Get support for your WEKA system

Discover WEKA's support policies, proactive approach, and helpful tips for a seamless start.

Contact Customer Success Team

WEKA provides a 24/7 technical support service according to WEKA's technical support policy (provided on-demand) based on the inquiry classification (severity level).

Choose the classification option to access detailed information and necessary steps for further action.

The Critical classification is exclusively reserved for critical business systems that hinder the functioning of business operations, leading to decreased productivity or financial losses, and potentially resulting in data loss or corruption.

Do one of the following:

Call WEKA support number: +1 (844) 392-0665

Leave a voice message, which is directed to the active support personnel.

Open a ticket in the Support Portal

To get started, sign up as a user in the Support Portal: (if not done yet). Then, open a ticket and select the Critical classification.

You can monitor tickets and receive timely notifications and updates whenever any changes occur to the tickets.

WEKA provides only remote support as part of its SLA.

The SLA detailed in the technical support policy is for WEKA software issues. Issues caused by faulty hardware depend on the hardware provider, and WEKA is not responsible for the hardware provider's timelines and response time.

  • Upload information from the WEKA cluster to Weka Home for each provisioned cluster.

  • Create an account on the Weka Support Portal This account allows you to submit and check the status of tickets and browse our online knowledge base.

Related topic

WEKA Home - The WEKA support cloud


If you find our response to be unsatisfactory or believe that there is potential for improvement, you have the option to escalate the incident to our management team.

To initiate the escalation process, please contact WEKA Support at +1 (844) 392-0665 and select the escalation option. You can leave a voicemail stating your request for escalation of the issue.

Depending on the time of day and their respective time zones, your escalation request will be directed to one of our executive managers. We operate on a "follow the sun" approach, ensuring that one of our executive managers is available to address your escalation request.

Last updated