Expand specific resources of a container

Guidelines for expansion processes that only involve the addition of a specific resource.

You can expand the container's resources dynamically without deactivating the container. These include:

  • Add and remove memory and network resources.

  • Modify the IP addresses.

  • Extend the network subnets.

  • Limit the WEKA system bandwidth on the container.

Adhere to the following guidelines when expanding specific resources:

  • Run the relevant weka cluster container command with the specific container-id you want to expand. Once you run the command, the container is staged to update in the cluster.

  • To view the non-applied configuration, run the weka cluster container resources <container-id>command.

  • To apply changes on a specific container in the cluster, run the weka cluster container apply <container-ids> command. It is possible to accumulate several changes on a container and apply only once on completion.

  • To apply changes in the local container, run the weka local resources apply command.

  • Once the apply command completes, the last local configuration of the container successfully joined the cluster is saved.

  • If a failure occurs with the new configuration, the container automatically reverts to the last stable configuration. To view the last stable configuration, run the weka cluster container resources <container-id> --stable command.

Modify the memory

Run the following command lines on the active container:

weka cluster container memory <container-id> <capacity-memory>
weka cluster container apply <container-id>

To change the memory of container-id 0 to 1.5 GB, run the following commands:

weka cluster container memory 0 1.5GB

weka cluster container apply 0

For more details and options, see #9.-configure-the-memory-optional.

Release hugepages on each container

After reducing the memory allocation for a container, it is required to release the hugepages on each container.

Perform the following steps for each container:

  1. Obtain the release_hugepages.sh script below and copy it to the /opt/weka/ folder.

  2. Change the script mode: Run chmod a+x release_hugepages.sh

  3. Stop the container locally: Run weka local stop

  4. Release hugepages: Run weka local run /opt/weka/release_hugepages.sh

  5. Restart the container locally: Run weka local start

Modify the network configuration

Run the following command lines on the active container:

weka cluster container net add <container-id> <device>
weka cluster container apply <container-id>

To add another network device to container-id 0, run the following commands:

weka cluster container net add 0 eth2

weka cluster container apply 0

For more details and options, see #6.-configure-the-networking.

Modify the container IP addresses

Run the following command lines on the active container:

weka cluster container management-ips <container-id> <device>
weka cluster container apply <container-id>

To change the management IPs on container-id 0, run the following commands:

weka cluster container management-ips

weka cluster container apply 0

The number of management IP addresses determines whether the container uses high-availability (HA) networking, causing each IO process to use both containers' NICs.

A container with two IP addresses uses HA networking. A container with only one IP does not use HA networking.

If the cluster uses InfiniBand and Ethernet network technologies, you can define up to four IP addresses.

Add CPU cores to a container

Adding CPU cores to the cluster can only be done on a deactivated container.

For more details and options, see #8.-configure-the-cpu-resources.

Expand SSDs only

Adding SSD drives can alter the ratio between SSDs and drive cores.


  1. Ensure the cluster has a drive core to allocate for the new SSD. If required, deactivate the container and then add the drive core to the container.

  2. Determine the relevant container ID by running the command: weka cluster container

  3. Scan for new drives by running the command: weka cluster drive scan

  4. Depending on the architecture, use the following instructions to add the SSDs:

Modify resources on a local container

You can also modify the resources on a local container by connecting to it and running the local resources command equivalent to its weka cluster remote counterpart command.

These local commands have the same semantics as their remote counterpart commands. They don't receive the container-id as the first parameter. Instead, they operate on the local container.

You can run the following commands dynamically on an active container:

weka local resources [--stable]

weka local resources apply

weka local resources net

weka local resources net add

weka local resources net remove

weka local resources memory

weka local resources bandwidth

weka local resources management-ips

weka local resources dedicate

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