List of events
Explore the events the WEKA system generates organized by categories.
Type | Severity | Description |
ContainerStateEvent | INFO | Container State |
WCGroupInvalidResourceConfigEvent | WARNING | Container CGroup Resource Configuration |
WCGroupStateDisabledEvent | MAJOR | Container CGroup State |
WCGroupStateEnabledEvent | INFO | Container CGroup State |
WCGroupValidResourceConfigEvent | INFO | Container CGroup Resource Configuration |
Type | Severity | Description |
AlertCleared | DEBUG | The system has {action} an alert |
AlertContinuousEvent | DEBUG | The system has reported continuous alerts |
AlertMuted | INFO | Alert muted |
AlertTriggered | DEBUG | The system has {action} an alert |
AlertUnmuted | INFO | Alert unmuted |
Type | Severity | Description |
CloudDisabled | INFO | Cloud disabled |
CloudEnabled | INFO | Cloud enabled |
CloudProxyUpdated | INFO | Cloud proxy updated |
CloudSetUploadRate | INFO | Cloud upload rate changed |
CloudStatsErrorClearedEvent | WARNING | Cloud stats have been written successfully |
CloudStatsErrorEvent | WARNING | Error writing cloud stats for upload |
DiagsUploaded | INFO | Diags uploaded |
LowDiskSpaceClearedEvent | WARNING | The host no longer has low disk space |
LowDiskSpaceEvent | WARNING | The host has low disk space |
Type | Severity | Description |
AllBucketsResponsive | INFO | All compute resources are responding. |
BucketRedist | INFO | The buckets were redistributed in the cluster |
ClientConnected | INFO | Client connected |
ClientDisconnected | INFO | Client disconnected |
ClientRemoved | INFO | Start removing a disconnected client from the cluster. |
ClientsUnavailable | CRITICAL | Some clients are unavailable because too many backends are down. |
ClockSkewedHostJoin | MINOR | The container (host) cannot join because of a clock skew. |
ClusterInitializationFailed | MAJOR | The cluster initialization is failed. |
ClusterInitialized | INFO | The cluster is successfully initialized. |
ClusteringFailure | MINOR | Conainer clustering failed. |
ConfigChangeSetsSliderFull | MINOR | Configuration changeset slider is full while the process (node) pulls the configuration. |
ConfigGenerationHasNoFirstChunk | MINOR | Applying a partial configuration generation is prohibited. |
ConfigSnapshotPulled | MINOR | Configuration snapshot is pulled. |
DoubleUnmatchingMachineIdentifier | MAJOR | There is a container with the same Agent-Machine-ID but a different SMBIOS UID. |
GrimReaperFencingNode | MINOR | A partially connected process (node) is selected to be fenced by the grim-reaper. |
HostActivated | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostAdded | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostAdding | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostDeactivated | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostDeactivating | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostRemoved | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostRemovingFailed | INFO | Host configuration change |
HostRemoving | INFO | Host configuration change |
LeaderChanged | WARNING | The cluster leader has changed. |
LeaderSteppingUpAfterUpgrade | INFO | The cluster leader is stepping up after the upgrade |
NodeNetworkUnstable | MAJOR | A process (node) with an unstable network is detected. |
NodePartiallyConnected | MINOR | A partially connected process (node) was removed. |
NodeRejoined | INFO | The process (node) has rejoined the cluster. |
NodeUnreachable | MINOR | An unreachable process (node) was removed. |
NodesNotInExpectedState | MAJOR | Some processes (nodes) are not in the expected state. |
OperationTookTooLong | WARNING | The operation took too long. |
PersistentUnresponsiveBuckets | CRITICAL | Some compute resources are not responding for more than {longUnresponsivenessMinutes} minutes. |
PreviousCluster | INFO | This host was part of another cluster before |
RejoinFailureReport | MINOR | Containers (nodes) failed to rejoin. |
UnresponsiveBuckets | MAJOR | Some compute resources are not responding. |
