Manage filesystem groups using the CLI
This pages describes how to view and manage filesystem groups using the CLI.
Using the CLI, you can perform the following actions:
View filesystem groups
Command: weka fs group
Use this command to view information on the filesystem groups in the WEKA system.
Add a filesystem group
Command: weka fs group create
Use the following command to add a filesystem group:
weka fs group create <name> [--target-ssd-retention=<target-ssd-retention>] [--start-demote=<start-demote>]
Name | Value | Default |
| Name of the filesystem group being created | |
| Target retention period (in seconds) before tiering to the object store | 86400 (24 hours) |
| Target tiering cue (in seconds) before tiering to the object store | 10 |
Edit a filesystem group
Command: weka fs group update
Use the following command to edit a filesystem group:
weka fs group update <name> [--new-name=<new-name>] [--target-ssd-retention=<target-ssd-retention>] [--start-demote=<start-demote>]
Name | Value |
| Name of the filesystem group to edit. It must be a valid name. |
| New name for the filesystem group. |
| New target retention period (in seconds) before tiering to the object store. |
| New target tiering cue (in seconds) before tiering to the object store. |
Delete a filesystem group
Command: weka fs group delete
Use the following command line to delete a filesystem group:
weka fs group delete <name>
Name | Value |
| Name of the filesystem group to delete |
Related topics
To learn about the tiring policy, see:
Last updated