CLI reference guide

This CLI reference guide is generated from the output of running the weka command with the help option. It provides detailed descriptions of available commands, arguments, and options.


The base command for all weka related CLIs

weka [--help] [--build] [--version] [--legal]


Start the agent service

-h, --help

Show help message


Prints the CLI build number and exits

-v, --version

Prints the CLI version and exits


Prints software license information and exits

weka agent

Commands that control the weka agent (outside the weka containers)

weka agent [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent install-agent

Installs Weka agent on the machine the command is executed from

weka agent install-agent [--no-update] [--help]


Don't update the locally installed containers

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent update-containers

Update the currently available containers and version specs to the current agent version. This command does not update weka, only the container's representation on the local machine.

weka agent update-containers [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent supported-specs

List the Weka spec versions that are supported by this agent version

weka agent supported-specs [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent uninstall

Deletes all Weka files, drivers, shared memory and any other remainder from the machine this command is executed from. WARNING - This action is destructive and might cause a loss of data!

weka agent uninstall [--force] [--ignore-wekafs-mounts] [--keep-files] [--help]


Force the action to actually happen


Proceed even with active wekafs mounts


Do not remove Weka version images and keep in installation directory

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent autocomplete

Bash autocompletion utilities

weka agent autocomplete [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent autocomplete install

Locally install bash autocompletion utility

weka agent autocomplete install [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent autocomplete uninstall

Locally uninstall bash autocompletion utility

weka agent autocomplete uninstall [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka agent autocomplete export

Export bash autocompletion script

weka agent autocomplete export [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka alerts

List alerts in the Weka cluster

weka alerts [--HOST HOST]
            [--PORT PORT]
            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
            [--profile profile]
            [--format format]
            [--output output]...
            [--sort sort]...
            [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: muted,type,count,title,description,action

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


List muted alerts alongside the unmuted ones

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka alerts types

List all alert types that can be returned from the Weka cluster

weka alerts types [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka alerts mute

Mute an alert-type. Muted alerts will not be prompted when listing active alerts. Alerts cannot be suppressed indefinitely, so a duration must be supplied. Once the supplied duration has passed, the alert-type would be automatically unmuted

weka alerts mute <alert-type>
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]


An alert-type to mute, use weka alerts types to list types


How long to mute this alert type for (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka alerts unmute

Unmute an alert-type which was previously muted.

weka alerts unmute <alert-type>
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]


An alert-type to unmute, use weka alerts types to list types

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka alerts describe

Describe all the alert types that might be returned from the weka cluster (including explanations and how to handle them)

weka alerts describe [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]
                     [--format format]
                     [--output output]...
                     [--sort sort]...
                     [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: type,title,action

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cloud

Cloud commands. List the cluster's cloud status, if no subcommand supplied.

weka cloud [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cloud status

Show cloud connectivity status

weka cloud status [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]
                  [--format format]
                  [--output output]...
                  [--sort sort]...
                  [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: host,health

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cloud enable

Turn cloud features on

weka cloud enable [--cloud-url cloud]
                  [--cloud-stats on/off]
                  [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]


The base url of the cloud service


Enable or disable uploading stats to the cloud (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cloud disable

Turn cloud features off

weka cloud disable [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cloud proxy

Get or set the HTTP proxy used to connect to cloud services

weka cloud proxy [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]
                 [--set url]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-s, --set

Set a new proxy setting

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-u, --unset

Remove the HTTP proxy setting

weka cloud update

Update cloud settings

weka cloud update <bucket-name>
                  [--session-token token]
                  [--bucket-prefix prefix]
                  [--proxy proxy]
                  [--bytes-per-second bytes-per-second]
                  [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]


AWS bucket name


AWS region


AWS access key


AWS secret


S3 session token


S3 bucket prefix


HTTP(S) proxy to connect to the cloud through


Maximum uploaded bytes per second

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cloud upload-rate

Get the cloud upload rate

weka cloud upload-rate [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka cloud upload-rate set

Set the cloud upload rate

weka cloud upload-rate set [--bytes-per-second bps]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


Maximum uploaded bytes per second

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster

Commands that manage the cluster

weka cluster [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster create

Form a Weka cluster from hosts that just has Weka installed on them

weka cluster create [--admin-password admin-password]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--host-ips host-ips]...


A list of hostname to be included in the new cluster


The password for the cluster admin user; will be set to the default password if not provided

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Management IP addresses; If empty, the hostnames will be resolved; If hosts are highly-available or mixed-networking, use IP set '++...+';

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka cluster update

Update cluster configuration

weka cluster update [--cluster-name cluster-name]
                    [--data-drives data-drives]
                    [--parity-drives parity-drives]
                    [--scrubber-bytes-per-sec scrubber-bytes-per-sec]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]


Cluster name


Number of RAID data drives


Number of RAID protection parity drives


Rate of RAID scrubbing in units per second (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster process

List the cluster processes

weka cluster process [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]
                     [--format format]
                     [--container container]...
                     [--output output]...
                     [--sort sort]...
                     [--filter filter]...


Only return these processes IDs.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


Only return the processes of these container IDs, if not specified the weka-processes for all the containers will be returned

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,containerId,slot,hostname,container,ips,status,software,release,role,mode,netmode,cpuId,core,socket,numa,cpuModel,memory,uptime,fdName,fdId,traceHistory,fencingReason,joinRejectReason,failureText,failure,failureTime,failureCode

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-b, --backends

Only return backend containers

-c, --clients

Only return client containers

-l, --leadership

Only return containers that are part of the cluster leadership

-L, --leader

Only return the cluster leader

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster bucket

List the cluster buckets, logical compute units used to divide the workload in the cluster

weka cluster bucket [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--format format]
                    [--output output]...
                    [--sort sort]...
                    [--filter filter]...


Only return these bucket IDs.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,leader,term,lastActiveTerm,state,council,uptime,leaderVersionSig,electableMode,sourceMembers,nonSourceMembers,fillLevel

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster failure-domain

List the Weka cluster failure domains

weka cluster failure-domain [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]
                            [--format format]
                            [--output output]...
                            [--sort sort]...
                            [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,fd,active_drives,failed_drives,total_drives,removed_drives,containers,total_containers,drive_proces,total_drive_proces,compute_proces,total_compute_proces,capacity

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show drives that were removed from the cluster

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster hot-spare

Get or set the number of hot-spare failure-domains in the cluster. If param is not given, the current number of hot-spare FDs will be listed

weka cluster hot-spare [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


The number of failure-domains

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Skip verifying that the cluster has enough RAM and SSD resources allocated for the hot-spare

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster start-io

Start IO services

weka cluster start-io [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster stop-io

Stop IO services

weka cluster stop-io [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Force stopping IO services immediately without graceful flushing of ongoing operations. Using this flag may cause data-loss if used without explicit guidance from WekaIO customer support.


Keep external containers(S3, SMB, NFS) running

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will disrupt operation of all connected clients. To restore IO service run 'weka cluster start-io'.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster drive

List the cluster's drives

weka cluster drive [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]
                   [--format format]
                   [--container container]...
                   [--output output]...
                   [--sort sort]...
                   [--filter filter]...


A list of drive IDs or UUIDs to list. If no ID is specified, all drives are listed.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


Only return the drives of these container IDs, if not specified, all drives are listed

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,uuid,host,hostname,node,path,size,status,stime,fdName,fdId,writable,used,nvkvused,attachment,vendor,firmware,serial,model,added,removed,block,remain,threshold,drive_status_message

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show drives that were removed from the cluster

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster drive scan

Scan for provisioned drives on the cluster's containers

weka cluster drive scan [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


A list of container ids to scan for drives

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster drive activate

Activate the supplied drive, or all drives (if none supplied)

weka cluster drive activate [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


A list of drive IDs or UUIDs to activate. If no ID is supplied, all inactive drives will be activated.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster drive deactivate

Deactivate the supplied drive(s)

weka cluster drive deactivate [--HOST HOST]
                              [--PORT PORT]
                              [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                              [--profile profile]


A list of drive IDs or UUIDs to deactivate.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Skip verifying that the configured hot spare capacity will remain available after deactivating the drives

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may impact performance while the drive is phasing out.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster drive add

Add the given drive

weka cluster drive add <container-id>
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...


The container the drive attached to (given by ids)


Device paths of the drives to add

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: path,uuid

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Force formatting the drive for weka, avoiding all safety checks!


Allow reuse of drives formatted by another versions

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster drive remove

Remove the supplied drive(s)

weka cluster drive remove [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


A list of drive UUIDs to remove. A UUID is a hex string formatted as 8-4-4-4-12 e.g. 'abcdef12-1234-abcd-1234-1234567890ab'

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. To undo the removal, add the drive back and re-scan the drives on the host local to the drive.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster mount-defaults

Commands for editing default mount options

weka cluster mount-defaults [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster mount-defaults set

Set default mount options.

weka cluster mount-defaults set [--qos-max-throughput qos-max-throughput]
                                [--qos-preferred-throughput qos-preferred-throughput]
                                [--qos-max-ops qos-max-ops]
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


qos-max-throughput is the maximum throughput allowed for the client for either receive or transmit traffic.


qos-preferred-throughput is the throughput that gets preferred state (NORMAL instead of LOW) in QoS.


qos-max-ops is the maximum number of operations of any kind for the client

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster mount-defaults show

View default mount options

weka cluster mount-defaults show [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster mount-defaults reset

Reset default mount options

weka cluster mount-defaults reset [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


qos-max-throughput is the maximum throughput allowed for the client for either receive or transmit traffic.


qos-preferred-throughput is the throughput that gets preferred state (NORMAL instead of LOW) in QoS.


qos-max-ops is the maximum number of operations of any kind for the client

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster servers

Commands for physical servers

weka cluster servers [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster servers list

List the cluster servers

weka cluster servers list [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]
                          [--format format]
                          [--role role]...
                          [--output output]...
                          [--sort sort]...
                          [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


Only list machines with specified roles. Possible roles: (format: 'backend', 'client', 'nfs', 'smb' or 's3')

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: hostname,uid,ip,roles,status,up_since,cores,memory,drives,nodes,load,versions

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster servers show

Show a single server overview according to given server uid

weka cluster servers show <uid>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


The Server UID

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container

List the cluster containers

weka cluster container [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...


Only return these container IDs.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,hostname,container,machineIdentifier,ips,status,software,release,mode,fd,fdName,fdType,fdId,cores,feCores,driveCores,coreIds,memory,bw,scrubberLimit,dedicated,autoRemove,leadership,failureText,failure,failureTime,failureCode,uptime,added,cloudProvider,availabilityZone,instanceType,instanceId,kernelName,kernelRelease,kernelVersion,platform

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-b, --backends

Only return backend containers

-c, --clients

Only return client containers

-l, --leadership

Only return containers that are part of the cluster leadership

-L, --leader

Only return the cluster leader

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster container info-hw

Show hardware information about one or more containers

weka cluster container info-hw [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]
                               [--info-type info-type]...


A list of containers to query (by hostnames or IPs). If no container is supplied, all of the cluster containers will be queried

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Specify what information to query: version

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster container failure-domain

Set the container failure-domain

weka cluster container failure-domain <container-id>
                                      [--name name]
                                      [--HOST HOST]
                                      [--PORT PORT]
                                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                      [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


Add this container to a named failure-domain. A failure-domain will be created if it doesn't exist yet.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Set this container to be a failure-domain of its own

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container dedicate

Set the container as dedicated to weka. For example it can be rebooted whenever needed, and configured by weka for optimal performance and stability

weka cluster container dedicate <container-id>
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


Set the container as weka dedicated, off unsets container as weka dedicated (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container bandwidth

Limit weka's bandwidth for the container

weka cluster container bandwidth <container-id>
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


New bandwidth limitation per second (format: either "unlimited" or bandwidth per second in binary or decimal values: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container cores

Dedicate container's cores to weka

weka cluster container cores <container-id>
                             [--frontend-dedicated-cores frontend-dedicated-cores]
                             [--drives-dedicated-cores drives-dedicated-cores]
                             [--compute-dedicated-cores compute-dedicated-cores]
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]
                             [--cores-ids cores-ids]...


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


Number of CPU cores dedicated to weka - If set to 0 - no drive could be added to this container


Number of cores dedicated to weka frontend (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka drives (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka compute (out of the total )

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Specify the ids of weka dedicated cores.


Do not create any processes with a frontend role


Create only processes with a drives role


Create only processes with a compute role


Create only processes with a frontend role


Allow specified cores-ids even if there are running containers with AUTO cores-ids allocation on the same server.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container memory

Dedicate a set amount of RAM to weka

weka cluster container memory <container-id>
                              [--HOST HOST]
                              [--PORT PORT]
                              [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                              [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


Memory dedicated to weka in bytes, set to 0 to let the system decide (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container auto-remove-timeout

Set how long to wait before removing this container if it disconnects from the cluster (for clients only)

weka cluster container auto-remove-timeout <container-id>
                                           [--HOST HOST]
                                           [--PORT PORT]
                                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                           [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


Minimum value is 60, use 0 to disable automatic removal

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container management-ips

Set the container's management process IPs. Setting 2 IPs will turn this containers networking into highly-available mode

weka cluster container management-ips <container-id>
                                      [--HOST HOST]
                                      [--PORT PORT]
                                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                      [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container


New IPs for the management processes

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container resources

Get the resources of the supplied container

weka cluster container resources <container-id>
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


Container ID as shown in weka cluster container

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


List the resources from the last successfull container boot

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster container restore

Restore staged resources of the supplied containers, or all containers, to their stable state

weka cluster container restore [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


A list of container ids for which to apply resources config

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Apply resources on all the containers in the cluster. This will cause all backend containers in the entire cluter to restart simultaneously!

