Obtain the WEKA installation packages
This page describes registering to get.weka.io and obtaining the WEKA installation packages: WMS, WSA, and WEKA software release.
Register to get.weka.io
To sign in to get.weka.io, you first need to create an account and fill in your details. If you already have a registered account for get.weka.io, skip this procedure.
Go to the get.weka.io download site, and select Create an account.
The Send Registration Email page opens.
2. Fill in your organization's email address (private mail is prohibited). Select I’m not a robot, and then select Send Registration Email.
3. Check your inbox for a registration email from Weka.io. To confirm your registration, select the link. The Create Your Account page opens.
4. Fill in your email address, full name, and password. Then, select Create Account.
Your request for access to get.weka.io is sent to WEKA for review. Wait for a validation email. Once your registration is approved, you can sign in to get.weka.io.
Download the WEKA installation packages
Download the required WEKA installation packages according to the workflow path.
Path A (automated with WMS and WSA): Download the WMS and WSA ISOs from get.weka.io. The WMS is downloaded from a dedicated dropdown. The WSA is found in the relevant release page.
Path B (automated with WSA): Download the WSA package from get.weka.io The WSA is found in the relevant release page.
Path C (manual installation and configuration): Download the WEKA software tarball from get.weka.io. The tarball is found in the relevant release page.
You can only sign in and download the packages if you are a registered user.
Procedure: Download from get.weka.io
Go to the get.weka.io download site, and sign in with your registered account.
get.weka.io page opens.
Do one of the following:
Select the required package from the dashboard.
Select the Releases tab, select the required release, and follow the download instructions. (The token in the download link is purposely blurred.)
What to do next?
Depending on the workflow path you follow, go to one of the following:
Install the WEKA cluster using the WMS with WSA (path A)