Example: How to use Splunk to audit S3

This page describes an example for using Splunk to audit S3.

Setting up an HTTP Event Collector (HEC).

Step 1: Configure the HEC

Follow the steps in Enable HTTP Event Collector on Splunk. Since the S3 event stream is provided in JSON format, choose _json as the data source type.

Step 2: Create a token

Follow the steps in Create an Event Collector token on Splunk to create a token that Weka will use to access the Splunk as HTTP webhook. You can create a new index or use an existing one for easy discovery/monitor/query.

Copy the created token for later use.

Step 3: Test the configuration

To validate the configuration, send a test event as suggested in the JSON request and response section.

curl -k  https://hec.example.com:8088/services/collector/raw -H "Authorization: Splunk B5A79AAD-D822-46CC-80D1-819F80D7BFB0" -d '{"event": "hello world"}'
{"text": "Success", "code": 0}

Once completed, you can search the index you have created in Splunk and see this event.

Step 4: Configure the audit webhook in Weka

As a cluster admin, run the following CLI command to enable the audit webhook:

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook enable --endpoint=https://splunk-server:8088/services/collector/raw --auth-token='\"Splunk B5A79AAD-D822-46CC-80D1-819F80D7BFB0\"'

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