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container apply

Apply the staged resources of the supplied containers, or all containers

weka cluster container apply [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]


A list of container ids for which to apply resources config

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Skip verifying that the cluster will still have enough RAM and SSD resources after deactivating the containers


Apply resources on all the containers in the cluster. This will cause all backend containers in the entire cluter to restart simultaneously!

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will restart the containers on the containers and cannot be undone.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container activate

Activate the supplied containers, or all containers (if none supplied)

weka cluster container activate [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


A list of container ids to activate

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use



Skip verifying that the cluster will still have enough RAM and SSD resources after deactivating the containers


Do not activate the drives of the container

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container deactivate

Deactivate the supplied container(s)

weka cluster container deactivate [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


A list of container ids to deactivate

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use



Skip verifying that the cluster will still have enough RAM and SSD resources after deactivating the containers


Allow the container to be unavailable while it is deactivated which skips setting its local resources

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container clear-failure

Clear the last failure fields for all supplied containers

weka cluster container clear-failure [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


A list of container ids for which to clear the last failure

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster container add

Add a container to the cluster

weka cluster container add <hostname>
                           [--ip ip]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


Management network hostname


Management IP; If empty, the hostname is resolved; If container is highly-available or mixed-networking, use IP set '++...+';

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Skip waiting for the container to be added to the cluster

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster container remove

Remove a container from the cluster

weka cluster container remove <container-id>
                              [--HOST HOST]
                              [--PORT PORT]
                              [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                              [--profile profile]


The container ID of the container to be removed

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Don't wait for the container removal to complete, return immediately


Don't remotely unimprint the container, just remove it from the cluster configuration

-h, --help

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weka cluster container factory-reset

Factory resets the containers. NOTE! This can't be undone!

weka cluster container factory-reset <guid>
                                     [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


The cluster GUID


A list of containers (given by container-name or IP)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


When set, broute force reset

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster container net

List Weka dedicated networking devices in a container

weka cluster container net [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]
                           [--format format]
                           [--output output]...
                           [--sort sort]...
                           [--filter filter]...


Container IDs to get the network devices of

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,name,id,host,hostname,device,ips,netmask,gateway,cores,owner,vlan,netlabel

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster container net add

Allocate a dedicated networking device on a container (to the cluster).

weka cluster container net add <container-id>
                               [--ips-type ips-type]
                               [--gateway gateway]
                               [--netmask netmask]
                               [--name name]
                               [--label label]
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]
                               [--ips ips]...


The container's id


Network device pci-slot/mac-address/interface-name(s)


IPs type: POOL: IPs from the default data networking IP pool would be used, USER: configured by the user (format: 'pool' or 'user')


Default gateway IP. In AWS this value is auto-detected, otherwise the default data networking gateway will be used.


Netmask in bits number. In AWS this value is auto-detected, otherwise the default data networking netmask will be used.


If empty, a name will be auto generated.


The name of the switch or network group to which this network device is attached

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


IPs to be allocated to cores using the device. If not given - IPs may be set automatically according the interface's IPs, or taken from the default networking IPs pool (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster container net remove

Undedicate a networking device in a container.

weka cluster container net remove <container-id>
                                  [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


The container's id


Net device name, e.g. container0net0

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster default-net

List the default data networking configuration

weka cluster default-net [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster default-net set

Set the default data networking configuration

weka cluster default-net set [--range range]
                             [--gateway gateway]
                             [--netmask-bits netmask-bits]
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)


Default gateway IP


Subnet mask bits (0..32)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster default-net update

Update the default data networking configuration

weka cluster default-net update [--range range]
                                [--gateway gateway]
                                [--netmask-bits netmask-bits]
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)


Default gateway IP


Subnet mask bits (0..32)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster default-net reset

Reset the default data networking configuration

weka cluster default-net reset [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster license

Get information about the current license status, how much resources are being used in the cluster and whether or not your current license is valid.

weka cluster license [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka cluster license payg

Enable pay-as-you-go for the cluster

weka cluster license payg <plan-id>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


Plan ID connected to a payment method


Secret key of the payment plan

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster license reset

Removes existing license information, returning the cluster to an unlicensed mode

weka cluster license reset [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster license set

Set the cluster license

weka cluster license set <license>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


The new license to set to the system

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster task

List the currently running background tasks and their status

weka cluster task [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]
                  [--format format]
                  [--output output]...
                  [--sort sort]...
                  [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,type,state,phase,progress,paused,desc,time

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka cluster task pause

Pause a currently running background task

weka cluster task pause <task-id>
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Id of the task to pause

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster task resume

Resume a currently paused background task

weka cluster task resume <task-id>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


Id of the task to resume

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster task abort

Abort a currently running background task

weka cluster task abort <task-id>
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Id of the task to abort

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster task limits

List the current limits for background tasks

weka cluster task limits [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka cluster task limits set

Set the limits for background tasks

weka cluster task limits set [--cpu-limit cpu-limit]
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]


Percent of the CPU resources to dedicate to background tasks

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster client-target-version

Commands that manage the clients target version

weka cluster client-target-version [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster client-target-version show

Show clients target version to be used in case of upgrade or a new mount (stateless client).

weka cluster client-target-version show [--HOST HOST]
                                        [--PORT PORT]
                                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                        [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster client-target-version set

Determine clients target version to be used in case of upgrade or a new mount (stateless client).

weka cluster client-target-version set <version-name>
                                       [--HOST HOST]
                                       [--PORT PORT]
                                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                       [--profile profile]


The version to set

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka cluster client-target-version reset

Clear cluster's client target version value

weka cluster client-target-version reset [--HOST HOST]
                                         [--PORT PORT]
                                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                         [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka diags

Diagnostics commands to help understand the status of the cluster and its environment

weka diags [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka diags collect

Collect diags from all cluster hosts to a directory on the host running this command

weka diags collect [--id id]
                   [--timeout timeout]
                   [--output-dir output-dir]
                   [--core-limit core-limit]
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]
                   [--container-id container-id]...

-i, --id

Optional ID for this dump, if not specified a random ID is generated

-m, --timeout

How long to wait when downloading diags from all hosts. Default is 10 minutes, 0 means indefinite (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-d, --output-dir

Directory to save the diags dump to, default: /opt/weka/diags

-c, --core-limit

Limit to processing this number of core dumps, if found (default: 1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Container IDs to collect diags from, can be used multiple times. This flag causes --clients to be ignored.


Collect diags from client hosts only (by default diags are only collected from backends)


Collect diags from backend hosts (to be used in combination with --clients to collect from all hosts)

-t, --tar

Create a TAR of all collected diags

-v, --verbose

Print results of all diags, including successful ones

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka diags list

Prints results of a previously collected diags report

weka diags list [--verbose] [--help] [<id>]...


ID of the dump to show or a path to the diags dump. If not specified a list of all collected diags is shown.

-v, --verbose

Print results of all diags, including successful ones

-h, --help

Show help message

weka diags rm

Stop a running instance of diags, and cancel its uploads.

weka diags rm [--HOST HOST]
              [--PORT PORT]
              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
              [--profile profile]


ID of the diags to cancel. Must be specified unless the all option is set.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Delete all.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka diags upload

Collect and upload diags from all cluster hosts to Weka's support cloud

weka diags upload [--timeout timeout]
                  [--core-limit core-limit]
                  [--dump-id dump-id]
                  [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]
                  [--container-id container-id]...

-m, --timeout

How long to wait for diags to upload. Default is 10 minutes, 0 means indefinite (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-c, --core-limit

Limit to processing this number of core dumps, if found (default: 1)


ID of an existing dump to upload. This dump ID has to exist on this local server. If an ID is not specified, a new dump is created.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Container IDs to collect diags from, can be used multiple times. This flag causes --clients to be ignored.


Collect diags from client hosts only (by default diags are only collected from backends)


Collect diags from backend hosts (to be used in combination with --clients to collect from all hosts)

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka events

List all events that conform to the filter criteria

weka events [--num-results num-results]
            [--start-time <start>]
            [--end-time <end>]
            [--severity severity]
            [--direction direction]
            [--HOST HOST]
            [--PORT PORT]
            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
            [--profile profile]
            [--format format]
            [--type-list type-list]...
            [--exclude-type-list exclude-type-list]...
            [--category-list category-list]...
            [--output output]...

-n, --num-results

Get up to this number of events, default: 50


Include events occurred in this time point and later (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Include events occurred not later then this time point (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Include event with equal and higher severity, default: INFO (format: 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'minor', 'major' or 'critical')

-d, --direction

Fetch events from the first available event (forward) or the latest created event (backward), default: backward (format: 'forward' or 'backward')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-t, --type-list...

Filter events by type, can be used multiple times (use 'weka events list-types' to see available types)

-x, --exclude-type-list...

Remove events by type, can be used multiple times (use 'weka events list-types' to see available types)

-c, --category-list...

Include only events matches to the category_list. Category can be Events, Node, Raid, Drive, ObjectStorage, System, Resources, Clustering, Network, Filesystem, Upgrade, NFS, Config, Cloud, InterfaceGroup, Org, User, Alerts, Licensing, Custom, Kms, Smb, Traces, S3, Security, Agent or KDriver

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: time,cloudTime,node,category,severity,type,entity,desc

-i, --show-internal

Show internal events

-l, --cloud-time

Sort by cloud time instead of local timestamp

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka events list-local

List recent events that happened on the machine running this command

weka events list-local [--start-time <start>]
                       [--end-time <end>]
                       [--next next]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...


Include events occurred in this time point and later (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Include events occurred not later then this time point (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Token for the next page of events

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: time,category,severity,permission,type,entity,node,hash

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


List stem mode events


Show internal events

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka events list-types

Show the event type definition information

weka events list-types [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--category category]...
                       [--type type]...
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-c, --category...

List only the events that fall under one of the following categories: Events, Node, Raid, Drive, ObjectStorage, System, Resources, Clustering, Network, Filesystem, Upgrade, NFS, Config, Cloud, InterfaceGroup, Org, User, Alerts, Licensing, Custom, Kms, Smb, Traces, S3, Security, Agent or KDriver

-t, --type...

List only events of the specified types

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: type,category,severity,description,format,permission,parameters,dedup,dedupParams

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show internal events

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka events trigger-event

Trigger a custom event with a user defined parameter

weka events trigger-event <message>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


User defined text to trigger as the events parameter

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs

List filesystems defined in this Weka cluster

weka fs [--name name]
        [--HOST HOST]
        [--PORT PORT]
        [--profile profile]
        [--format format]
        [--output output]...
        [--sort sort]...
        [--filter filter]...


Filesystem name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,name,group,usedSSD,usedSSDD,usedSSDM,freeSSD,availableSSDM,availableSSD,usedTotal,usedTotalD,freeTotal,availableTotal,maxFiles,status,encrypted,stores,auth,thinProvisioned,thinProvisioningMinSSDBudget,thinProvisioningMaxSSDBudget,usedSSDWD,usedSSDRD,reductionRatio,pendingReduction,dataReduction,reducedProcessedSize,reducedSize

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Display all capacity columns


Refresh the capacities to make sure they are most updated

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs create

Create a filesystem

weka fs create <name>
               [--obs-name obs-name]
               [--ssd-capacity ssd-capacity]
               [--thin-provision-min-ssd thin-provision-min-ssd]
               [--thin-provision-max-ssd thin-provision-max-ssd]
               [--auth-required auth-required]
               [--HOST HOST]
               [--PORT PORT]
               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
               [--profile profile]


Filesystem name


Group name


Total capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Object Store bucket name. Mandatory for tiered filesystems


SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Thin provisioned minimum SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Thin provisioned maximum SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Require the mounting user to be authenticated for mounting this filesystem. This flag is only effective in the root organization, users in non-root organizations must be authenticated to perform a mount operation. (format: 'yes' or 'no')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Creates an encrypted filesystem


Allow (insecurely) creating an encrypted filesystem without a KMS configured


Enable data reduction

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs download

Download a filesystem from object store

weka fs download <name>
                 [--auth-required auth-required]
                 [--additional-obs-bucket additional-obs-bucket]
                 [--snapshot-name snapshot-name]
                 [--access-point access-point]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]


Filesystem name


Group name


Total capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Object Store bucket




Require the mounting user to be authenticated for mounting this filesystem. This flag is only effective in the root organization, users in non-root organizations must be authenticated to perform a mount operation. (format: 'yes' or 'no')


Additional Object Store bucket


Downloaded snapshot name (default: uploaded name)


Downloaded snapshot access point (default: uploaded access-point)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Skip verifying that the cluster has enough RAM and SSD resources allocated for the downloaded filesystem

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs update

Update a filesystem

weka fs update <name>
               [--new-name new-name]
               [--total-capacity total-capacity]
               [--ssd-capacity ssd-capacity]
               [--thin-provision-min-ssd thin-provision-min-ssd]
               [--thin-provision-max-ssd thin-provision-max-ssd]
               [--data-reduction data-reduction]
               [--auth-required auth-required]
               [--HOST HOST]
               [--PORT PORT]
               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
               [--profile profile]


Filesystem name


New name


Total capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Thin provision minimum SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Thin provision maximum SSD capacity (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Enable data reduction


Require the mounting user to be authenticated for mounting this filesystem. This flag is only effective in the root organization, users in non-root organizations must be authenticated to perform a mount operation. (format: 'yes' or 'no')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs delete

