Getting started with WEKA REST API

The WEKA system provides a RESTful API, enabling you to automate interactions with the WEKA system and integrate them into your workflows or monitoring systems.

It is essential to have a solid understanding of the WEKA CLI commands and parameters related to the REST API services.

Access the REST API

You can access the REST API using one of the following methods:

Using port 14000 and the URL /api/v2.

Explore the REST API through the GUI

Obtain an access token

To use the WEKA REST API, provide an access or refresh token.

You can generate an access or refresh for the REST API usage through the CLI or the GUI. See Obtain authentication tokens.

You can also call the login API to obtain access or refresh tokens through the API, providing it with a username and password.

If you already obtained a refresh token, you can use the login/refresh API to refresh the access token.

Python example calling the login API
import requests

url = "https://weka01:14000/api/v2/login"

payload="{\n    \"username\": \"admin\",\n    \"password\": \"admin\"\n}"
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'

response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


The response includes the access token (valid for 5 minutes) to use in the other APIs requiring token authentication, along with the refresh token (valid for 1 year), for getting additional access tokens without using the username/password.

Login/Refresh Response
  "data": [
      "access_token": "ACCESS-TOKEN",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": 300,
      "refresh_token": "REFRESH-TOKEN"

Call the REST API

Once you obtain an access token, you can call WEKA REST API commands with it. For example, you can query the cluster status:

Python example calling cluster status API
import requests

url = "https://weka01:14000/api/v2/cluster"

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Bearer REPLACE-WITH-ACCESS-TOKEN'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)


Related topics

REST API Reference Guide

Last updated