Quick installation guide

This is a quick installation guide. For a complete installation, refer to the following pages:

WEKA installation on bare metal

WEKA installation on AWS


For a complete prerequisite list, refer to the Prerequisites for Installation section.

In the examples provided, the deployment consists of 8 identical servers. To simplify the installation process, Mellanox or Intel E810 NICs are used, allowing for streamlined installation commands. For instance, only a single IP address is required for data, eliminating the need to expose VFs, determine the interface netmask, and configure the default routing gateway. If the deployment varies, the installation commands may differ slightly.

Once the WEKA system is successfully installed, you can learn how to navigate, manage, and operate it using either the graphical user interface (GUI) or the command-line interface (CLI). Additionally, you can perform initial input/output (IO) operations on a WEKA filesystem.

The WEKA system supports a RESTful API, enabling the automation of interactions with the WEKA system. This facilitates seamless integration into your existing workflows and monitoring systems.

Quick installation for a multi-container backend architecture

It is assumed that the servers are ready for the WEKA software installation. In this example, there are 8 servers. Each server has over 20 cores, 6 NVME drives, and a single Mellanox NIC.

To run the commands on all containers in parallel, we use pdsh as an example only.

Install the WEKA software

  1. Install WEKA software on all servers:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" "curl https://[GET.WEKA.IO-TOKEN]@get.weka.io/dist/v1/install/4.1.0/4.1.0 | sudo sh"

To get the download link with the token, see the Obtain the Weka software installation package topic.

Remove the default container

  1. Remove the single default container created on each server in the cluster:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" 'weka local stop default && weka local rm -f default'

Generate resource files

  1. Get the resource generator to your local server:

  1. Copy the resource generator from your local server to all servers in the cluster:

for i in {0..7}; do scp resources_generator.py weka0-$i:/tmp/resources_generator.py; done

3. To enable execution, change the mode of the resource generator on all servers in the cluster:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" 'chmod +x /tmp/resources_generator.py'

4. Run resource generator on all servers in the cluster:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" '/tmp/resources_generator.py  --path /tmp --net ens{5..7}'

The resource generator generates three resource files on each server in the /tmp directory: drives0.json, compute0.json, and frontend0.json.


Create the drive containers

  1. Create the drive containers from the resource generator output file drives0.json. Run the following command on all servers in the cluster:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" 'weka local setup container --resources-path /tmp/drives0.json'

Create a cluster

  1. Connect to one of the servers, create the cluster, and set the cluster name. Using bash, you can provide a compact list of containers cluster-name{n..m}. Otherwise, specify the complete list of all containers. For example: weka cluster create weka0-0 weka0-1 weka0-2 weka0-3 weka0-7. It is assumed that the DNS is set up. Otherwise, specify the explicit IPs in the weka cluster create command.

ssh weka0-1
weka cluster create weka0-{0..7}
weka cluster update --cluster-name=WekaProd

Add a drive to the cluster

  1. Add a drive to each server in the cluster. Run the following command from one of the servers:

for i in {0..7} ; do weka cluster drive add $i /dev/nvme0n1 /dev/nvme1n1 /dev/nvme2n1 /dev/nvme3n1 /dev/nvme4n1 /dev/nvme5n1 ; done

Create compute containers

  1. Create the compute containers from the resource generator output file compute0.json. Run the following command on all servers in the cluster:

pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" 'weka local setup container --resources-path /tmp/compute0.json --join-ips $(hostname -i)'

Name the cluster and enable event notifications to the cloud

  1. Enable event notifications to the cloud for support purposes. From one of the servers, run the following command:

weka cluster update --cluster-name=WekaProd
weka cloud enable

Set the license

  1. Obtain a classic or PAYG license from get.weka.io.

  2. Set the license. From one of the servers, run the following command:


Start the cluster IO service

  1. Start the cluster IO service. From one of the servers, run the following command:

weka cluster start-io

Create frontend containers

  1. Create the frontend containers from the resource generator output file frontend0.json. This step is required to mount from the server or set one of the additional protocols on the server, which requires a frontend process. Run the following command on all servers in the cluster:

 pdsh -R ssh -w "weka0-[0-7]" 'weka local setup container --resources-path /tmp/frontend0.json --join-ips  $(hostname -i)'

Post configuration

Check the cluster configuration

  1. Check the resources per server (such as NICs and cores), drives, and configuration status:

    weka cluster container resources $i

weka cluster drive

weka status

Output example for a multiple container architecture:

WekaIO v4.1.0 (CLI build 4.1.0)

       cluster: WekaProd (00569cef-5679-4e1d-afe5-7e82748887de)
        status: OK (8 backends UP, 6 drives UP)
    protection: 6+2
     hot spare: 1 failure domains
 drive storage: 82.94 TiB total, 82.94 TiB unprovisioned
         cloud: connected
       license: Unlicensed

     io status: STARTED 7 seconds ago (96 io-nodes UP, 750 buckets UP)
    link layer: Ethernet
       clients: 0 connected
         reads: 0 B/s (0 IO/s)
        writes: 0 B/s (0 IO/s)
    operations: 0 ops/s
        alerts: 1 active alert, use `weka alerts` to list it

2. Change the default admin password and ensure no other alerts exist.

Related topics

WEKA installation on bare metal

Manage the system using the WEKA CLI

Manage the system using the WEKA GUI

Run first IOs with WEKA filesystem

Getting started with WEKA REST API

Last updated