Delete a filesystem

weka fs delete <name>
               [--HOST HOST]
               [--PORT PORT]
               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
               [--profile profile]


Filesystem name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Delete filesystem's objects from the local writable Object Store, making all locally uploaded snapshots unusable

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action DELETES ALL DATA in the filesystem and cannot be undone.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs restore

Restore filesystem content from a snapshot

weka fs restore <file-system>
                [--preserved-overwritten-snapshot-name preserved-overwritten-snapshot-name]
                [--preserved-overwritten-snapshot-access-point preserved-overwritten-snapshot-access-point]
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]


The name of the Filesystem to be restored


The name of the source snapshot


Name of a snapshot to create with the old content of the filesystem


Access point of the preserved overwritten snapshot

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action replaces all data in the filesystem with the content of the snapshot and cannot be undone.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka fs quota

Commands used to control directory quotas

weka fs quota [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs quota set

Set a directory quota in a filesystem

weka fs quota set <path>
                  [--soft soft]
                  [--hard hard]
                  [--grace grace]
                  [--owner owner]
                  [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]


Path in the filesystem


Soft limit for the directory, or 0 for unlimited (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Hard limit for the directory, or 0 for unlimited (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Soft limit grace period (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Quota owner (e.g., email)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs quota set-default

Set a default directory quota in a filesystem

weka fs quota set-default <path>
                          [--soft soft]
                          [--hard hard]
                          [--grace grace]
                          [--owner owner]
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


Path in the filesystem


Soft limit for the directory (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Hard limit for the directory (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Soft limit grace period (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Quota owner (e.g., email)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs quota unset

Unsets a directory quota in a filesystem

weka fs quota unset <path>
                    [--generation generation]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]


Path in the filesystem


Remove a specific generation of quota

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs quota unset-default

Unsets a default directory quota in a filesystem

weka fs quota unset-default <path>
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


Path in the filesystem

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs quota list

List filesystem quotas (by default, only exceeding ones)

weka fs quota list [fs-name]
                   [--snap-name snap-name]
                   [--path path]
                   [--under under]
                   [--over over]
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]
                   [--format format]
                   [--output output]...
                   [--sort sort]...
                   [--filter filter]...


Filesystem name


Optional snapshot name

-p, --path

Show this path only

-u, --under

List under (and including) this path only


Show only quotas over this percentage of usage (format: 0..100)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: quotaId,path,used,dblk,mblk,soft,hard,usage,owner,grace_seconds,time_over_soft_limit,status

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show all (not only exceeding) quotas

-q, --quick

Skip resolving inodes to paths

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs quota list-default

List filesystem default quotas

weka fs quota list-default [fs-name]
                           [--snap-name snap-name]
                           [--path path]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]
                           [--format format]
                           [--output output]...
                           [--sort sort]...
                           [--filter filter]...


Filesystem name


Optional snapshot name

-p, --path

Show this path only

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: inodeId,path,soft,hard,owner,grace

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs group

List filesystem groups

weka fs group [--HOST HOST]
              [--PORT PORT]
              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
              [--profile profile]
              [--format format]
              [--output output]...
              [--sort sort]...
              [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,group,name,retention,demote

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs group create

Create a filesystem group

weka fs group create <name>
                     [--target-ssd-retention target-ssd-retention]
                     [--start-demote start-demote]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


The filesystem group name to be created


Period of time to keep an SSD copy of the data (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Period of time to wait before copying data to the Object Store (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs group update

Update a filesystem group

weka fs group update <name>
                     [--new-name new-name]
                     [--target-ssd-retention target-ssd-retention]
                     [--start-demote start-demote]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


The filesystem group name to be created


Updated name of the specified filesystem group


Period of time to keep an SSD copy of the data (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Period of time to wait before copying data to the Object Store (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs group delete

Delete a filesystem group

weka fs group delete <name>
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


The name of the filesystem group to be deleted

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs snapshot

List snapshots

weka fs snapshot [--file-system file-system]
                 [--name name]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]
                 [--format format]
                 [--output output]...
                 [--sort sort]...
                 [--filter filter]...


Filesystem name


Snapshot name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,filesystem,name,access,writeable,created,local_upload_size,remote_upload_size,local_object_status,local_object_progress,local_object_locator,remote_object_status,remote_object_progress,remote_object_locator,removing,prefetched

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs snapshot create

Create a snapshot

weka fs snapshot create <file-system>
                        [--access-point access-point]
                        [--source-snapshot source-snapshot]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]
                        [--format format]
                        [--output output]...
                        [--sort sort]...
                        [--filter filter]...


Source Filesystem name


Target Snapshot name


Access point


Source snapshot

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,name,access,writeable,created

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]



-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs snapshot copy

Copy one snapshot over another

weka fs snapshot copy <file-system>
                      [--preserved-overwritten-snapshot-name preserved-overwritten-snapshot-name]
                      [--preserved-overwritten-snapshot-access-point preserved-overwritten-snapshot-access-point]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Source Filesystem name


Source snapshot name


Destination snapshot name


Name of a snapshot to create with the old content of the destination


Access point of the preserved overwritten snapshot

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs snapshot update

Update snapshot parameters

weka fs snapshot update <file-system>
                        [--new-name new-name]
                        [--access-point access-point]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Source Filesystem name


Snapshot name


Updated snapshot name


Access point

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention

Access point naming convention

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention status

Show access point naming convention

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention status [--HOST HOST]
                                                       [--PORT PORT]
                                                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                                       [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention update

Update access point naming convention

weka fs snapshot access-point-naming-convention update <access-point-naming-convention>
                                                       [--HOST HOST]
                                                       [--PORT PORT]
                                                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                                       [--profile profile]


access point naming configuration (format: 'date' or 'name')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs snapshot upload

Upload a snapshot to object store

weka fs snapshot upload <file-system>
                        [--site site]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Filesystem name


Snapshot name


The site of the Object Store to upload to (format: 'local' or 'remote')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Allow uploading snapshots to remote object-store in non-chronological order. This is not recommended, as it will incur high data overhead.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs snapshot download

Download a snapshot into an existing filesystem

weka fs snapshot download <file-system>
                          [--name name]
                          [--access-point access-point]
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


Filesystem name




Snapshot name (default: uploaded name)


Access point (default: uploaded access point)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Allow downloading snapshots in non-chronological order. This is not recommended, as it will incur high data overhead.


Allow downloading snapshots which are not descendants of the last downloaded snapshot.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs snapshot delete

Delete a snapshot

weka fs snapshot delete <file-system>
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Source Filesystem name


Snapshot name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action deletes all data stored by the snapshot and cannot be undone.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs tier

Show object store connectivity for each node in the cluster

weka fs tier [--HOST HOST]
             [--PORT PORT]
             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
             [--profile profile]
             [--format format]
             [--output output]...
             [--sort sort]...
             [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: obsBucket,statusUpload,statusDownload,statusRemove,nodesDown,errors

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier location

Show data storage location for a given path

weka fs tier location <path>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...


Path to get information about


Extra paths to get information about

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: path,type,size,ssdWrite,ssdRead,obsBytes,remoteBytes

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier fetch

Fetch object-stored files to SSD storage

weka fs tier fetch [--non-existing non-existing]
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]


A file path to fetch to SSD storage. Multiple paths can be passed, e.g. `find ...


Behavior for non-existing files (default: error) (format: 'error', 'warn' or 'ignore')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-v, --verbose

Verbose output, showing fetch requests as they are submitted

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs tier release

Release object-stored files from SSD storage

weka fs tier release [--non-existing non-existing]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


A file path to release from SSD storage. Multiple paths can be passed, e.g. `find ...


Behavior for non-existing files (default: error) (format: 'error', 'warn' or 'ignore')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-v, --verbose

Verbose output, showing release requests as they are submitted

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs tier capacity

List capacities for object store buckets attached to filesystems

weka fs tier capacity [--filesystem filesystem]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...


Filesystem name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: fsUid,fsName,bucketUid,bucketName,totalConsumedCapacity,UsedCapacity,reclaimable,reclaimableThreshold,reclaimableLowThreshold,reclaimableHighThreshold

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Refresh the capacities to make sure they are most updated

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier s3

List S3 object store buckets configuration and status

weka fs tier s3 [--obs-name obs-name]
                [--name name]
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]
                [--format format]
                [--output output]...
                [--sort sort]...
                [--filter filter]...


Name of the Object Store


Name of the Object Store bucket

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,obsId,obsName,id,name,site,statusUpload,statusDownload,statusRemove,nodesUp,nodesDown,nodesUnknown,errors,protocol,hostname,port,bucket,auth,region,access,secret,status,up,downloadBandwidth,uploadBandwidth,removeBandwidth,errorsTimeout,prefetch,downloads,uploads,removals,maxUploadExtents,maxUploadSize,enableUploadTags,stsOperationType,stsRoleArn,stsRoleSessionName,stsDuration

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier s3 add

Create a new S3 object store bucket connection

weka fs tier s3 add <name>
                    [--site site]
                    [--obs-name obs-name]
                    [--hostname hostname]
                    [--port port]
                    [--bucket bucket]
                    [--auth-method auth-method]
                    [--region region]
                    [--access-key-id access-key-id]
                    [--secret-key secret-key]
                    [--protocol protocol]
                    [--obs-type obs-type]
                    [--bandwidth bandwidth]
                    [--download-bandwidth download-bandwidth]
                    [--upload-bandwidth upload-bandwidth]
                    [--remove-bandwidth remove-bandwidth]
                    [--errors-timeout errors-timeout]
                    [--prefetch-mib prefetch-mib]
                    [--max-concurrent-downloads max-concurrent-downloads]
                    [--max-concurrent-uploads max-concurrent-uploads]
                    [--max-concurrent-removals max-concurrent-removals]
                    [--max-extents-in-data-blob max-extents-in-data-blob]
                    [--max-data-blob-size max-data-blob-size]
                    [--enable-upload-tags enable-upload-tags]
                    [--sts-operation-type sts-operation-type]
                    [--sts-role-arn sts-role-arn]
                    [--sts-role-session-name sts-role-session-name]
                    [--sts-session-duration sts-session-duration]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]


Name of the Object Store bucket


The site of the Object Store, default: local (format: 'local' or 'remote')


Name of the Object Store to associate this new bucket to


Hostname (or IP) of the entrypoint to the storage


Port of the entrypoint to S3 (single Accesser or Load-Balancer)


Name of the bucket we are assigned to work with


Authentication method. S3AuthMethod can be None, AWSSignature2 or AWSSignature4


Name of the region we are assigned to work with (usually empty)


Access Key ID for AWS Signature authentications


Secret Key for AWS Signature authentications




One of: AWS (default), AZURE


Bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Download bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Upload bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Remove bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


If the Object Store bucket link is down for longer than this, all IOs that need data return with an error (format: duration between 1 minute and 15 minutes)


How many MiB of data to prefetch when reading a whole MiB on object store (format: 0..600)


Maximum number of downloads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of uploads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of removals we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of extents' data to upload to an object store data blob


Maximum size to upload to an object store data blob (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Enable tagging of uploaded objects


AWS STS operation type to use. Default: none (format: 'assume_role' or 'none')


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. Mandatory when setting sts-operation to ASSUME_ROLE


An identifier for the assumed role session. Length constraints: Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 64.

owed characters: upper and lo

wer-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

weka fs tier s3 update

Edit an existing S3 object store bucket connection

weka fs tier s3 update <name>
                       [--new-name new-name]
                       [--new-obs-name new-obs-name]
                       [--hostname hostname]
                       [--port port]
                       [--protocol protocol]
                       [--bucket bucket]
                       [--auth-method auth-method]
                       [--region region]
                       [--access-key-id access-key-id]
                       [--secret-key secret-key]
                       [--bandwidth bandwidth]
                       [--download-bandwidth download-bandwidth]
                       [--upload-bandwidth upload-bandwidth]
                       [--remove-bandwidth remove-bandwidth]
                       [--prefetch-mib prefetch-mib]
                       [--errors-timeout errors-timeout]
                       [--max-concurrent-downloads max-concurrent-downloads]
                       [--max-concurrent-uploads max-concurrent-uploads]
                       [--max-concurrent-removals max-concurrent-removals]
                       [--max-extents-in-data-blob max-extents-in-data-blob]
                       [--max-data-blob-size max-data-blob-size]
                       [--enable-upload-tags enable-upload-tags]
                       [--sts-operation-type sts-operation-type]
                       [--sts-role-arn sts-role-arn]
                       [--sts-role-session-name sts-role-session-name]
                       [--sts-session-duration sts-session-duration]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...


