Manage authentication across multiple clusters with connection profiles

Learn how to manage authentication across multiple clusters in the WEKA CLI using connection profiles, enabling seamless switching between clusters without re-authentication.


Managing authentication across multiple clusters in the WEKA CLI is streamlined with connection profiles. By default, when you run the weka user login command, it creates a profile stored as .weka/auth-token.json. This is sufficient for single-cluster environments. However, in a multi-cluster environment, use the --profile parameter to create and manage separate profiles for each cluster. This allows you to switch between clusters without needing to re-authenticate each time, enhancing efficiency and usability.

Profile naming conventions

When creating a connection profile, follow these guidelines:

  • Maximum length: 50 characters

  • Allowed characters:

    • Alphanumeric (A-Z, a-z, 0-9)

    • Underscores (_)

    • Hyphens (-)

Profile names dictate where authentication details are stored in the .weka directory:

  • Default profile: .weka/auth-token.json

  • Named profiles: .weka/auth-token-<profile-name>.json

Log in with profiles

The weka user login command supports profiles, enabling you to specify which profile to use or create a new one.

Command syntax:

weka user login --profile <profile-name>
  • Default profile: If no profile is specified, the system uses the default profile.

  • Profile-specific file: Authentication information is saved in a file named after the profile.

  • Success message: After a successful login, the following message appears:

    Login completed successfully.
    <Default/profileN> profile updated.
  • Failure message: If the profile is not found or the login fails, an error message displays the profile name and file path.

Log out of profiles

The weka user logout command supports profiles, enabling you to remove the authentication details for a specific profile.

Command syntax:

weka user logout --profile <profile-name>
  • The specified profile’s authentication file is deleted.

  • If no profile is specified, the default profile is logged out.

Using profiles with WEKA CLI commands

You can specify a profile when executing most WEKA CLI commands using the --profile option. If no profile is provided, the default profile is used.

Command syntax:

weka <command> --profile <profile-name>

The --profile option is not supported with weka diag commands. The default profile is used for diagnostics.

Related topic

Mount filesystems from Single Client to Multiple Clusters (SCMC)

Last updated