claim. The pod will be in Running status, and the temp.txt file will get updated with occasional date information.

$ kubectl get pod my-csi-app
NAME                      READY   STATUS              RESTARTS   AGE
my-csi-app                1/1     Running             0          85s

# if we go to a wekafs mount of this filesystem we can see a directory has been created
$ ls -l /mnt/weka/podsFilesystem/csi-volumes
drwxr-x--- 1 root root 0 Jul 19 12:18 pvc-d00ba0fe-04a0-4916-8fea-ddbbc8f43380-a1659c8a7ded3c3c05d6facffd69cbf79b95604c

# inside that directory, the temp.txt file from the running pod can be found
 $ cat /mnt/weka/podsFilesystem/csi-volumes/pvc-d00ba0fe-04a0-4916-8fea-ddbbc8f43380-a1659c8a7ded3c3c05d6facffd69cbf79b95604c/temp.txt
Sun Jul 19 12:50:25 IDT 2020
Sun Jul 19 12:50:35 IDT 2020
Sun Jul 19 12:50:45 IDT 2020

Upgrading Legacy Persistent Volumes for Capacity Enforcement

Binding Legacy Volumes to API

Capacity enforcement and integration with WekaFS directory quotas require several prerequisites:

  1. Weka CSI plugin version 0.7.0 and up

  2. WekaFS software version v3.13.0 and up

  3. Weka CSI plugin ability to communicate with WekaFS using REST API, and correlate between a certain persistent volume and the WekaFS cluster serving this volume.

In the API-Based communication model, Kubernetes StorageClass refers to a secret that describes all the required parameters for API calls to the Weka cluster. However, this is not the situation in the legacy communication model, where the storage class doesn't specify the API credentials.

Kubernetes does not allow modification of StorageClass parameters, hence every volume created with the legacy-model storage class will never report its credentials.

Weka CSI Plugin 0.7.0 provides a special configuration mode in which legacy volumes can be bound to a single secret, in turn referring to a single WekaFS cluster API connection parameters. In this configuration mode, every request to serve (create, delete, expand...) a legacy Persistent Volume (or Persistent Volume Claim) that originates from a Legacy Storage Class (without reference to an API secret) will be communicated to that cluster.

Note: Volumes provisioned by the CSI Plugin of version 0.7.0 in the API-Based communication model, but on older versions of the Weka cluster (below version 3.13.0), are still provisioned in legacy mode.

However, since the storage class already contains the secret reference, specifying the legacyVolumeSecretName parameter is unnecessary, and you can safely skip to the next chapter.

This configuration can be applied following these two steps:

  1. Create a Kubernetes secret that describes the API communication parameters for legacy volumes.

    1. The format of the secret is identical to the secret defined in the API-Based Communication Model section

    2. This secret must be located in the same Kubernetes namespace of the Weka CSI Plugin

  2. Set the legacyVolumeSecretName parameter to match the name of secret above during plugin upgrade or installation

    This can be done by directly modifying the values.yaml or by explicitly setting the parameter during the Helm upgrade:

helm upgrade csi-wekafs --namespace csi-wekafs csi-wekafs/csi-wekafsplugin \
 --set legacyVolumeSecretName="csi-wekafs-api-secret"

Note: The Kubernetes secret must be created before executing the helm upgrade. Otherwise, the CSI Plugin components will remain in a Pending state after the upgrade.

Upgrading Legacy Volumes

Once the volume to API binding configuration described in the previous section is performed, the volumes may be migrated by binding a new WekaFS directory quota object to an existing persistent volume.

Weka provides a migration script that automates the process.

Note: This procedure must be performed only once, and can be performed from any Linux host that is connected to the same WekaFS cluster. Additional runs of the script will migrate only those volumes that were created in legacy mode after the migration process. It is safe to execute the migration script multiple times, although usually this should not be required.

Note: The migration process might take significant time to complete and depends on a number of persistent volumes and their actual capacity. The migration process is performed transparently and does not require downtime.

Check out the csi-wekafs repository from any host that is connected to WekaFS cluster:

git clone https://github.com/weka/csi-wekafs.git

Execute the migration script by issuing the following command, where <filesystem_name> states the filesystem name which the CSI volumes are located on, and optional <csi_volumes_dir> parameter states the directory inside the filesystem where CSI volumes are stored (only if the directory differs from default values)

$ sudo migration/migrate-legacy-csi-volumes.sh <filesystem_name> [--csi-volumes-dir <csi_volumes_dir>] [--endpoint-address BACKEND_IP_ADDRESS:BACKEND_PORT]

Note: On a stateless client, the --endpoint-address must be specified in order to successfully mount a filesystem, while on a host which is part of the Weka cluster (either client or backend) this is not necessary.

Note: If multiple filesystems are used, the script must be executed for each filesystem

For example:

$ ./migrate-legacy-csi-volumes.sh default
Weka CSI Volume migration utility. Copyright 2021 Weka
[2021-11-04 14:33:04] NOTICE     Initializing volume migration for filesystem default
[2021-11-04 14:33:04] NOTICE     Successfully mounted filesystem default
[2021-11-04 14:33:04] NOTICE     Starting Persistent Volume migration
[2021-11-04 14:33:04] INFO       Processing directory 'pvc-e5379b17-4612-4fa3-aa57-64d5b37d7f57-1025f14ca92d2e18dd92a05efadf15a4972675f0'
[2021-11-04 14:33:04] INFO       Creating quota of 1073741824 bytes for directory pvc-e5379b17-4612-4fa3-aa57-64d5b37d7f57-1025f14ca92d2e18dd92a05efadf15a4972675f0
[2021-11-04 14:33:05] INFO       Quota was successfully set for directory pvc-e5379b17-4612-4fa3-aa57-64d5b37d7f57-1025f14ca92d2e18dd92a05efadf15a4972675f0
[2021-11-04 14:33:05] NOTICE     Migration process complete!
[2021-11-04 14:33:05] NOTICE     1 directories migrated successfully
[2021-11-04 14:33:05] NOTICE     0 directories skipped

Note: The migration script requires several dependencies, which must be installed in advance: jq, xattr, getfattr, setfattr

Refer to the specific OS package management documentation to install the necessary packages.


Useful Commands

Here are some useful basic commands to check the status and debug the service:

# get all resources
kubectl get all --all-namespaces

# get all pods
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide

# get all k8s nodes
kubectl get nodes

# get storage classes
$ kubectl get sc

# get persistent volume claims 
$ kubectl get pvc

# get persistent volumes
$ kubectl get pv

# kubectl describe pod/<pod-name> -n <namespace> 
kubectl describe pod/csi-wekafsplugin-dvdh2 -n csi-wekafsplugin

# get logs from a pod
kubectl logs <pod name> <container name>

# get logs from the weka csi plugin
# container (-c) can be one of: [node-driver-registrar wekafs liveness-probe csi-provisioner csi-attacher csi-resizer]
kubectl logs pods/csi-wekafsplugin-<ID> --namespace csi-wekafsplugin -c wekafs

Known Issues

Mixed Hugepages Size Issue

Due to a Kubernetes v1.18 issue with allocating mixed hugepages sizes (https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/80831) is required that the Weka system will not try to allocate mixed sizes of hugepages on the Kubernetes nodes.

To workaround the Kubernetes issue (required only if the default memory for the client has been increased):

  • If the Weka client is installed on the K8s nodes via a manual stateless client mount, set the reserve_1g_hugepages mount option to false in the mount command.

  • If this is a Weka server or a Weka client, which is part of the Weka cluster, contact the Weka customer support team.

Last updated