Name of the Object Store bucket


New name


New Object Store name


Hostname (or IP) of the entrypoint to the storage


Port of the entrypoint to S3 (single Accesser or Load-Balancer)




Name of the bucket we are assigned to work with


Authentication method. S3AuthMethod can be None, AWSSignature2 or AWSSignature4


Name of the region we are assigned to work with (usually empty)


Access Key ID for AWS Signature authentications


Secret Key for AWS Signature authentications


Bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Download bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Upload bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Remove bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


How many MiB of data to prefetch when reading a whole MiB on object store (format: 0..600)


If the Object Store bucket link is down for longer than this, all IOs that need data return with an error (format: duration between 1 minute and 15 minutes)


Maximum number of downloads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of uploads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of removals we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of extents' data to upload to an object store data blob


Maximum size to upload to an object store data blob (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Enable tagging of uploaded objects


AWS STS operation type to use. Default: none (format: 'assume_role' or 'none')


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. Mandatory when setting sts-operation to ASSUME_ROLE


An identifier for the assumed role session. Length constraints: Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 64.

owed characters: upper and lo

wer-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

weka fs tier s3 delete

Delete an existing S3 object store connection

weka fs tier s3 delete <name>
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


Name of the Object Store bucket

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs tier s3 attach

Attach a filesystem to an existing Object Store

weka fs tier s3 attach <fs-name>
                       [--mode mode]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


Name of the Filesystem


Name of the Object Store bucket to attach


The operation mode for the Object Store bucket (format: 'writable' or 'remote')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs tier s3 detach

Detach a filesystem from an attached object store

weka fs tier s3 detach <fs-name>
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


Name of the Filesystem


Name of the Object Store bucket to detach

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This process might take a while to complete and it cannot be aborted. The data will remain intact on the object store, and you can still use the uploaded snapshots for recovery.

weka fs tier s3 snapshot

Commands used to display info about uploaded snapshots

weka fs tier s3 snapshot [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

####### weka fs tier s3 snapshot list

List and show info about snapshots uploaded to Object Storage

weka fs tier s3 snapshot list <name>
                              [--locator locator]
                              [--HOST HOST]
                              [--PORT PORT]
                              [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                              [--profile profile]
                              [--format format]
                              [--output output]...
                              [--sort sort]...
                              [--filter filter]...


Name of the Object Store bucket



-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: guid,fsId,snapId,origFsId,fsName,snapName,accessPoint,totalMetaData,totalSize,ssdCapacity,totalCapacity,maxFiles,numGuids,compatibleVersion

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier ops

List all the operations currently running on an object store from all the hosts in the cluster

weka fs tier ops [name]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]
                 [--format format]
                 [--output output]...
                 [--sort sort]...
                 [--filter filter]...


Name of the Object Store bucket

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: node,obsBucket,key,type,execution,phase,previous,start,size,results,errors,lastHTTP,concurrency,inode

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier obs

List object stores configuration and status

weka fs tier obs [--name name]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]
                 [--format format]
                 [--output output]...
                 [--sort sort]...
                 [--filter filter]...


Name of the Object Store

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,name,site,bucketsCount,uploadBucketsUp,downloadBucketsUp,removeBucketsUp,protocol,hostname,port,auth,region,access,secret,downloadBandwidth,uploadBandwidth,remove3Bandwidth,downloads,uploads,removals,maxUploadExtents,maxUploadSize,enableUploadTags,maxUploadRam,stsOperationType,stsRoleArn,stsRoleSessionName,stsDuration

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs tier obs update

Edit an existing object store

weka fs tier obs update <name>
                        [--new-name new-name]
                        [--hostname hostname]
                        [--port port]
                        [--protocol protocol]
                        [--auth-method auth-method]
                        [--region region]
                        [--access-key-id access-key-id]
                        [--secret-key secret-key]
                        [--bandwidth bandwidth]
                        [--download-bandwidth download-bandwidth]
                        [--upload-bandwidth upload-bandwidth]
                        [--remove-bandwidth remove-bandwidth]
                        [--max-concurrent-downloads max-concurrent-downloads]
                        [--max-concurrent-uploads max-concurrent-uploads]
                        [--max-concurrent-removals max-concurrent-removals]
                        [--max-extents-in-data-blob max-extents-in-data-blob]
                        [--max-data-blob-size max-data-blob-size]
                        [--upload-memory-limit upload-memory-limit]
                        [--enable-upload-tags enable-upload-tags]
                        [--sts-operation-type sts-operation-type]
                        [--sts-role-arn sts-role-arn]
                        [--sts-role-session-name sts-role-session-name]
                        [--sts-session-duration sts-session-duration]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Name of the Object Store


New name


Hostname (or IP) of the entrypoint to the bucket


Port of the entrypoint to S3 (single Accesser or Load-Balancer)




Authentication method. S3AuthMethod can be None, AWSSignature2 or AWSSignature4


Name of the region we are assigned to work with (usually empty)


Access Key ID for AWS Signature authentications


Secret Key for AWS Signature authentications


Bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Download bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Upload bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Remove bandwidth limitation per core (Mbps) (format: 1..4294967295)


Maximum number of downloads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of uploads we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of removals we concurrently perform on this object store in a single IO node (format: 1..64)


Maximum number of extents' data to upload to an object store data blob


Maximum size to upload to an object store data blob (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Maximum RAM to allocate for concurrent uploads to this object store (per node) (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Enable tagging of uploaded objects


AWS STS operation type to use. Default: none (format: 'assume_role' or 'none')


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume. Mandatory when setting sts-operation to ASSUME_ROLE


An identifier for the assumed role session. Length constraints: Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 64.

owed characters: upper and lo

wer-case alphanumeric characters with no spaces.

weka fs reserve

Thin provisioning reserve for organizations

weka fs reserve [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka fs reserve status

Thin provisioning reserve for organizations

weka fs reserve status [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--format format]
                       [--output output]...
                       [--sort sort]...
                       [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,name,ssdReserve

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka fs reserve set

Set an organization's thin provisioning SSD reserve

weka fs reserve set <ssd-capacity>
                    [--org org]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]


SSD capacity to reserve (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Organization name or ID

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka fs reserve unset

Unset an organization's thin provisioning SSD's reserve

weka fs reserve unset [--org org]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Organization name or ID

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka interface-group

List interface groups

weka interface-group [--name name]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]
                     [--format format]
                     [--output output]...
                     [--sort sort]...
                     [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,name,mask,gateway,type,status,ips,ports,allowManageGids

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka interface-group assignment

List the currently assigned interface for each floating-IP address in the given interface-group. If is not supplied, assignments for all floating-IP addresses will be listed

weka interface-group assignment [--name name]
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]
                                [--format format]
                                [--output output]...
                                [--sort sort]...
                                [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: ip,host,port,group

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka interface-group add

Create an interface group

weka interface-group add <name>
                         [--subnet subnet]
                         [--gateway gateway]
                         [--allow-manage-gids allow-manage-gids]
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]
                         [--format format]
                         [--output output]...
                         [--sort sort]...
                         [--filter filter]...


Interface group name


Group type


subnet mask in the format


gateway ip


Allow to use manage-gids in exports. With manage-gids, the list of group ids received from the client will be replaced by a list of group ids determined by an appropriate lookup on the server (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name,mask,gateway,type,status,ips,ports,allowManageGids

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka interface-group update

Update an interface group

weka interface-group update <name>
                            [--subnet subnet]
                            [--gateway gateway]
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


Interface group name


subnet mask in the format


gateway ip

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group delete

Delete an interface group

weka interface-group delete <name>
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


Interface group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected clients and can be undone by re-creating the interface group.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group ip-range

Commands that manage interface-groups' ip-ranges

weka interface-group ip-range [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group ip-range add

Add an ip range to an interface group

weka interface-group ip-range add <name>
                                  [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


Interface group name


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group ip-range delete

Delete an ip range from an interface group

weka interface-group ip-range delete <name>
                                     [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


Interface group name


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected clients and can be undone by re-creating the IP range.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group port

Commands that manage interface-groups' ports

weka interface-group port [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group port add

Add a server port to an interface group

weka interface-group port add <name>
                              [--HOST HOST]
                              [--PORT PORT]
                              [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                              [--profile profile]


Interface group name


Server ID on which the port resides


Port's device. (e.g. eth1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka interface-group port delete

Delete a server port from an interface group

weka interface-group port delete <name>
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


Interface group name


Server ID on which the port resides


Port's device. (e.g. eth1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected clients and can be undone by re-adding the port.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local

Commands that control weka and its containers on the local machine

weka local [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local install-agent

Installs Weka agent on the machine the command is executed from

weka local install-agent [--no-update] [--help]


Don't update the locally installed containers

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local diags

Collect diagnostics from the local machine

weka local diags [--id id]
                 [--output-dir output-dir]
                 [--core-dump-limit core-dump-limit]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]

-i, --id

A unique identifier for this dump

-d, --output-dir

Directory to save the diags dump to, default: /opt/weka/diags

-c, --core-dump-limit

Limit to processing this number of core dumps, if found (default: 1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-s, --collect-cluster-info

Collect cluster-related information. Warning: Use this flag on one host at a time to avoid straining the cluster.

-t, --tar

Create a TAR of all collected diags

-v, --verbose

Print results of all diags, including successful ones

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local events

List the events saved to the local drive. This command does not require authentication and can be used when Weka is turned off.

weka local events [--path path]
                  [--container-name container-name]
                  [--format format]
                  [--output output]...
                  [--sort sort]...
                  [--filter filter]...


Path to where local events are stored


Name of the container whose events will be collected (default default)

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: time,uuid,category,severity,permission,type,entity,node,parameters,hash

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka local ps

List the Weka containers running on the machine this command is executed from

weka local ps [--format format]
              [--output output]...
              [--sort sort]...
              [--filter filter]...

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name,state,running,disabled,uptime,monitoring,persistent,port,pid,status,versionName,failureText,failure,failureTime,upgradeState

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka local rm

Delete a Weka container from the machine this command is executed from (this removed the data associated with the container, but retains the downloaded software)

weka local rm [--all] [--force] [--help] [<containers>]...


The containers to remove


Remove all containers

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This would delete all data associated with the container(s) and can potentially lose all data in the cluster.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local start

Start a Weka container

weka local start [--wait-time wait-time] [--type type]... [--start-and-enable-dependent] [--help] [<container>]...


The container to start

-w, --wait-time

How long to wait for the container to start (default: 15m) (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-t, --type...

The container types to start

-d, --start-and-enable-dependent

Start and enable dependent containers even if we state container by name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local stop

Stop a Weka container

weka local stop [--reason reason] [--type type]... [--force] [--stop-and-disable-dependent] [--help] [<container>]...


The container to stop


The reason weka was stopped, will be presented to the user during 'weka status'

-t, --type...

The container types to stop

-f, --force

Stop containers even if there are active mounts

-d, --stop-and-disable-dependent

Implictly stop and disable dependent containers even if we state container by name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local restart

Restart a Weka container

weka local restart [--wait-time wait-time] [--type type]... [--help] [<container>]...


The container to restart

-w, --wait-time

How long to wait for the container to start (default: 15m) (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-t, --type...

The container types to restart

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local status

Show the status of a Weka container

weka local status [--type type]... [--verbose] [--help] [--json] [<container>]...


The container to display it's status

-t, --type...

The container types to show

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka local enable

Enable monitoring for the requested containers so they automaticlly start on machine boot. This does not affect the current running status of the container. In order to change the current status, use the "weka local start/stop" commands. If no container names are specified, this command runs on all containers.

weka local enable [--type type]... [--help] [<container>]...


The container to enable

-t, --type...

The container types to enable

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local disable

Disable containers by not launching them on machine boot. This does not affect the current running status of the container. In order to change the current status, use the "weka local start/stop" commands. If no container names are specified, this command runs on all containers.

weka local disable [--type type]... [--help] [<container>]...


The container to disable

-t, --type...

The container types to disable

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local monitoring

Turn monitoring on/off for the given containers, or all containers if none are specified. When a container is started, it's always monitored. When a container is monitored, it will be restarted if it exits without being stopped through the CLI.

weka local monitoring <enabled> [--type type]... [--help] [<container>]...


Whether monitoring should be on or off (format: 'on' or 'off')


The container to disable

-t, --type...

The container types to disable

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local run

Execute a command inside a new container that has the same mounts as the given container. If no container is specified, either "default" or the only defined container is selected. If no command is specified, opens an interactive shell.

weka local run [--container container] [--in in] [--environment environment]... [--help] [<command>]...

-C, --container

The container to run in


The container version to run the command in

-e, --environment...

Environment variable to add

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local reset-data

Resets the data directory for a given container, making the host no longer aware of the rest of the cluster

weka local reset-data [--container container] [--clean-unused] [--force] [--help] [<version-name>]...


The versions to remove

-C, --container

The container to run in


Delete all container data directories for versions which aren't the current set version

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action is destructive and can potentially lose all data in the cluster.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources

List and control container resources

weka local resources [--container container] [--stable] [--help] [--json] [--raw-units] [--UTC]

-C, --container

The container name


List the resources from the last successful container boot

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka local resources import

Import resources from file

weka local resources import <path> [--container container] [--with-identifiers] [--help] [--force]


Path of file to import resources from

-C, --container

The container name


Import net device unique identifiers

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will override any resource changes that have not been applied, and cannot be undone.

weka local resources export

Export stable resources to file

weka local resources export <path> [--container container] [--staging] [--stable] [--help]


Path to export resources

-C, --container

The container name


List the resources from the currently staged resources that were not yet applied


List the resources from the currently stable resources, which are the last known good resources

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources restore

Restore resources from Stable resources

weka local resources restore [--container container] [--help]

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources apply

Apply changes to resources locally

weka local resources apply [--container container] [--help] [--force]

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will restart the container on this host and cannot be undone.

weka local resources cores

Change the core configuration of the host

weka local resources cores <cores>
                           [--container container]
                           [--frontend-dedicated-cores frontend-dedicated-cores]
                           [--drives-dedicated-cores drives-dedicated-cores]
                           [--compute-dedicated-cores compute-dedicated-cores]
                           [--core-ids core-ids]...


Number of CPU cores dedicated to weka - If set to 0 - no drive could be added to this host

-C, --container

The container name


Number of cores dedicated to weka frontend (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka drives (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka compute (out of the total )

-cores-ids, --core-ids...