WrongConfigSignatureForRaftSnapshot | MINOR | Tried to load a RAFT snapshot with an unsupported configuration root snapshot signature. |
WrongSchemaVersionForRaftSnapshot | MINOR | Tried to load a RAFT snapshot with an unsupported schema version. |
Type | Severity | Description |
BlockTaskStateChanged | DEBUG | Block task state changed. |
CachedSnapshotIsNewerThanStreamed | INFO | The streamed snapshot is older than the cached snapshot. |
CachedSnapshotIsOlderThanStreamed | INFO | Requested snapshot doesn't exist yet. |
CannotAddAnotherContainerWithTheSameMachineId | MAJOR | Too many containers with the same machine ID. |
ClientTargetVersionChange | INFO | Client target version has been set |
ConfigAddedKeyManually | INFO | A configuration value is added manually by the cluster administrator. |
ConfigOverridden | INFO | A configuration value is overridden by the cluster administrator. |
ConfigPropagationTookTooLong | MAJOR | Config propagation took too long. |
ConfigRemovedKeyManually | INFO | A configuration value is removed manually by the cluster administrator. |
DirectoryQuotasDisabled | INFO | Directory quotas were disabled |
DirectoryQuotasEnabled | INFO | Directory Quotas were enabled |
IOStatusChanged | INFO | IO status changed. |
LeaderIterationTooSlow | MAJOR | Leader iteration took too long between iterations. |
LoginBannerCleared | INFO | Login banner has been cleared |
LoginBannerDisabled | INFO | Login banner disabled |
LoginBannerEnabled | INFO | Login banner enabled |
LoginBannerSet | INFO | Login banner has been set |
TooManyContainersWithSameMachineId | MAJOR | Too many containers with the same machine ID. |
UpgradeBlockTaskStartInvoked | DEBUG | Block task upgrade task start invoked. |
Type | Severity | Description |
CustomMajor | MAJOR | Custom major event |
Custom | INFO | Custom event |
Type | Severity | Description |
CorruptedDrive | MAJOR | A drive has a valid header, but it is corrupted. |
DriveAdded | INFO | Drive provisioned |
DriveDeactivated | INFO | Drive deactivated |
DriveDead | MAJOR | The drive is unresponsive and fails to return IOs for an extended period. |
DriveExcessiveErrors | WARNING | The drive has an excessive error rate and will be phased out. Contact the Customer Success Team. |
DriveFormatUpgraded | INFO | The drive format was upgraded. |
DriveImmediateShutdown | MAJOR | The drive had to be shut down immediately. Contact the Customer Success Team. |
DriveInitFailed | MAJOR | A drive failed to initialize. |
DriveIoErrorBMS | MAJOR | A drive found an IO error in a background media scan. |
DriveIoError | MAJOR | A drive has an IO error. |
DriveLimitExceeded | WARNING | An attempt was made to add more drives than were supported. |
DriveMediumError | MINOR | A drive has a medium error. |
DriveNotUnderIOMMU | MAJOR | The drive is not under IOMMU, but the host IOMMU is enabled. Contact the Customer Success Team. |
DriveNvmeErrorLog | WARNING | An NVMe drive error log entry. |
DriveNvmeSmartChange | MINOR | The NVMe drive SMART status has changed. |
DriveOutOfNvkvChunks | MAJOR | A drive is out of NVKV chunks |
DriveRemoved | INFO | Drive removed |
DriveSignatureUnknown | MINOR | A drive has an unknown signature. |
DriveSmartCriticalWarning | MINOR | The drive SMART reports a critical warning and fails immediately. |
DriveStateChangesReport | MINOR | Drive state changes. |
DriveStuckIOs | MAJOR | The IOs are stuck for an extended period. |
DriveTrimAborted | WARNING | The drive TRIM commands at the initialization timed out and aborted. Potentially degrading write performance. |
DriveUnresponsive | MAJOR | The drive is unresponsive and fails to return IOs for an extended period. |
DriveWrongFailureDomain | MINOR | A drive is attached to a container (host) from an incorrect failure domain. |
MBufPoison | MAJOR | MBUf got a poison error. |
NvmeBindTimingOut | MAJOR | The NVMe device binding is stuck, and the server needs a power cycle to recover. |
Type | Severity | Description |
DedupEventsDiscarded | WARNING | Deduplicated events discarded. |
EventsDedupReport | INFO | Event deduplication ended. |
