Tailor your storage class configuration with mount options

Leverage mount options for tailored storage control with the CSI Plugin.


The CSI Plugin empowers you with mount options, allowing you to customize how WekaFS volumes are presented to pods. This enables granular control over storage behavior, optimizing performance and data management for containerized workloads.

Mount options are key-value pairs specified during volume mounting that modify the default filesystem or storage provider behavior. These settings influence caching, data integrity, filesystem limits, and more.

When to use mount options:

  • Tailor performance: Optimize caching strategies for read-heavy or write-intensive workloads (noatime, readcache).

  • Enhance data integrity: Enforce data consistency and reliability (example: sync).

  • Customize behavior: Adjust settings like filesystem size limits for specific use cases (example: fstype).

  • Troubleshoot issues: Fine-tune settings to resolve performance bottlenecks or compatibility problems.

Standard mount options and use cases

The CSI Plugin supports all standard mount options except the read-only (ro) option. The following table briefly lists the supported mount options for convenience.

Set custom mount options with CSI Plugin

This example procedure demonstrates how to set custom mount options using the WEKA CSI Plugin.


  • The Kubernetes environment is set up and accessible.

  • The kubectl command-line tool is installed and configured.


  1. Create StorageClass:

    a. Open or create a YAML file for your StorageClass definition (for example, storageclass-wekafs-mountoptions.yaml).

    b. Add the following content to define the StorageClass with custom mount options:

    apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: StorageClass
      name: storageclass-wekafs-mountoptions
    provisioner: csi.weka.io
      mountOptions: "rw,relatime,readcache,noatime,readahead_kb=32768,dentry_max_age_positive=1000,dentry_max_age_negative=0"
c. Apply the StorageClass using the following command:

kubectl apply -f storageclass-wekafs-mountoptions.yaml

2. Create CSI secret: a. Execute the following command to create a CSI secret named csi-wekafs-api-secret (located in ../common/csi-wekafs-api-secret.yaml):

kubectl apply -f ../common/csi-wekafs-api-secret.yaml

This step ensures that the necessary credentials are available for the CSI Plugin.

3. Provision a new volume:

Apply the StorageClass to provision a new volume. Use the following command:

kubectl apply -f <FILE>.yaml

* Replace `<FILE>` with the path to your YAML file containing the Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) definition.

4. Create application:

a. Create an application manifest file (for example, `csi-app-fs-mountoptions.yaml`) or use an existing one.

b. In the manifest, specify the PVC with the custom mount options:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: csi-app-fs-mountoptions
  replicas: 1
      app: csi-app-fs-mountoptions
        app: csi-app-fs-mountoptions
      - name: csi-app-fs-mountoptions
        image: <YOUR_IMAGE>
        - mountPath: "/data"
          name: wekafs-volume
      - name: wekafs-volume
          claimName: pvc-wekafs-fs-mountoptions

* Replace `<YOUR_IMAGE>` with the desired container image.

c. Deploy the application:

kubectl apply -f csi-app-fs-mountoptions.yaml

5. Attach and validate:

Attach to the application pod:

kubectl exec csi-app-fs-mountoptions -- mount -t wekafs

b. Verify that the output resembles to the following example:

csivol-pvc-15a45f20-Z72GJXDCEWQ5 on /data type wekafs (rw,relatime,readcache,noatime,readahead_kb=32768,dentry_max_age_positive=1000,dentry_max_age_negative=0)


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