Specify the ids of weka dedicated cores


Don't allocate frontend nodes


Create only nodes with a drives role


Create only nodes with a compute role


Create only nodes with a frontend role


Allow specified cores-ids even if there are running containers with AUTO cores-ids allocation on the same server.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources base-port

Change the port-range used by the container. Weka containers require 100 ports to operate.

weka local resources base-port <base-port> [--container container] [--help]


The first port that will be used by the Weka container, out of a total of 100 ports.

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources memory

Dedicate a set amount of RAM to weka

weka local resources memory <memory> [--container container] [--help]


Memory dedicated to weka in bytes, set to 0 to let the system decide (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources dedicate

Set the host as dedicated to weka. For example it can be rebooted whenever needed, and configured by weka for optimal performance and stability

weka local resources dedicate <on> [--container container] [--help]


Set the host as weka dedicated, off unsets host as weka dedicated (format: 'on' or 'off')

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources bandwidth

Limit weka's bandwidth for the host

weka local resources bandwidth <bandwidth> [--container container] [--help]


New bandwidth limitation per second (format: either "unlimited" or bandwidth per second in binary or decimal values: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources management-ips

Set the host's management node IPs. Setting 2 IPs will turn this hosts networking into highly-available mode

weka local resources management-ips [--container container] [--help] [<management-ips>]...


New IPs for the management nodes

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources join-ips

Set the IPs and ports of all hosts in the cluster. This will enable the host to join the cluster using these IPs.

weka local resources join-ips [--container container] [--help] [<management-ips>]...


New IP:port pairs for the management processes. If no port is used the command will use the default Weka port

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources failure-domain

Set the host failure-domain

weka local resources failure-domain [--container container] [--name name] [--auto] [--help]

-C, --container

The container name


Add this host to a named failure-domain. A failure-domain will be created if it doesn't exist yet.


Set this host to be a failure-domain of its own

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources net

List and control container resources

weka local resources net [--container container] [--stable] [--help] [--json]

-C, --container

The container name


List the resources from the last successful container boot

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka local resources net add

Allocate a dedicated networking device on a host (to the cluster).

weka local resources net add <device>
                             [--container container]
                             [--gateway gateway]
                             [--netmask netmask]
                             [--name name]
                             [--label label]
                             [--vfs vfs]
                             [--ips ips]...


Network device pci-slot/mac-address/interface-name(s)

-C, --container

The container name


Default gateway IP. In AWS this value is auto-detected, otherwise the default data networking gateway will be used.


Netmask in bits number. In AWS this value is auto-detected, otherwise the default data networking netmask will be used.


If empty, a name will be auto generated.


The name of the switch or network group to which this network device is attached


The number of VFs to preallocate (default is all supported by NIC)


IPs to be allocated to cores using the device. If not given - IPs may be set automatically according the interface's IPs, or taken from the default networking IPs pool (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local resources net remove

Undedicate a networking device in a host.

weka local resources net remove <name> [--container container] [--help]


Net device name or identifier as appears in weka local resources net

-C, --container

The container name

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local setup

Container setup commands

weka local setup [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local setup weka

Setup a local weka container

weka local setup weka [--name name] [--disable] [--no-start] [--help]

-n, --name

The name to give the container


Should the container be created as disabled


Do not start the container after its creation

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local setup container

Setup a local weka container

weka local setup container [--name name]
                           [--cores cores]
                           [--frontend-dedicated-cores frontend-dedicated-cores]
                           [--drives-dedicated-cores drives-dedicated-cores]
                           [--compute-dedicated-cores compute-dedicated-cores]
                           [--memory memory]
                           [--bandwidth bandwidth]
                           [--failure-domain failure-domain]
                           [--timeout timeout]
                           [--container-id container-id]
                           [--base-port base-port]
                           [--resources-path resources-path]
                           [--weka-version weka-version]
                           [--core-ids core-ids]...
                           [--management-ips management-ips]...
                           [--join-ips join-ips]...
                           [--net net]...

-n, --name

The name to give the container


Number of CPU cores dedicated to weka - If set to 0 - no drive could be added to this container


Number of cores dedicated to weka frontend (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka drives (out of the total )


Number of cores dedicated to weka compute (out of the total )


Memory dedicated to weka in bytes, set to 0 to let the system decide (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


bandwidth limitation per second (format: either "unlimited" or bandwidth per second in binary or decimal values: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Add this container to a named failure-domain. A failure-domain will be created if it doesn't exist yet. If not specified, an automatic failure domain will be assigned.

-t, --timeout

Join command timeout in seconds (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Decide on a specific container-id for the container to join using


The first port that will be used by the Weka container, out of a total of 100 ports.


Import the container's resources from a file (additional command-line flags specified will override the resources in the file)


Use the specified version to start the container in

-cores-ids, --core-ids...

Specify the ids of weka dedicated cores


New IPs for the management nodes


New IP:port pairs for the management processes. If no port is used the command will use the default Weka port


Network specification - /[ip]/[bits]/[gateway]. Or: 'udp' to enforce UDP and avoid an attempt of auto deduction


Should the container be created as disabled


Do not start the container after its creation


Don't allocate frontend nodes


Create only nodes with a drives role


Create only nodes with a compute role


Create only nodes with a frontend role


Allow specified cores-ids even if there are running containers with AUTO cores-ids allocation on the same server.


Set the host as weka dedicated


Create a new container even if a container with the same name exists, disregarding all safety checks!


Allow container to start even if the required ports are used by other processes

-h, --help

Show help message

weka local upgrade

Upgrade a Weka Host Container to its cluster version

weka local upgrade [--container container]
                   [--target-version target-version]
                   [--upgrade-container-timeout upgrade-container-timeout]
                   [--prepare-container-timeout prepare-container-timeout]
                   [--container-action-timeout container-action-timeout]

-C, --container

The container name

-t, --target-version

Specify a specific target version for upgrade, instead of upgrading to the backend's version.

NOTE - This parameter is

DANGEROUS, use with caution. Incorrect usage may cause upgrade failure.


How long to wait for the container to upgrade. default is 120s (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


How long to wait for the container to prepare for upgrade. default is 120s (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


How long to wait for the container action to run before timing out and retrying 30s (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Allow starting local upgrade while the container is not fully up


Don't upgrade the weka agent


Upgrade dependent containers


Upgrade all containers

-h, --help

Show help message

weka mount

Mounts a wekafs filesystem. This is the helper utility installed at /sbin/mount.wekafs.

weka mount <source>
           [--option option]
           [--type type]


Source filesystem to mount


Location to mount the source filesystem on

-o, --option

Mount options

-t, --type

The filesystem type

-n, --no-mtab

Mount without writing in /etc/mtab. This is necessary for example when /etc is on a read-only filesystem

-s, --sloppy

Tolerate sloppy mount options rather than failing

-f, --fake

Causes everything to be done except for the actual system call

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka nfs

Commands that manage client-groups, permissions and interface-groups

weka nfs [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules

Commands that manage NFS-rules

weka nfs rules [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules add

Commands that add NFS-rules

weka nfs rules add [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules add dns

Add a DNS rule to an NFS client group

weka nfs rules add dns <name>
                       [--ip ip]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


Group name


DNS rule with *?[] wildcards rule


IP with mask or CIDR rule, in the or format

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules add ip

Add an IP rule to an NFS client group

weka nfs rules add ip <name>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Group name


IP with CIDR rule, in the or format

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules delete

Commands for deleting NFS-rules

weka nfs rules delete [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules delete dns

Delete a DNS rule from an NFS client group

weka nfs rules delete dns <name>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


Group name


DNS rule with *?[] wildcards rule

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs rules delete ip

Delete an IP rule from an NFS client group

weka nfs rules delete ip <name>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


Group name


IP with CIDR rule, in the or format

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs client-group

Lists NFS client groups

weka nfs client-group [--name name]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,name,rules

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs client-group add

Create an NFS client group

weka nfs client-group add <name>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]
                          [--format format]
                          [--output output]...
                          [--sort sort]...
                          [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name,rules

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs client-group delete

Delete an NFS client group

weka nfs client-group delete <name>
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected NFS clients and can be undone by re-creating the client group.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs permission

List NFS permissions for a filesystem

weka nfs permission [--filesystem filesystem]
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--format format]
                    [--output output]...
                    [--sort sort]...
                    [--filter filter]...


File system name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,filesystem,group,path,type,squash,auid,agid,obsdirect,manageGids,options,customOptions,privilegedPort,priority,supportedVersions

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs permission add

Allow a client group to access a file system

weka nfs permission add <filesystem>
                        [--path path]
                        [--permission-type permission-type]
                        [--root-squashing root-squashing]
                        [--squash squash]
                        [--anon-uid anon-uid]
                        [--anon-gid anon-gid]
                        [--obs-direct obs-direct]
                        [--manage-gids manage-gids]
                        [--privileged-port privileged-port]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]
                        [--supported-versions supported-versions]...


File system name


Client group name


path [default: /]


Permission type (format: 'ro' or 'rw')


Root squashing (format: 'on' or 'off')


Permission squashing. NOTE - The option 'all' can be used only on interface groups with --allow-manage-gids=on (format: 'none', 'root' or 'all')


Anonymous UID to be used instead of root when root squashing is enabled


Anonymous GID to be used instead of root when root squashing is enabled


Obs direct (format: 'on' or 'off')


the list of group ids received from the client will be replaced by a list of group ids determined by an appropriate lookup on the server. NOTE - this only works with a interface group which allows manage-gids (format: 'on' or 'off')


Privileged port (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


A comma-separated list of supported NFS versions (format: 'v3' or 'v4')

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will affect all NFS users of this permission/export, Use it with caution and consult the Weka Customer Success team at need.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs permission update

Edit a file system permission

weka nfs permission update <filesystem>
                           [--path path]
                           [--permission-type permission-type]
                           [--root-squashing root-squashing]
                           [--squash squash]
                           [--anon-uid anon-uid]
                           [--anon-gid anon-gid]
                           [--obs-direct obs-direct]
                           [--manage-gids manage-gids]
                           [--custom-options custom-options]
                           [--privileged-port privileged-port]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]
                           [--supported-versions supported-versions]...


File system name


Client group name


path [default: /]


Permission type (format: 'ro' or 'rw')


Root squashing (format: 'on' or 'off')


Permission squashing. NOTE - The option 'all' can be used only on interface groups with --allow-manage-gids=on (format: 'none', 'root' or 'all')


Anonymous UID to be used instead of root when root squashing is enabled


Anonymous GID to be used instead of root when root squashing is enabled


Obs direct (format: 'on' or 'off')


the list of group ids received from the client will be replaced by a list of group ids determined by an appropriate lookup on the server. NOTE - this only works with a interface group which allows manage-gids (format: 'on' or 'off')


Custom export options


Privileged port (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


A comma-separated list of supported NFS versions (format: 'v3' or 'v4')

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs permission delete

Delete a file system permission

weka nfs permission delete <filesystem>
                           [--path path]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


File system name


Client group name


path [default: /]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected NFS clients and can be undone by re-creating the filesystem permission.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group

List interface groups

weka nfs interface-group [--name name]
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]
                         [--format format]
                         [--output output]...
                         [--sort sort]...
                         [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,name,mask,gateway,type,status,ips,ports,allowManageGids

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs interface-group assignment

List the currently assigned interface for each floating-IP address in the given interface-group. If is not supplied, assignments for all floating-IP addresses will be listed

weka nfs interface-group assignment [--name name]
                                    [--HOST HOST]
                                    [--PORT PORT]
                                    [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                    [--profile profile]
                                    [--format format]
                                    [--output output]...
                                    [--sort sort]...
                                    [--filter filter]...


Group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: ip,host,port,group

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs interface-group add

Create an interface group

weka nfs interface-group add <name>
                             [--subnet subnet]
                             [--gateway gateway]
                             [--allow-manage-gids allow-manage-gids]
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]
                             [--format format]
                             [--output output]...
                             [--sort sort]...
                             [--filter filter]...


Interface group name


Group type. cli subnet type can be NFS


subnet mask in the format


gateway ip


Allow to use manage-gids in exports. With manage-gids, the list of group ids received from the client will be replaced by a list of group ids determined by an appropriate lookup on the server (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name,mask,gateway,type,status,ips,ports,allowManageGids

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs interface-group update

Update an interface group

weka nfs interface-group update <name>
                                [--subnet subnet]
                                [--gateway gateway]
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


Interface group name


subnet mask in the format


gateway ip

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group delete

Delete an interface group

weka nfs interface-group delete <name>
                                [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]


Interface group name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected NFS clients and can be undone by re-creating the interface group.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group ip-range

Commands that manage nfs interface-groups' ip-ranges

weka nfs interface-group ip-range [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group ip-range add

Add an ip range to an interface group

weka nfs interface-group ip-range add <name>
                                      [--HOST HOST]
                                      [--PORT PORT]
                                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                      [--profile profile]


Interface group name


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group ip-range delete

Delete an ip range from an interface group

weka nfs interface-group ip-range delete <name>
                                         [--HOST HOST]
                                         [--PORT PORT]
                                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                         [--profile profile]


Interface group name


IP range (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected NFS clients and can be undone by re-creating the IP range.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group port

Commands that manage nfs interface-groups' ports

weka nfs interface-group port [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group port add

Add a server port to an interface group

weka nfs interface-group port add <name>
                                  [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


Interface group name


Server ID on which the port resides


Port's device. (e.g. eth1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs interface-group port delete

Delete a server port from an interface group

weka nfs interface-group port delete <name>
                                     [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


Interface group name


Server ID on which the port resides


Port's device. (e.g. eth1)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected NFS clients and can be undone by re-adding the port.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs debug-level

Manage debug level for nfs servers.

weka nfs debug-level [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs debug-level show

Get debug level for nfs servers.

weka nfs debug-level show [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]
                          [--format format]
                          [--nfs-hosts nfs-hosts]...
                          [--output output]...
                          [--sort sort]...
                          [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


Only return these host IDs (pass weka's host id as a number). All hosts as default

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: host,debugLevel

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka nfs debug-level set

Set debug level for nfs servers. Return to default (EVENT) when finish debugging.

weka nfs debug-level set <level>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]
                         [--nfs-hosts nfs-hosts]...