EventsDiscarded | MINOR | Too many events were generated in a short period, so some of them were discarded and lost. |
ExampleAggregated | INFO | Example aggregated |
ExampleDebug | DEBUG | Example debug |
Example | INFO | Example |
TracesDumperDownEvent | MAJOR | The Traces Dumper is inactive |
Type | Severity | Description |
BlockReadFailure | CRITICAL | Failed to read a block |
BlockSeekFinished | MAJOR | Block seek finished |
BlockSeekStarted | MAJOR | Block seek started for a secondary metadata block that could not be read |
BrokenFile | MAJOR | File metadata corruption |
CWTaskTemplateFinished | INFO | A cluster-wide task (CWTask) template finished. |
CacheFlushHanging | MAJOR | Host is hanging while trying to sync a file's write cache to the cluster |
ChecksumErrorInBackgroundWrite | MAJOR | Checksum error detected by SSD node in a committing block |
ChecksumErrorInCommit | MAJOR | Checksum error detected by SSD node in a committing block |
ChecksumErrorInWrite | CRITICAL | Checksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a write |
DefaultDirectoryQuotaSet | INFO | A default directory quota was set |
DefaultDirectoryQuotaUnset | INFO | A default directory quota was unset |
DestageBlocked | CRITICAL | Destage of a bucket cannot start |
DestageHanging | CRITICAL | Destage of a bucket is hanging |
DirectoryQuotaSet | INFO | The directory quota was set |
DirectoryQuotaUnset | INFO | The directory quota was unset |
DumpSnapHashCompleted | INFO | Finished a snap hash manifest scan |
ExtentDescsPointsToFreedBlocks | WARNING | Extent points to freed child blocks |
FailedToSplitSliceNoRetry | CRITICAL | Failed to split a directory slice - won't retry |
FilesystemAdded | INFO | Filesystem configuration change |
FilesystemDeleted | INFO | Filesystem configuration change |
FilesystemDownloadStarted | INFO | Filesystem download started |
FilesystemGroupAdded | INFO | Filesystem group configuration change |
FilesystemGroupDeleted | INFO | Filesystem group configuration change |
FilesystemGroupUpdated | INFO | Filesystem group configuration change |
FilesystemRemoved | INFO | Filesystem configuration change |
FilesystemSquashFinished | INFO | The filesystem squash has finished. |
FilesystemSquashStarted | INFO | Filesystem squash started. |
FilesystemUpdated | INFO | Filesystem configuration change |
ForcedBucketStepdown | MINOR | Bucket forced to step down |
FreeBlockStillUsed | CRITICAL | Found a block falsely marked as free |
FsCapacityLimitReached | WARNING | Filesystem capacity limit has been reached |
HangingBackendIosDetected | CRITICAL | Some IOs are hanging. |
HangingBackendIosNoLongerDetected | INFO | IOs are no longer hanging. |
HangingBucketStepDown | WARNING | Bucket step-down is hanging |
HangingDirectorySplit | MAJOR | Directory split hasn't made any progress for a long time |
HangingDriverFrontendIosDetected | CRITICAL | Some IOs are hanging. |
HangingDriverFrontendIosNoLongerDetected | INFO | IOs are no longer hanging. |
HangingNFSFrontendIosDetected | CRITICAL | Some IOs are hanging. |
HangingNFSFrontendIosNoLongerDetected | INFO | IOs are no longer hanging. |
IntegrityCheckFinished | DEBUG | Integrity check has finished. |
IntegrityCheckIssue | CRITICAL | Found a data integrity issue |
IntegrityCheckStarted | DEBUG | Integrity check has started. |
IntegrityCheckTransientIssue | DEBUG | Found a transient state that is expected to be encountered. It can be ignored unless it persists. In which case a non transient issue event will be produced |
ManualOverrideStall | WARNING | A service has been manually overridden and stalled. |
MetadataCommitQueueHang | MINOR | Bucket step down due to hanging metadata commit queue |
ObjectStoreAttachedToFilesystem | INFO | The object store is attached to the filesystem. |
ObjectStoreFinishedDetachingFromFilesystem | INFO | The object store finished detaching from the filesystem. |
ObjectStoreStartedDetachingFromFilesystem | INFO | The object store started detaching from the filesystem. |
QuotaGraceExpired | WARNING | Directory soft capacity quota has been reached, and grace period expired |
