Obtain authentication tokens

The authentication tokens include two types: an access token and a refresh token.

  • Access token: The access token is a short-live token (five minutes) used for accessing the Weka system API and to allow the mounting of secure filesystems.

  • Refresh token: The refresh token is a long-live token (one year) used for obtaining an additional access token.


Do one of the following:

  • To obtain the refresh token and access token, through the CLI, log in to the system using the command: weka user login.

    The system creates an authentication token file and saves it in: ~/.weka/auth-token.json. The token file contains both the access token and refresh token.

Auth-token file content example
  • To obtain the refresh token and access token, through the REST API, use the POST /login. The API returns the token in the response body.

REST API login response example

Generate an access token for API usage (for internal users only)

When working with the REST API, internal Weka users may require using a longer-lived access token (a token that doesn't require a refresh every 5 minutes).

You can generate a longer-lived access token using the CLI command:

weka user generate-token [--access-token-timeout timeout]

The default timeout is 30 days.

To revoke the access and refresh tokens, use the CLI command: weka user revoke-tokens.

Last updated