The debug level, can be one of this options: EVENT, INFO, DEBUG, MID_DEBUG, FULL_DEBUG

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Hosts to set debug level (pass weka's host id as a number). All hosts as default

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs global-config

NFS Global Configuration

weka nfs global-config [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs global-config set

Set NFS global configuration options

weka nfs global-config set [--mountd-port mountd-port]
                           [--config-fs config-fs]
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]
                           [--default-supported-versions default-supported-versions]...


Configure the port number of the mountd service


NFSv4 config filesystem name, use "" to invalidate

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


A comma-separated list of the default supported NFS versions for new permissions (format: 'v3' or 'v4')

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This may cause a temporary disruption in the NFS service.

weka nfs global-config show

Show the NFS global configuration

weka nfs global-config show [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka nfs clients

NFS Clients usage information

weka nfs clients [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka nfs clients show

Show NFS Clients usage information. If no options are given, all NFS Ganesha containers will be selected.

weka nfs clients show [--interface-group interface-group]
                      [--container-id container-id]
                      [--fip fip]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...







-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: hostid,client_ip,idle_time,num_v3_ops,num_v4_ops,num_v4_open_ops,num_v4_close_ops

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka org

List organizations defined in the Weka cluster

weka org [--HOST HOST]
         [--PORT PORT]
         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
         [--profile profile]
         [--format format]
         [--output output]...
         [--sort sort]...
         [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,name,allocSSD,quotaSSD,allocTotal,quotaTotal

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka org create

Create a new organization in the Weka cluster

weka org create <name>
                [--ssd-quota ssd-quota]
                [--total-quota total-quota]
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]


Organization name


Username of organization admin


Password of organization admin


SSD quota (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Total quota (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka org rename

Change an organization name

weka org rename <org>
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]


Current organization name or ID


New organization name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka org set-quota

Set an organization's SSD and/or total quotas

weka org set-quota <org>
                   [--ssd-quota ssd-quota]
                   [--total-quota total-quota]
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]


Organization name or ID


SSD quota (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


Total quota (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka org delete

Delete an organization

weka org delete <org>
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]


Organization name or ID

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will DELETE ALL DATA stored in this organization's filesystems and cannot be undone.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security

Security commands.

weka security [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security kms

List the currently configured key management service settings

weka security kms [--HOST HOST]
                  [--PORT PORT]
                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                  [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security kms set

Configure the active KMS

weka security kms set <type>
                      [--token token]
                      [--namespace namespace]
                      [--client-cert client-cert]
                      [--client-key client-key]
                      [--ca-cert ca-cert]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


KMS type, one of ["vault", "kmip"]


Server address, usually a hostname:port or a URL


Key to secure the filesystem keys with, e.g a key name (for Vault) or a key uid (for KMIP)


auth: API token to access the KMS


Namespace (Vault, optional)


auth: Path to the client certificate PEM file


auth: Path to the client key PEM file


auth: Path to the CA certificate PEM file

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security kms unset

Remove external KMS configurations. This will fail if there are any encrypted filesystems that rely on the KMS.

weka security kms unset [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Allows downgrading existing encrypted filesystems to local encryption instead of a KMS

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security kms rewrap

Rewraps all the master filesystem keys using the configured KMS. This can be used to rewrap with a rotated KMS key, or to change wrapping to the newly-configured KMS.

weka security kms rewrap [--new-key-uid new-key-uid]
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


(KMIP-only) Unique identifier for the new key to be used to wrap filesystem keys

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security tls

TLS commands.

weka security tls [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security tls status

Show the Weka cluster TLS status and certificate

weka security tls status [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security tls download

Download the Weka cluster TLS certificate

weka security tls download <path>
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


Path to output file

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security tls set

Make Ngnix use TLS when accessing UI. If TLS already set this command updates the key and certificate.

weka security tls set [--private-key private-key]
                      [--certificate certificate]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Path to TLS private key pem file


Path to TLS certificate pem file

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security tls unset

Make Ngnix not use TLS when accessing UI

weka security tls unset [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security lockout-config

Commands used to interact with the account lockout config parameters

weka security lockout-config [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security lockout-config set

Configure the number of failed attempts before lockout and the duration of lock

weka security lockout-config set [--failed-attempts failed-attempts]
                                 [--lockout-duration lockout-duration]
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


Number of consecutive failed logins before user account locks out


How long the account should be locked out for after failed logins (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security lockout-config reset

Reset the number of failed attempts before lockout and the duration of lock to their defaults

weka security lockout-config reset [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security lockout-config show

Show the current number of attempts needed to lockout and how long the lockout is for

weka security lockout-config show [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security login-banner

Commands used to view and edit the login banner

weka security login-banner [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security login-banner set

Set the login banner

weka security login-banner set <login-banner>
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


Text banner to be displayed before the user logs into the web UI

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security login-banner reset

Resets the login banner back to the default state (empty)

weka security login-banner reset [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security login-banner enable

Enable the login banner

weka security login-banner enable [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security login-banner disable

Disable the login banner

weka security login-banner disable [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security login-banner show

Show the current login banner

weka security login-banner show [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security ca-cert

Commands handling custom CA signed certificate

weka security ca-cert [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security ca-cert set

Add a custom certificate to the certificates list. If a custom certificate is already set, this command updates it.

weka security ca-cert set [--cert-file cert-file]
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


Path to certificate file

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security ca-cert status

Show the Weka cluster CA-cert status and certificate

weka security ca-cert status [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka security ca-cert download

Download the Weka cluster custom certificate, if such certificate was set

weka security ca-cert download <path>
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


Path to output file

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka security ca-cert unset

Unsets custom CA signed certificate from cluster

weka security ca-cert unset [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb

Commands that manage Weka's SMB container

weka smb [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster

View info about the SMB cluster managed by weka

weka smb cluster [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster containers

Update an SMB cluster containers

weka smb cluster containers [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster containers add

Update an SMB cluster

weka smb cluster containers add [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]
                                [--container-ids container-ids]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The SMB containers being added (pass weka's host id as a number)

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

weka smb cluster containers remove

Update an SMB cluster

weka smb cluster containers remove [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]
                                   [--container-ids container-ids]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The SMB containers being removed (pass weka's container id as a number)

-h, --help

Show help message

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

weka smb cluster wait

Wait for SMB cluster to become ready

weka smb cluster wait [--timeout timeout]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]

-t, --timeout

Timeout (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster update

Update an SMB cluster

weka smb cluster update [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]
                        [--encryption encryption]
                        [--smb-ips-pool smb-ips-pool]...
                        [--smb-ips-range smb-ips-range]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Encryption (format: 'enabled', 'disabled', 'desired' or 'required')


IPs used as floating IPs for SMB to serve in a HA manner. Then should not be assigned to any host on the network


IPs used as floating IPs for SMB to serve in a HA manner. Then should not be assigned to any host on the network (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster create

Create a SMB cluster managed by weka

weka smb cluster create <netbios-name>
                        [--domain-netbios-name domain-netbios-name]
                        [--idmap-backend idmap-backend]
                        [--default-domain-mapping-from-id default-domain-mapping-from-id]
                        [--default-domain-mapping-to-id default-domain-mapping-to-id]
                        [--joined-domain-mapping-from-id joined-domain-mapping-from-id]
                        [--joined-domain-mapping-to-id joined-domain-mapping-to-id]
                        [--encryption encryption]
                        [--smb-conf-extra smb-conf-extra]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]
                        [--container-ids container-ids]...
                        [--smb-ips-pool smb-ips-pool]...
                        [--smb-ips-range smb-ips-range]...


The netbios name to give to the SMB cluster


The domain to join the SMB cluster to


SMB config filesystem name


The domain netbios name; If not given, the default will be the first part of the given domain name


The SMB domain backend type (rid, rfc2307, etc.). Note that rfc2307 requires uid/gid configuration on the Active Directory and is persistent, while rid does not require any Active Directory configuration but in case of range changes uids/gids could break.


The SMB default domain first id


The SMB default domain last id


The joined domain first id


The joined domain last id


Encryption (format: 'enabled', 'disabled', 'desired' or 'required')


Extra smb configuration options

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The containers that will serve via the SMB protocol (pass weka's container id as a number)


IPs used as floating IPs for samba to server SMB in a HA manner. Then should not be assigned to any container on the network


IPs used as floating IPs for samba to server SMB in a HA manner. Then should not be assigned to any container on the network (format: A.B.C.D-E.F.G.H or A.B.C.D-F.G.H or A.B.C.D-G.H or A.B.C.D-H)


SMB Legacy cluster type

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster debug

Set debug level in an SMB container

weka smb cluster debug <level>
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--container-ids container-ids]...


The debug level

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Hosts to set debug level (pass weka's host id as a number). All hosts as default

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster destroy

Destroy the SMB cluster managed by weka. This will not delete the data, just stop exposing it via SMB

weka smb cluster destroy [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster trusted-domains

List all trusted domains

weka smb cluster trusted-domains [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]
                                 [--format format]
                                 [--output output]...
                                 [--sort sort]...
                                 [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,domain,idmap,from,to

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka smb cluster trusted-domains add

Add a new trusted domain

weka smb cluster trusted-domains add <domain-name>
                                     [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


The name of the domain being added


The first id


The last id

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients and modify existing uids/gids.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster trusted-domains remove

Remove a trusted domain

weka smb cluster trusted-domains remove <trusteddomain-id>
                                        [--HOST HOST]
                                        [--PORT PORT]
                                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                        [--profile profile]


The id of the domain to remove

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients and modify existing uids/gids.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster status

Show which of the containers are ready.

weka smb cluster status [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster host-access

Show host access help

weka smb cluster host-access [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb cluster host-access list

Show host access list

weka smb cluster host-access list [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]
                                  [--format format]
                                  [--output output]...
                                  [--sort sort]...
                                  [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,mode,hostname

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka smb cluster host-access reset

Reset host access lists

weka smb cluster host-access reset <mode>
                                   [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]


allow/deny host access (format: 'allow' or 'deny')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will delete all host access ips.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster host-access add

Add hosts to host access lists

weka smb cluster host-access add <mode>
                                 [--timeout timeout]
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]
                                 [--ips ips]...
                                 [--hosts hosts]...


allow/deny host access (format: 'allow' or 'deny')

-t, --timeout

Timeout in seconds (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


ips to add


hosts to add

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb cluster host-access remove

Remove hosts from a user list

weka smb cluster host-access remove [--HOST HOST]
                                    [--PORT PORT]
                                    [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                    [--profile profile]


hosts to remove

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share

List all shares exposed via SMB

weka smb share [--HOST HOST]
               [--PORT PORT]
               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
               [--profile profile]
               [--format format]
               [--output output]...
               [--sort sort]...
               [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: id,share,filesystem,description,path,fmask,dmask,acls,options,additional,direct,encryption,validUsers,invalidUsers,readonlyUsers,readwriteUsers,readonlyShare,allowGuestAccess,hidden

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka smb share update

Update an SMB share

weka smb share update <share-id>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--encryption encryption]
                      [--read-only read-only]
                      [--allow-guest-access allow-guest-access]
                      [--hidden hidden]


The id of the share to update

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Encryption (format: 'cluster_default', 'desired' or 'required')


Mount as read-only (format: 'on' or 'off')


Allow Guest Access (format: 'on' or 'off')


Hidden (format: 'on' or 'off')

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb share lists

Show lists help

weka smb share lists [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb share lists show

Show user lists

weka smb share lists show [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]
                          [--format format]
                          [--output output]...
                          [--sort sort]...
                          [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,share,readonly,validusers,invalidusers,readonlyusers,readwriteusers

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka smb share lists reset

Reset a user list

weka smb share lists reset <share-id>
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


The id of the share


The list type (format: 'read_only', 'read_write', 'valid' or 'invalid')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share lists add

Add users to a user list

weka smb share lists add <share-id>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]
                         [--users users]...


The id of the share


The list type (format: 'read_only', 'read_write', 'valid' or 'invalid')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Users to add

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share lists remove

Remove users from a user list

weka smb share lists remove <share_id>
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]
                            [--users users]...


The id of the share being removed from


The list type from which users are removed from (format: 'read_only', 'read_write', 'valid' or 'invalid')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Users to remove

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share add

Add a new share to be exposed by SMB

weka smb share add <share-name>
                   [--description description]
                   [--internal-path internal-path]
                   [--file-create-mask file-create-mask]
                   [--directory-create-mask directory-create-mask]
                   [--mount-option mount-option]
                   [--acl acl]
                   [--obs-direct obs-direct]
                   [--encryption encryption]
                   [--read-only read-only]
                   [--user-list-type user-list-type]
                   [--allow-guest-access allow-guest-access]
                   [--hidden hidden]
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]
                   [--share-option share-option]...
                   [--users users]...


