Access S3 using AWS CLI

Learn how to configure and use the AWS CLI with WEKA's S3 storage.

To use the AWS CLI to access S3-compatible storage on WEKA, configure the CLI with the appropriate endpoint and credentials.

  • If you are using a self-signed SSL certificate or a WEKA backend IP address as your S3 endpoint, append --no-verify-ssl to any AWS CLI commands listed below.

  • These examples assume you have a properly configured WEKA S3 protocol servers. For guidance on configuring the S3 protocol on your WEKA cluster, see Manage the S3 protocol.

Install and configure the AWS CLI

  1. Verify AWS CLI is installed:

    1. Verify that the AWS CLI is installed on your system. If required, see Install the AWS CLI.

  2. Configure AWS CLI with WEKA credentials:

    1. Use the following command to start configuration:

      aws configure
    2. Enter the following information when prompted:

      • AWS Access Key ID: Your WEKA S3 user access key.

      • AWS Secret Access Key: Your WEKA S3 user secret key.

      • Default region name: You can leave this blank.

      • Default output format: You can leave this blank.

  3. Enable AWS Signature Version 4 for WEKA server:

    1. WEKA requires AWS Signature Version 4 for authentication. Set it using:

      aws configure set default.s3.signature_version s3v4

AWS CLI usage

When using AWS CLI commands with WEKA, specify the custom endpoint URL. The following are some common operations:

List buckets

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 ls

Replace https://your-weka-server:9000 with your WEKA server's actual address.

Create a bucket

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 mb s3://mybucket

This command creates a new bucket named mybucket.

Upload a file

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 cp local-file.txt s3://mybucket/

This command uploads local-file.txt to the mybucket bucket.

List bucket contents

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 ls s3://mybucket

This command lists the contents of the mybucket bucket.

Download a file

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 cp s3://mybucket/remote-file.txt ./

This command downloads remote-file.txt from the mybucket bucket to the current directory.

Delete a file

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 rm s3://mybucket/file-to-delete.txt

This command deletes file-to-delete.txt from the mybucket bucket.

Remove a bucket

If you attempt to remove a bucket that is not empty, you receive an error. You must either empty all object versions from the bucket or add --force to the remove bucket command. --force deletes the bucket and all object versions within it.

aws --endpoint-url https://your-weka-server:9000 s3 rb s3://mybucket

This command removes the mybucket bucket.

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