QuotaHardLimitReached | WARNING | Directory hard capacity quota has been reached |
RAIDDataBlockReadFailureInSnaphashDump | WARNING | Failed to read data block from RAID when dumping the snapshot manifest |
RAIDMDReadFailureInSnaphashDump | WARNING | Failed to read metadata block from RAID when dumping the snapshot manifest |
SnapshotContentCopied | INFO | Snapshot content copied |
SnapshotCreated | INFO | Snapshot created |
SnapshotDeleted | INFO | Snapshot deleted |
SnapshotDownloadStarted | INFO | Snapshot download started |
SnapshotFilesystemRestored | INFO | Filesystem restored from the snapshot |
SnapshotParamsUpdated | INFO | Snapshot updated |
SnapshotPrefetchAborted | INFO | Snapshot metadata prefetch aborted |
SnapshotPrefetchFinished | INFO | The snapshot metadata prefetch has finished. |
SnapshotPrefetchStarted | INFO | The snapshot metadata prefetch has started. |
SnapshotUploadFinished | INFO | Snapshot upload finished |
SnapshotUploadStarted | INFO | Snapshot upload started |
SquelchBlockIdSetAbortedFlushed | DEBUG | While setting a squelch block's block id for the upgrade was already changed to invalid |
SquelchBlockIdSetAbortedRewritten | WARNING | While setting a squelch block's block id for the upgrade was already rewritten to something else |
SuperblockUnreadable | CRITICAL | The Superblock of a bucket could not be loaded |
UnflushedOpOnDeletingSnapview | MAJOR | Unflushed IO on a deleting snapshot |
Type | Severity | Description |
SystemDriveIsTooSlow | MAJOR | System drive is slow to respond. |
Type | Severity | Description |
FloatingIpAcquired | INFO | A floating IP was acquired by the process (node). |
FloatingIpReleased | INFO | A floating IP was released by the process (node). |
FloatingIpRemoveStateTimedout | WARNING | Timeout occurred during floating IP removal. |
InterfaceGroupAdded | INFO | Interface group configuration change |
InterfaceGroupDeleted | INFO | Interface group configuration change |
InterfaceGroupIpsAdded | INFO | Interface group IPs configuration change |
InterfaceGroupIpsDeleted | INFO | Interface group IPs configuration change |
InterfaceGroupPortAdded | INFO | Interface group port configuration change |
InterfaceGroupPortDeleted | INFO | Interface group port configuration change |
InterfaceGroupUpdated | INFO | Interface group configuration change |
Type | Severity | Description |
DriverAlert | MAJOR | Driver Alert |
DriverNotAccepting | MAJOR | Driver is not accepting IOs |
Type | Severity | Description |
KmsConfigurationAdded | INFO | KMS configuration change |
KmsConfigurationRemoved | INFO | KMS configuration change |
KmsConfigurationUpdated | INFO | KMS configuration change |
Type | Severity | Description |
LicensingReset | INFO | Licensing state has been reset |
LicensingWorkerStarted | DEBUG | Licencing worker started |
NewLicenseInstalled | INFO | New license installed |
PaygLicensingEnabled | INFO | PAYG licensing enabled |
Type | Severity | Description |
ManualOverrideChanged | INFO | A manual override is changed. |
Type | Severity | Description |
NfsClientGroupAdded | INFO | NFS client group configuration change |
NfsClientGroupDeleted | INFO | NFS client group configuration change |
NfsClientGroupRuleAdded | INFO | NFS client group rule configuration change |
NfsClientGroupRuleDeleted | INFO | NFS client group rule configuration change |
NfsCustomOptionsUpdated | INFO | NFS custom options configuration change |
NfsExportsPermissionsAdded | INFO | NFS export permissions for configuration change |
NfsExportsPermissionsDeleted | INFO | NFS export permissions for configuration change |
NfsExportsPermissionsUpdated | INFO | NFS export permissions for configuration change |
NfsMountFail | WARNING | NFS mount request failed. |
NfsPortmapFail | MAJOR | The NFS server failed to register in the portmap. |
Type | Severity | Description |
ClientNodeDisconnected | INFO | A client disconnected from cluster. |
CloudMoveIpFail | MINOR | Move IP on cloud failed. |
DefaultDataNetworkingChange | INFO | The default data networking configuration has changed. |