The name of the share being added


Filesystem name to share


A description for SMB to show regarding the share


The path inside the filesystem to share


POSIX mode mask files will be created with. E.g. "0744"


POSIX mode mask directories will be created with. E.g. "0755"

-o, --mount-option

Option to pass to the mount command when mounting weka. NOTE - This parameter is DANGEROUS, use with caution. Incorrect usage may lead to DATA LOSS.


Enable Windows ACLs on the share. Will also be translated (as possible) to POSIX ACLs. (format: 'on' or 'off')


Mount share in obs-direct mode (format: 'on' or 'off')


Encryption (format: 'cluster_default', 'desired' or 'required')


Mount share as read-only (format: 'on' or 'off')


The list type to which users are added to (format: 'read_only', 'read_write', 'valid' or 'invalid')


Allow guests to access the share (format: 'on' or 'off')


Hidden (format: 'on' or 'off')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Additional options to pass on to SMB. NOTE - This parameter is DANGEROUS, use with caution. Incorrect usage may lead to DATA LOSS.


Users to add

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will affect all SMB users of this share, Use it with caution and consult the Weka Customer Success team at need.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share remove

Remove a share exposed by SMB

weka smb share remove <share-id>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


The id of the share to remove

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected SMB clients.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb share host-access

Show host access help

weka smb share host-access [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka smb share host-access list

Show host access list

weka smb share host-access list [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]
                                [--format format]
                                [--output output]...
                                [--sort sort]...
                                [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,share,mode,hostname

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka smb share host-access reset

Reset host access lists

weka smb share host-access reset <share-id>
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


The id of the share


allow/deny host access (format: 'allow' or 'deny')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will delete all host access ips.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share host-access add

Add hosts to host access lists

weka smb share host-access add <share-id>
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]
                               [--ips ips]...
                               [--hosts hosts]...


The id of the share


allow/deny host access (format: 'allow' or 'deny')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


ips to add


hosts to add

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb share host-access remove

Remove hosts from a user list

weka smb share host-access remove <share_id>
                                  [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


The id of the share being removed from


Hosts to add

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb domain

View info about the domain

weka smb domain [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb domain join

Join cluster to Active Directory domain

weka smb domain join <username>
                     [--server server]
                     [--create-computer create-computer]
                     [--extra-options extra-options]
                     [--timeout timeout]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


The name of the administrator user to join the domain using it


The administrator user password


The domain controller server


Precreate the computer account in a specific OU


Consult with SMB 'net ads join' manual for extra options

-t, --timeout

Join command timeout in seconds (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Run the command in debug mode

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka smb domain leave

Leave Active Directory domain

weka smb domain leave <username>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


The name of the administrator user to leave the domain using it


The administrator user password

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Run the command in debug mode

-f, --force

Force to leave the domain. Use when Active Directory is unresponsive

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka stats

List all statistics that conform to the filter criteria

weka stats [--start-time <start>]
           [--end-time <end>]
           [--interval interval]
           [--resolution-secs <secs>]
           [--role role]
           [--HOST HOST]
           [--PORT PORT]
           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
           [--profile profile]
           [--format format]
           [--category category]...
           [--stat stat]...
           [--process-ids process-ids]...
           [--param param]...
           [--output output]...
           [--sort sort]...
           [--filter filter]...


Query for stats starting at this time (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Query for stats up to this time point (format: 5m, -5m, -1d, -1w, 1:00, 01:00, 18:30, 18:30:07, 2018-12-31 10:00, 2018/12/31 10:00, 2018-12-31T10:00, 2019-Nov-17 11:11:00.309, 9:15Z, 10:00+2:00)


Period (in seconds) of time of the report


Length of each interval in the report period


Limit the report to processes with the specified role

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


Retrieve only statistics of the specified categories


Retrieve only the specified statistics


Limit the report to the specified processes


For parameterized statistics, retrieve only the instantiations where the specified parameter is of the specified value. Multiple values can be supplied for the same key, e.g. '--param method:putBlocks --param method:initBlock'. (format: key:value)

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: node,category,timestamp,stat,unit,value,containerId,container,hostname,roles

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show accumulated statistics, not rate statistics


Do not aggregate statistics across processes

-Z, --no-zeros

Do not retrieve results where the value is 0


Show internal statistics


Skip category/stat name validations

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka stats realtime

Get performance related stats which are updated in a one-second interval.

weka stats realtime [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--format format]
                    [--output output]...
                    [--sort sort]...
                    [--filter filter]...


Only show realtime stats of these processes

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: node,hostname,role,mode,writeps,writebps,wlatency,readps,readbps,rlatency,ops,cpu,l6recv,l6send,upload,download,rdmarecv,rdmasend

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Show each column's sum of values in the real-time statistics output


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka stats list-types

Show the statistics definition information

weka stats list-types [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...


Filter by these names or categories

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: category,clabel,identifier,description,label,type,unit,params,realted,permission,ntype,accumulate,histogram,histogramUnit

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]


Show internal statistics

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka stats retention

Configure retention for statistics

weka stats retention [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka stats retention set

Choose how long to keep statistics for

weka stats retention set [--days days]
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


Number of days to keep the statistics

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Only test the command, don't affect the system

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka stats retention status

Show configured statistics retention

weka stats retention status [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka stats retention restore-default

Restore default retention for statistics

weka stats retention restore-default [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


Only test the command, don't affect the system

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka status

Get an overall status of the Weka cluster

weka status [--HOST HOST]
            [--PORT PORT]
            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
            [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka status rebuild

Show the cluster phasing in/out progress, and protection per fault-level

weka status rebuild [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.

weka umount

Unmounts wekafs filesystems. This is the helper utility installed at /sbin/umount.wekafs.

weka umount <target> [--type type] [--verbose] [--no-mtab] [--lazy-unmount] [--force] [--readonly] [--help]


The target mount point to unmount

-t, --type

Indicate that the actions should only be taken on file systems of the specified type

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode

-n, --no-mtab

Unmount without writing in /etc/mtab

-l, --lazy-unmount

Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore

-f, --force

Force unmount

-r, --readonly

In case unmounting fails, try to remount read-only

-h, --help

Show help message

weka upgrade

Commands that control the upgrade precedure of Weka

weka upgrade [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka upgrade supported-features

List upgrade features supported by the running cluster

weka upgrade supported-features [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user

List users defined in the Weka cluster

weka user [--HOST HOST]
          [--PORT PORT]
          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
          [--profile profile]
          [--format format]
          [--output output]...
          [--sort sort]...
          [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,user,source,role,s3Policy,posix_uid,posix_gid

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka user login

Logs a user into the Weka cluster. If login is successful, the user credentials are saved to the user homedir.

weka user login [username]
                [--org org]
                [--path path]
                [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]


User's username


User's password

-g, --org

Organization name or ID

-p, --path

The path where the login token will be saved (default: ~/.weka/auth-token.json). This path can also be specified using the WEKA_TOKEN environment variable. After logging-in, use the WEKA_TOKEN environment variable to specify where the login token is located.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user logout

Logs the current user out of the Weka cluster by removing the user credentials from WEKA_TOKEN if exists, or otherwise from the user homedir

weka user logout [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user whoami

Get information about currently logged-in user

weka user whoami [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]
                 [--format format]
                 [--output output]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: orgId,orgName,user,source,role

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka user passwd

Set a user's password. If the currently logged-in user is an admin, it can change the password for all other users in the organization.

weka user passwd [password]
                 [--username username]
                 [--current-password current-password]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]


New password: must contain at least 8 characters, and have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character. Typing special characters as arguments to this command might require escaping


Username to change the password for, by default password is changed for the current user


User's current password. Only necessary if changing current user's password

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user change-role

Change the role of an existing user.

weka user change-role <username>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Username of user to change the role of


New role to set for the user (format: 'clusteradmin', 'orgadmin', 'regular', 'readonly' or 's3')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user update

Change parameters of an existing user.

weka user update <username>
                 [--posix-uid posix-uid]
                 [--posix-gid posix-gid]
                 [--role role]
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]


Username of user to update


POSIX UID for user (S3 Only)


POSIX GID for user (S3 Only)


New role to set for the user (format: 'clusteradmin', 'orgadmin', 'regular', 'readonly' or 's3')

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user add

Create a new user in the Weka cluster

weka user add <username>
              [--posix-uid posix-uid]
              [--posix-gid posix-gid]
              [--HOST HOST]
              [--PORT PORT]
              [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
              [--profile profile]


Username of the new user to create


The role of the new user (format: 'clusteradmin', 'orgadmin', 'regular', 'readonly' or 's3')


Password for the new user: must contain at least 8 characters, and have at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, and one number or special character. Typing special characters as arguments to this command might require escaping


POSIX UID for user (S3 Only)


POSIX GID for user (S3 Only)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user delete

Delete user from the Weka cluster

weka user delete <username>
                 [--HOST HOST]
                 [--PORT PORT]
                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                 [--profile profile]


User's name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka user revoke-tokens

Revoke all existing login tokens of an internal user

weka user revoke-tokens <username>
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Username of user to revoke the tokens for

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user generate-token

Generate an access token for the current logged in user for use with REST API

weka user generate-token [--access-token-timeout access-token-timeout]
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


In how long should the access token expire (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap

Show current LDAP configuration used for authenticating users

weka user ldap [--HOST HOST]
               [--PORT PORT]
               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
               [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap setup

Setup an LDAP server for user authentication

weka user ldap setup <server-uri>
                     [--cluster-admin-group cluster-admin-group]
                     [--org-admin-group org-admin-group]
                     [--regular-group regular-group]
                     [--readonly-group readonly-group]
                     [--start-tls start-tls]
                     [--ignore-start-tls-failure ignore-start-tls-failure]
                     [--server-timeout-secs server-timeout-secs]
                     [--protocol-version protocol-version]
                     [--user-revocation-attribute user-revocation-attribute]
                     [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]


LDAP server URI ([ldap://]hostname[:port] or ldaps://hostname[:port])


Base DN


User object class


User ID attribute


Group object class


Group membership attribute


Group ID attribute


Reader username


Reader password


LDAP group of users that should get ClusterAdmin role (this role is only available for the root tenant to configure)


LDAP group of users that should get OrgAdmin role


LDAP group of users that should get Regular role


LDAP group of users that should get ReadOnly role


Issue StartTLS after connecting (should not be used with ldaps://) (format: 'yes' or 'no')


Ignore start TLS failure (format: 'yes' or 'no')


LDAP connection timeout in seconds


LDAP protocol version


User revocation attribute: If provided, updating this attribute in the LDAP server automatically revokes all user tokens.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap setup-ad

Setup an Active Directory server for user authentication

weka user ldap setup-ad <server-uri>
                        [--cluster-admin-group cluster-admin-group]
                        [--org-admin-group org-admin-group]
                        [--regular-group regular-group]
                        [--readonly-group readonly-group]
                        [--start-tls start-tls]
                        [--ignore-start-tls-failure ignore-start-tls-failure]
                        [--server-timeout-secs server-timeout-secs]
                        [--user-revocation-attribute user-revocation-attribute]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


LDAP server URI ([ldap://]hostname[:port] or ldaps://hostname[:port])




Reader username


Reader password


LDAP group of users that should get ClusterAdmin role (this role is only available for the root tenant to configure)


LDAP group of users that should get OrgAdmin role


LDAP group of users that should get Regular role


LDAP group of users that should get ReadOnly role


Issue StartTLS after connecting (should not be used with ldaps://) (format: 'yes' or 'no')


Ignore start TLS failure (format: 'yes' or 'no')


LDAP connection timeout in seconds


User revocation attribute: If provided, updating this attribute in the LDAP server automatically revokes all user tokens.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap update

Edit LDAP server configuration

weka user ldap update [--server-uri server-uri]
                      [--base-dn base-dn]
                      [--user-object-class user-object-class]
                      [--user-id-attribute user-id-attribute]
                      [--group-object-class group-object-class]
                      [--group-membership-attribute group-membership-attribute]
                      [--group-id-attribute group-id-attribute]
                      [--reader-username reader-username]
                      [--reader-password reader-password]
                      [--cluster-admin-group cluster-admin-group]
                      [--org-admin-group org-admin-group]
                      [--regular-group regular-group]
                      [--readonly-group readonly-group]
                      [--start-tls start-tls]
                      [--certificate certificate]
                      [--ignore-start-tls-failure ignore-start-tls-failure]
                      [--server-timeout-secs server-timeout-secs]
                      [--protocol-version protocol-version]
                      [--user-revocation-attribute user-revocation-attribute]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


LDAP server URI ([ldap://]hostname[:port] or ldaps://hostname[:port])


Base DN


User object class


User ID attribute


Group object class


Group membership attribute


Group ID attribute


Reader username


Reader password


LDAP group of users that should get ClusterAdmin role (this role is only available for the root tenant to configure)


LDAP group of users that should get OrgAdmin role


LDAP group of users that should get Regular role


LDAP group of users that should get ReadOnly role


Issue StartTLS after connecting (should not be used with ldaps://) (format: 'yes' or 'no')


Certificate or certificate chain for the LDAP server


Ignore certificate verification errors (format: 'yes' or 'no')


LDAP connection timeout in seconds


LDAP protocol version


User revocation attribute: If provided, updating this attribute in the LDAP server automatically revokes all user tokens.

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap enable

Enable authentication through the configured LDAP server (has no effect if LDAP server is already enabled)

weka user ldap enable [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap disable

Disable authentication through the configured LDAP server

weka user ldap disable [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This would prevent all LDAP users from logging-in until LDAP is enabled again.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka user ldap reset

Delete all LDAP settings from the cluster

weka user ldap reset [--HOST HOST]
                     [--PORT PORT]
                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                     [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This would prevent all LDAP users from logging-in until LDAP is configured again.