DpdkIBQkeyMismatch | MAJOR | DPDK IB qkey Mismatch |
DpdkInitFailed | MINOR | DPDK initialization failed |
DpdkPoolSummary | DEBUG | Summary of DPDK pool status |
FipIsNoLongerOnDevice | MAJOR | IP is no longer on device. |
HangingRPCs | MAJOR | Some RPCs are hanging too long. |
HugepagesAllocationFailure | MINOR | Hugepages allocation failure. |
IONodeCannotFetchConfig | WARNING | The IO node cannot join the cluster for too long. |
MemoryMigratedAfterPin | MAJOR | Hugepage mapping migrated after it was pinned |
MemoryMigratedBeforePin | MINOR | Hugepage mapping migrated before it was pinned |
MemoryPinningIoctlFailed | MINOR | Memory pinning ioctl failed |
MgmtNodeCannotFetchConfig | WARNING | The management process (node) cannot join the cluster for too long. |
NICNotFound | INFO | NIC not found when initializing |
NetDeviceLinkDown | MINOR | Network interface DOWN |
NetDeviceLinkUp | MINOR | Network interface UP |
NetSlaveDeviceLinkDown | MINOR | Network slave interface DOWN |
NetSlaveDeviceLinkUp | MINOR | Network slave interface UP |
NetworkBan | MAJOR | Ban Network Peer |
NetworkPortConfigFail | MINOR | Network port configuration failed. |
NetworkPortDead | MAJOR | Network Port hasn't passed packets for a long period of time, it is likely dead |
NetworkUnban | INFO | Unban Network Peer |
NoConnectivityToLivingNode | MAJOR | A process (node) is disconnected from living peers. |
NoHardwareWatchdog | MAJOR | No hardware watchdog found |
NoJumboFrames | MINOR | The network does not allow jumbo packets through. |
NodeCannotJoinCluster | WARNING | The process (node) cannot join the cluster for too long. |
NodeCannotSendJumboFrames | MINOR | A process (node) cannot send jumbo packets. |
NodeDisconnected | MINOR | A process (node) disconnected from cluster. |
RDMAClientDisabled | MINOR | RDMA optimization disabled |
RDMAClientEnabled | MINOR | RDMA optimization enabled |
Type | Severity | Description |
AssertionFailed | MAJOR | Assertion failed. |
GCCrashReport | MINOR | Node has crashed in GC on the previous run |
NodeAbruptExitReport | MINOR | Node has crashed on the previous run |
NodeExceptionExit | MAJOR | A process (node) exited with an exception. |
NodeKernelStack | WARNING | Kernel stack of node before reset |
NodeStarted | INFO | A process (node) started. |
NodeStopped | INFO | A process (node) stopped. |
NodeTraceback | WARNING | Traceback of node before reset |
Type | Severity | Description |
ChecksumErrorInDownloadedObject | MINOR | Checksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data block |
ChecksumErrorOnObjectUpload | MAJOR | Checksum error detected by COMPUTE node when uploading an OBS data block (corrupted after verifying data read from the drive) |
DataBlobDownloadFailed | WARNING | Failed downloading data blob header |
DownloadedExtentHasInvalidBlobId | MAJOR | Downloaded extent has invalid blob id |
DownloadedExtentMissingExpectedBlock | MAJOR | Downloaded extent missing expected block |
ExtentHasFakeRetentionTag | MAJOR | Extent has non-local tag but has disk-only blocks |
InvalidDataBlobHeader | MAJOR | Invalid header detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data blob |
ObjectStoreBucketAdded | INFO | Object store bucket configuration change |
ObjectStoreBucketDeleted | INFO | Object store bucket configuration change |
ObjectStoreBucketUpdated | INFO | Object store bucket configuration change |
ObjectStoreGroupAdded | INFO | Object store configuration change |
ObjectStoreGroupDeleted | INFO | Object store configuration change |
ObjectStoreGroupUpdated | INFO | Object store configuration change |
ObjectStoreHasHighLevelOfUnreclaimedCapacity | WARNING | The object store has a high level of unreclaimed capacity. |
ObjectStoreIsFull | CRITICAL | Object store is full |
ObjectStoreNoLongerHasHighLevelOfUnreclaimedCapacity | INFO | The object store no longer has a high level of unreclaimed capacity. |
ObjectStoreStatusDown | MAJOR | The object store status is down. |
ObjectStoreStatusUp | INFO | The object store status is UP. |