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka version

When run without arguments, lists the versions available on this machine. Subcommands allow for downloading of versions, setting the current version and other actions to manage versions.

weka version [--help] [--json]

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka version supported-specs

List the Weka spec versions that are supported by this agent version

weka version supported-specs [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version get

Download a Weka version to the machine this command is executed from

weka version get <version> [--from from]... [--set-current] [--no-progress-bar] [--set-dist-servers] [--help]


Version to download


Download from this distribution server (can be given multiple times). Otherwise distribution servers are taken from the $WEKA_DIST_SERVERS environment variable, the /etc/wekaio/dist-servers file, or /etc/wekaio/service.conf in that order of precedence


Set the downloaded version as the current version. Will fail if any containers are currently running.


Don't render download progress bar


Override the default distribution servers upon successful download

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version set

Set the current version. Containers must be stopped before setting the current version and the new version must have already been downloaded.

weka version set <version>
                 [--container container]


The version name to use

-C, --container

The container to set the version for


Do not verify that all containers are stopped


Only set the default version used for creating containers


Only set the agent version


Set the version for all containers depending on the specified container

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version unset

Unset the current version. Containers must be stopped before setting the current version and the new version must have already been downloaded.

weka version unset [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version current

Prints the current version. If no version is set, a failure exit status is returned.

weka version current [--container container] [--help]

-C, --container

Get the version for a specific container

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version rm

Delete a version from the machine this command is executed from

weka version rm [--clean-unused] [--force] [--help] [<version-name>]...


The versions to remove


Delete all versions which aren't the current set version, or the version of any of the containers

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may be undone by re-downloading the version.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka version prepare

Prepare the version for use. This includes things like compiling the version drivers for the local machine.

weka version prepare <version-name> [--help] [<containers>]...


The version to prepare


The containers to prepare the version for

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3

Commands that manage Weka's S3 container

weka s3 [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster

View info about the S3 cluster managed by weka

weka s3 cluster [--HOST HOST]
                [--PORT PORT]
                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-v, --verbose

Verbose mode

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 cluster create

Create an S3 cluster managed by weka

weka s3 cluster create <default-fs-name>
                       [--port port]
                       [--key key]
                       [--secret secret]
                       [--max-buckets-limit max-buckets-limit]
                       [--anonymous-posix-uid anonymous-posix-uid]
                       [--anonymous-posix-gid anonymous-posix-gid]
                       [--domain domain]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--container container]...


S3 default filesystem name


S3 config filesystem name


S3 service port


S3 service key


S3 service secret


Limit the number of buckets that can be created


POSIX UID for anonymous users


POSIX GID for anonymous users


Virtual host-style comma seperated domains

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The containers that will serve via the S3 protocol (pass weka's container ID as a number)


Install S3 on all servers

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. Be aware that this will impact all S3 buckets within the S3 service. Exercise caution and consult the WEKA Customer Success team if assistance is required.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster update

Update an S3 cluster

weka s3 cluster update [--key key]
                       [--secret secret]
                       [--port port]
                       [--anonymous-posix-uid anonymous-posix-uid]
                       [--anonymous-posix-gid anonymous-posix-gid]
                       [--domain domain]
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]
                       [--container container]...


S3 service key


S3 service secret


S3 service port


POSIX UID for anonymous users


POSIX GID for anonymous users


Virtual host-style comma seperated domains. Empty to disable

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The containers that will serve via the S3 protocol


Install S3 on all servers

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. Be aware that this will impact all S3 buckets within the S3 service. Exercise caution and consult the WEKA Customer Success team if assistance is required.

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster destroy

Destroy the S3 cluster managed by weka. This will not delete the data, just stop exposing it via S3

weka s3 cluster destroy [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation.

troying the S3 cluster r

emoves the S3 service and its associated configuration, including IAM policies, buckets, and ILM rules. access will no longer be available for clients.

s operation does not aut

omatically delete the data stored within the buckets.

ever, internal users wit

h S3 roles will be permanently removed from the system..

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster status

Show which of the containers are ready.

weka s3 cluster status [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook

S3 Cluster Audit Webhook Commands

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook enable

Enable/Disable the S3 audit webhook on the S3 Cluster

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook enable [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]
                                     [--endpoint endpoint]
                                     [--auth-token auth-token]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


The webhook endpoint


The webhook authentication token

-h, --help

Show help message


verification to apply configuration

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook disable

Disable the Audit Webhook

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook disable [--HOST HOST]
                                      [--PORT PORT]
                                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                      [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook show

Show the S3 Audit Webhook configuration

weka s3 cluster audit-webhook show [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 cluster containers

Commands that manage Weka's S3 cluster's containers

weka s3 cluster containers [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster containers add

Add S3 containers to S3 cluster

weka s3 cluster containers add [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


The containers to add to the S3 cluster

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster containers remove

Remove S3 containers from S3 cluster

weka s3 cluster containers remove [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]


The containers to remove from the S3 cluster

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 cluster containers list

Lists containers in S3 cluster

weka s3 cluster containers list [--HOST HOST]
                                [--PORT PORT]
                                [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                [--profile profile]

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket

S3 Cluster Bucket Commands

weka s3 bucket [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 bucket create

Create an S3 bucket

weka s3 bucket create <name>
                      [--policy policy]
                      [--policy-json policy-json]
                      [--hard-quota hard-quota]
                      [--existing-path existing-path]
                      [--fs-name fs-name]
                      [--fs-id fs-id]
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


bucket name to create


Set an existing S3 policy for a bucket


Get S3 policy for bucket in JSON format


Hard limit for the directory (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)


existing path


file system name


file system id

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --force

Force when existing-path has quota

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket list

Show all the buckets on the S3 cluster

weka s3 bucket list [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--format format]
                    [--output output]...
                    [--sort sort]...
                    [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name,hard,used,path,fs

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message

-R, --raw-units

Print values in raw units (bytes, seconds, etc.). When not set, sizes are printed in human-readable format, e.g 1KiB 234MiB 2GiB.

-U, --UTC

Print times in UTC. When not set, times are converted to the local time of this host.


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka s3 bucket destroy

Destroy an S3 bucket

weka s3 bucket destroy <name>
                       [--HOST HOST]
                       [--PORT PORT]
                       [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                       [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                       [--profile profile]


bucket name to destroy

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use


unlinks the bucket, but leave the data directory in place

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action may disrupt IO service for connected S3 clients..

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule

S3 Bucket Lifecycle

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule add

Add a lifecycle rule to an S3 Bucket

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule add <bucket>
                                  [--HOST HOST]
                                  [--PORT PORT]
                                  [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                  [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                  [--profile profile]
                                  [--prefix prefix]
                                  [--tags tags]


S3 Bucket Name


expiry days

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use




object tags

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule remove

Remove a lifecycle rule from an S3 bucket

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule remove <bucket>
                                     [--HOST HOST]
                                     [--PORT PORT]
                                     [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                     [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                     [--profile profile]


S3 Bucket Name


rule name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule reset

Reset all lifecycle rules of an S3 bucket

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule reset <bucket>
                                    [--HOST HOST]
                                    [--PORT PORT]
                                    [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                    [--profile profile]


S3 Bucket Name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

-f, --force

Force this action without further confirmation. This action will delete the existing S3 bucket rules.

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule list

List all lifecycle rules of an S3 bucket

weka s3 bucket lifecycle-rule list <bucket>
                                   [--HOST HOST]
                                   [--PORT PORT]
                                   [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                   [--profile profile]
                                   [--format format]
                                   [--output output]...
                                   [--sort sort]...
                                   [--filter filter]...


S3 Bucket Name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: uid,id,expiry_days,prefix,tags

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka s3 bucket policy

S3 bucket policy commands

weka s3 bucket policy [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 bucket policy get

Get S3 policy for bucket

weka s3 bucket policy get <bucket-name>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


full path to bucket to get policy for

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket policy set

Set an existing S3 policy for a bucket, Available predefined options are : none|download|upload|public

weka s3 bucket policy set <bucket-name>
                          [--HOST HOST]
                          [--PORT PORT]
                          [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                          [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                          [--profile profile]


full path to bucket to set policy for


Set an existing S3 policy. Available predefined options are: none

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket policy unset

Unset the configured S3 policy for bucket

weka s3 bucket policy unset <bucket-name>
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


full path to bucket to unset the policy for

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket policy get-json

Get S3 policy for bucket in JSON format

weka s3 bucket policy get-json <bucket-name>
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


full path to bucket to get policy for

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket policy set-custom

Set a custom S3 policy for bucket

weka s3 bucket policy set-custom <bucket-name>
                                 [--HOST HOST]
                                 [--PORT PORT]
                                 [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                                 [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                                 [--profile profile]


Full path to bucket to set policy for


Path of the file containing the policy rules

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 bucket quota

S3 Bucket Quota, configure the hard limit of bucket disk usage

weka s3 bucket quota [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 bucket quota set

Set the hard limit of bucket's disk usage

weka s3 bucket quota set <name>
                         [--HOST HOST]
                         [--PORT PORT]
                         [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                         [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                         [--profile profile]


bucket name


Hard limit for the directory (format: capacity in decimal or binary units: 1B, 1KB, 1MB, 1GB, 1TB, 1PB, 1EB, 1KiB, 1MiB, 1GiB, 1TiB, 1PiB, 1EiB)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 bucket quota unset

Remove the hard limit on bucket's disk usage

weka s3 bucket quota unset <name>
                           [--HOST HOST]
                           [--PORT PORT]
                           [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                           [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                           [--profile profile]


bucket name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 policy

S3 policy commands

weka s3 policy [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 policy list

Print a list of the existing S3 IAM policies

weka s3 policy list [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]
                    [--format format]
                    [--output output]...
                    [--sort sort]...
                    [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: name

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka s3 policy show

Show the details of an S3 IAM policy

weka s3 policy show <policy-name>
                    [--HOST HOST]
                    [--PORT PORT]
                    [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                    [--profile profile]


Policy name to show

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 policy add

Add an S3 IAM policy

weka s3 policy add <policy-name>
                   [--HOST HOST]
                   [--PORT PORT]
                   [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                   [--profile profile]


The policy name


Path of the file containing the policy rules

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 policy remove

Remove an S3 IAM policy

weka s3 policy remove <policy>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Policy name to remove

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 policy attach

Attach an S3 policy to a user

weka s3 policy attach <policy>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


Policy name to attach


User name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 policy detach

Detach an S3 policy from a user

weka s3 policy detach <user>
                      [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]


User name

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 service-account

S3 service account commands. Should be run only with an S3 user role

weka s3 service-account [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 service-account list

Print a list of the user's S3 service accounts

weka s3 service-account list [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]
                             [--format format]
                             [--output output]...
                             [--sort sort]...
                             [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: accessKey

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output

weka s3 service-account show

Show the details of an S3 service account

weka s3 service-account show <access_key>
                             [--HOST HOST]
                             [--PORT PORT]
                             [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                             [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                             [--profile profile]


Access key of the service account to show

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 service-account add

Add an S3 service account

weka s3 service-account add [--policy-file policy-file]
                            [--HOST HOST]
                            [--PORT PORT]
                            [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                            [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                            [--profile profile]


Policy file path

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 service-account remove

Remove an S3 service account

weka s3 service-account remove <access_key>
                               [--HOST HOST]
                               [--PORT PORT]
                               [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                               [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                               [--profile profile]


Access key of the service account to remove

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 sts

S3 security token commands

weka s3 sts [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 sts assume-role

Generate a temporary security token with an assumed role using existing user credentials

weka s3 sts assume-role [--access-key access-key]
                        [--secret-key secret-key]
                        [--policy-file policy-file]
                        [--duration duration]
                        [--HOST HOST]
                        [--PORT PORT]
                        [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                        [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                        [--profile profile]


Access key


Secret key


Policy file path


Duration, valid values: 15 minutes to 52 weeks and 1 day (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w)

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-h, --help

Show help message

-J, --json

Format output as JSON

weka s3 log-level

S3 log-level Commands

weka s3 log-level [--help]

-h, --help

Show help message

weka s3 log-level get

Show current S3 log level on container

weka s3 log-level get [--HOST HOST]
                      [--PORT PORT]
                      [--CONNECT-TIMEOUT CONNECT-TIMEOUT]
                      [--TIMEOUT TIMEOUT]
                      [--profile profile]
                      [--format format]
                      [--container container]...
                      [--output output]...
                      [--sort sort]...
                      [--filter filter]...

-H, --HOST

Specify the host. Alternatively, use the WEKA_HOST env variable

-P, --PORT

Specify the port. Alternatively, use the WEKA_PORT env variable


Timeout for connecting to cluster, default: 10 secs (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Timeout to wait for response, default: 1 minute (format: 3s, 2h, 4m, 1d, 1d5h, 1w, infinite/unlimited)


Name of the connection and authentication profile to use

-f, --format

Specify in what format to output the result. Available options are: view


The containers that will change their log level severity

-o, --output...

Specify which columns to output. May include any of the following: host,stdout

-s, --sort...

Specify which column(s) to take into account when sorting the output. May include a '+' or '-' before the column name to sort in ascending or descending order respectively. Usage: [+

-F, --filter...

Specify what values to filter by in a specific column. Usage: column1=val1[,column2=val2[,..]]

-h, --help

Show help message


Don't show column headers when printing the output

-v, --verbose

Show all columns in output