ObsIsMissingObject | MAJOR | Permanently failed to download an object from object storage - The object was not found |
PersistentChecksumErrorInDownloadedObject | MAJOR | Checksum error detected by COMPUTE node in a downloaded OBS data block |
Type | Severity | Description |
OrgCreated | INFO | The organization is created. |
OrgDeleted | INFO | The organization is deleted. |
OrgRenamed | INFO | The organization is renamed. |
OrgSsdQuotaChanged | INFO | The organization SSD quota is changed. |
OrgTotalQuotaChanged | INFO | The organization total quota is changed. |
Type | Severity | Description |
IndexChangeDuringStream | INFO | The RAFT index changed during the streaming of the raft snapshot. |
OutOfMemoryErrorOnLeadershipAgent | MAJOR | Out of memory error on the leadership agent. |
Type | Severity | Description |
BitmapChecksumMismatch | MINOR | Bitmap checksum mismatch detected. |
DataGenerationNumberBug | WARNING | An issue with the advancement of the applied data generation number report from a bucket. |
DataProtectionLevelDecreased | MINOR | The data protection level decreased. |
DataProtectionLevelIncreased | INFO | The data protection level increased. |
DiskNvkvHighUtilization | WARNING | Disk's internal resource (NVKV) has high utilization |
DiskWritableStateChange | INFO | Disk's writable state changed |
DrivesProcessConnectionLost | MINOR | Disk connection lost. |
DrivesProcessConnectionRecovered | INFO | Disks quick recovery from lost connection detected. |
EnoughActiveFailureDomains | MINOR | Sufficient active failure domains. |
EvictionOfPlacementFailed | MAJOR | Eviction of placement encountered a potentially corrupt block marked as used. |
FailedRecoveringData | MINOR | Detected unexpected data, not enough redundant copies are available to recover it |
FoundCorruptedBlockInStripe | CRITICAL | Detected corrupt block in a RAID stripe. |
HotSpareFailureDomainsUpdated | INFO | Hot spare failure domains updated |
InFlightCorruptionDetectedByScrubber | MINOR | Detected in-flight corrupt read result from drive |
IncorrectScannedBlockChecksum | CRITICAL | Detected used block with a mismatching checksum. |
NoDataProtection | CRITICAL | No data protection. |
PersistentTooManyFailures | CRITICAL | Cluster has been experiencing too many failures when accessing drives for a significant period of time, the problem is likely not ephemeral. |
QuorumGenerationNumberBug | WARNING | An issue with the advancement of the applied quorum generation number report from a bucket. |
RaidReadFreeBlock | MAJOR | RAID had read a block marked as free |
RaidScrubbingRateUpdated | INFO | RAID scrubber limit updated |
RaidsStarted | INFO | RAIDs started. |
RepairedCorruptDataFromDrive | CRITICAL | Detected corrupt data from drive[s]. The system will rewrite with the correct data. |
SingleHopReadCorruptionDetected | MINOR | Single-hop read corruption detected. |
SwitchPlacementHanging | MINOR | An active placement to write to is not available because of capacity constraints or disk failures. |
TooFewActiveFailureDomains | MAJOR | Too few active failure domains. |
TooManyFailures | CRITICAL | Too many failures and some of the data is unavailable. |
UsedSSDCapacityCriticalOverflow | CRITICAL | SSD capacity usage is critically overflowing, and the internal spares are running out. The cluster may soon become unavailable for writing. |
UsedSSDCapacityNoLongerOverflows | INFO | SSD capacity usage is no longer overflowing. |
UsedSSDCapacityOverflow | MAJOR | SSD capacity usage is overflowing, and the internal capacity spares are used. |
Type | Severity | Description |
APIServerStartFailed | WARNING | Failed to start the API server |
APIServerStarted | INFO | Successfully started the API server |
BandwidthSelected | INFO | Bandwidth set for host |
CoreAllocated | INFO | Allocated core |
DeviceIsNotAValidNetworkDevice | WARNING | Device is not a valid network device |
DisabledNumaBalancing | INFO | Disabled NUMA Balancing |
DriverLoaded | INFO | Driver attached |
FailedToLoadDriver | WARNING | Failed to load the wekafs driver |
HangingHTTPRequest | MAJOR | Hanging HTTP request detected. |
HugepagesAllocated | INFO | Hugepages allocated |
HugepagesAllocationRetries | WARNING | Hugepages allocation retried |
HugepagesAllocationStarted | INFO | Hugepages allocation started |
HugepagesAllocationTookTooLong | WARNING | Hugepages allocation takes an unexcepectedly long duration |
InactiveHostCannotJoinCluster | INFO | Inactive host cannot join the cluster |
LoadingStableResourcesFailed | INFO | Failed loading stable resources |
NetBufsExhausted | MAJOR | netbufs exhausted |
NetDevDriverReloadFailed | MINOR | Net device driver reload failed |
NetworkDeviceAllocated | INFO | Allocated network device |
NetworkDeviceHasNoIp | MAJOR | Network device not has no ip address |
NetworkDeviceNotUsedByAnySlots | MINOR | Network device not used by any slots |
NoIPsConfiguredForHostJoinWithNoDefaultNet | WARNING | No IP configured for the process (node) {nid} with no default-net. |
RevertToStableResources | INFO | Reverted to stable resources |
UnlimitedBandwidthSelected | INFO | Bandwidth set to unlimited |
WCGroupContainerEvent | MAJOR | Container Status |
WCGroupUsageMajorEvent | MAJOR | Container {resource} Status |
WCGroupUsageWarningEvent | WARNING | Container {resource} Status |
Type | Severity | Description |
S3AddBucketILMRuleEvent | INFO | S3 add bucket ILM rule |
S3AsssumeRoleEvent | INFO | S3 STS token created |
S3AttachIAMPolicyEvent | INFO | S3 attach IAM policy |
S3AuditWebhookDisabledEvent | INFO | The S3 Audit Webhook disabled |
S3AuditWebhookEnabledEvent | INFO | The S3 Audit Webhook enabled |
S3BucketDestroyedEvent | INFO | The S3 bucket destroyed |
S3ClusterCreated | INFO | An S3 cluster created |
S3ClusterDestroyFailed | MAJOR | Failed to destroy the S3 cluster |
S3ClusterDestroyed | INFO | The S3 cluster destroyed |
S3ClusterStatusActiveEvent | INFO | S3 Cluster is active |
S3ClusterStatusInactiveEvent | CRITICAL | S3 Cluster is inactive |
S3ClusterUpdated | INFO | The S3 cluster updated |
S3ContainerStateChangesEvent | INFO | S3 container status change |
S3ContainerStatusActiveEvent | INFO | S3 container active |
S3ContainerStatusInactiveEvent | MAJOR | S3 container inactive |
S3CreateBucketEvent | INFO | The S3 bucket created |
S3CreateIAMPolicyEvent | INFO | The S3 created an IAM Policy |
S3CreateServiceAccountEvent | INFO | S3 create service account |
S3DestroyBucketEvent | INFO | The S3 bucket destroyed |
S3DetachIAMPolicyEvent | INFO | S3 detach IAM policy |
S3DrainEvent | INFO | S3 container drain |
S3ETCDDisabledEvent | INFO | S3 cluster etcd disabled |
S3ETCDEnabledEvent | INFO | S3 cluster etcd enabled |
S3HealthyEtcdEndpointEvent | MAJOR | S3 etcd endpoint healthy |
S3KVAddedEvent | INFO | S3 Config Add Key |
S3KVRemovedEvent | INFO | S3 configuration remove key |
S3KVResetEvent | INFO | S3 KV store configuration reset |
S3MultipleContainersStatusInactiveEvent | CRITICAL | multiple S3 containers are inactive |
S3RemoveBucketILMRuleEvent | INFO | S3 remove bucket ILM rule |
S3RemoveIAMPolicyEvent | INFO | The S3 removed the IAM policy |
S3RemoveServiceAccountEvent | INFO | S3 remove service account |
S3ResetBucketILMRuleEvent | INFO | S3 reset bucket ILM rules |
S3SetBucketPolicyEvent | INFO | S3 set bucket policy |
S3UnDrainEvent | INFO | S3 container undrain |
S3UnhealthyEtcdEndpointEvent | MAJOR | S3 etcd endpoint unhealthy |
Type | Severity | Description |
CaCertSet | INFO | The CA certificate was added to the cluster |
CaCertUnset | INFO | The CA certificate was unset |
TLSSet | INFO | TLS was set |
TLSUnset | INFO | TLS was unset |
Type | Severity | Description |
SmbAdJoined | INFO | Active Directory configuration change |
SmbAdLeft | INFO | Active Directory configuration change |
SmbClusterConfigured | INFO | SMB cluster configuration change |
SmbClusterCreateCreated | INFO | SMB cluster configuration change |
SmbClusterDestroyed | INFO | SMB cluster configuration change |
SmbConfigGenerationUpdated | INFO | SMB Config configuration change |
SmbShareAdded | INFO | Share configuration change |
SmbShareConfigured | INFO | Share configuration change |
SmbShareHostnameACERemovedRemoved | INFO | SambaHostnameACE configuration change |
SmbShareHostnameACEResetDestroyed | INFO | SambaHostnameACE configuration change |
SmbShareRemoved | INFO | Share configuration change |
SmbTrustedDomainAdded | INFO | TrustedDomain configuration change |
SmbTrustedDomainRemoved | INFO | TrustedDomain configuration change |
Type | Severity | Description |
StatLimitExceeded | WARNING | A set limit on a statistics is exceeded. |
Type | Severity | Description |
BlockTaskAborted | INFO | The bucket task was aborted successfully. |
BlockTaskComplete | INFO | A bucket task completed successfully. |
BucketsCreated | INFO | The system has created buckets. |
ClusterTaskAborted | INFO | Cluster task aborted |
ClusterTaskPaused | INFO | Cluster task paused |
ClusterTaskResumed | INFO | Cluster task resumed |
ClusterTasksCpuLimitUpdated | INFO | Cluster tasks CPU limit set. |
ClusterwideTaskChanged | DEBUG | The cluster wide task has changed. |
HaveEnoughSSDCapacity | MINOR | Sufficient SSD capacity exists for all the provisioned filesystems. |
IOStarted | INFO | The system has started. |
IOStopped | INFO | The system has stopped. |
NotEnoughSSDCapacity | CRITICAL | Need more SSD capacity for all the provisioned filesystems. |
QOSConfigReset | INFO | QoS configuration reset |
QOSConfigSet | INFO | QoS configuration set |
StartIORequested | INFO | The user has requested to start the IO. |
StopIORequested | INFO | The user has requested to stop the IO. |
SystemInfoReport | INFO | The management process (node) started, reporting OS info. |
ThreadPoolCanNotStartThread | MINOR | The reactor's thread pool failed to start a thread. |
TooManyFibers | MINOR | Too many fiber allocations. |
Type | Severity | Description |
TracesConfigurationActivated | INFO | Traces configuration change |
TracesConfigurationDeactivated | INFO | Traces configuration change |
TracesConfigurationReset | INFO | Traces configuration change |
TracesConfigurationUpdated | INFO | Traces configuration change |
TracesFreezePeriodReset | INFO | Traces freeze period has been reset |
TracesFreezePeriodSet | INFO | Traces freeze period has been set |
Type | Severity | Description |
CleanupUpgradePhaseSkipped | MAJOR | Skipped Cleanup in Upgrade Phase: {currentPhase}. |
ClientUpgradeRequested | INFO | A client upgrade is requested. |
ComputeUpgradeFinished | INFO | The compute containers upgrade has finished. |
ComputeUpgradeInvoked | INFO | The compute containers upgrade has started. |
ComputeUpgradeStarted | INFO | The compute containers upgrade has started. |
DrivesUpgradeFinished | INFO | The drives containers upgrade has finished. |
DrivesUpgradeStarted | INFO | The drives containers upgrade has started. |
ExternalUpgradeCancelled | INFO | The external upgrade has being cancelled. |
ExternalUpgradeFinished | INFO | The external upgrade has finished. |
ExternalUpgradeStarting | INFO | An external upgrade has started. |
FinishedExternalHostUpgrade | INFO | The external server (host) upgrade has finished. |
FrontendUpgradeFinished | INFO | The frontend containers upgrade has finished. |
FrontendUpgradeStarted | INFO | The frontend containers upgrade has started. |
StartingExternalHostUpgrade | INFO | The external server (host) upgrade has started. |
TargetVersionChange | DEBUG | Target version has changed. |
UpgradeStatusChange | DEBUG | Upgrade status has changed. |
WekaVersionDowngraded | WARNING | The cluster is running a lower version. |
Type | Severity | Description |
LDAPAuthDisabled | INFO | LDAP authentication disabled |
LDAPAuthEnabled | INFO | LDAP authentication enabled |
LDAPConfigUpdated | INFO | LDAP configuration updated |
UserCreated | INFO | The user is created. |
UserDeleted | INFO | The user is deleted. |
UserLoggedIn | INFO | User logged in. |
UserLoginFailed | INFO | User login failed. |
UserLoginLocked | MINOR | User login locked. |
UserPasswordChangedByAnotherUser | INFO | The administrator changed the user password. |
UserPasswordChanged | INFO | The user changed the password. |
UserRoleChanged | INFO | The user role is changed. |
Last updated